12 Meanings
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Best God in Show Lyrics

I’ve no consideration, zero mutual respect
For billions who suffer from rational thought neglect
I don’t wanna waste a sentence, I don’t want a convert-sation
That’s gonna end in disdain, disbelief and aggravation
And I find it’s getting harder to hang out
With grown adults who actually believe
In Santa Claus and Noah’s Ark and that their god is the best
My distaste has turned into detest
Who would read a 2000 year old medical journal
Techniques for bloodletting, advice on Trichinosis
Would you navigate the globe with a map of a flat earth
Without DNA testing, would you believe virgin birth
I find it’s getting painful to put up
With grown adults who actually believe
In Unicorns and Creation, and god always takes their side
That’s when my innocent jabbing turns snide
Thank god for the grammy, thank god for the touchdown
Thank god for blowing up the enemy’s sacred ground
So how am I supposed to take anything you say seriously?
When you’ve swapped free will for faith, how and pre-destiny
And it’s getting agonizing to hang out
With grown adults who actually believe
Mythology and history trump physics and science
My aversion has turned to abhorrence
12 Meanings
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its worse when your parents are christian, and they raise you christian, and then you end up not believing in god, but they still do, its pretty crazy how people can believe shit like that, just like in the song its just like believing in santa clause or unicorns

yea, and then when you tell them or its brought up, they freak out like you're the worst person to ever live. it's sad.

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telling athiests to get over it is retarded. athiests are the only minority it is still ok to hate.

we had a president who thought the soldiers who he was sending to their deaths were going to have eternal life. and said that athiests shouldnt be citizens.

religion is a dangerous delusion and it is way too big a deal to "let it go".

Yeah as an atheist Marine, that hurt

Yeah as an atheist Marine, that hurt

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Pretty obvious. Mike is finding it harder and harder to live and interact with Christians.

Something I can relate to pretty well as of late.

Great song.

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Well, I don't think this song really requires explanation. I have Christian friends, but sometimes I have to just walk away when they get into their "righteous rage" mode. Can't argue with blissful ignorance, but it's fun to try. I love when they get all pissy.

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So how am I supposed to take anything you say seriously?

HAHAHAHA Best lyrics ever!

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definately the best song lyrically on the new record, pretty obvious what it's about. fat mike (as am i) is annoyed and in disbelief with the fact that grown adults still mindlessly follow religion and get pissed at you anytime you question the existance of their almighty god because their too ignorant to hear the truth. although pissing off christains is pretty fun :D

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"When you've swapped free will for faith..."

That's an interesting lyric, because most non-believers do not believe in free will, either. Most Atheists, like myself, believe that free will is an illusion, and we're merely products of genetics, environment and influences. I wonder if they do believe in free will? Either that, or I'm looking too deeply in a lyric that merely is there to explain ignorance?

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It sounds like Fat Mike preachin atheism again. I will pay to go to his next "sermon" next time he is in town though. Sucks when you are a Christian and athiests preach at you all the time. If God had blessed me with a good voice like Mike I might be rich and get some great somgs but then randomly preach God music to him. But then again he is a Jew on drugs and wouldn't listen or care. I should sing Jews for Jesus.

Greg Graffin from Bad religion does it with better class I think.

What happened to down with goverment punk???? Punks are the new hippies and I brains feel disgust.

You are a good Christian... That's what Punk is about, being anti-Religion, anti-stupidity, saying your opinion, offending people ... Saying he's preaching atheism, what the fuck. He criticizes the ignorance and dangers of religion, the stupidity of their followers. You might think the aversion or deep hate against Christianity of some atheists is wrong but your life has not been destroyed by atheism. The next time you thank God, think about the 40 thousand children who are starving to death every day, what a benevolent God!

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This whole argument cheapens the meaning of this song. The conversation is an endless debate. Therefore, a waste of time. I think the point is how much it sucks when others force their beliefs. And I don't believe Fat Mike has forced his beliefs upon me.

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Just saying both atheism and agnosticism are philosophic ideologies not religions

My Opinion
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