39 Meanings
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Him Lyrics

Would you please take me away from this place
I cannot bear to see the look upon your faces
And if there is some kind of god do you think he's pleased
When he looks down on us I wonder what he sees
Do you think he'd think the things we do are a waste of time
Maybe he'd think we are getting on just fine
Do you think he's skint or financially secure
And come election time I wonder who he'd vote for

Ever since he can remember people have died in his good name
Long before that September
Long before hijacking planes
He's lost the will he can't decide
He doesn't know who's right or wrong
But there's one thing that he's sure of this has been going on too long

Do you think he'd drive in his car without insurance
Now is he interesting or do you think he'd bore us
Do you think his favourite type of human is caucasian
Do you reckon he's ever been done for tax evasion
Do you think he's any good at remembering people's names
Do you think he's ever taken smack or cocaine
I don't imagine he's ever been suicidal
His favourite band is Creedence Clearwater Revival

Ever since he can remember people have died in his good name
Long before that September
Long before hijacking planes
He's lost the will he can't decide
He doesn't know who's right or wrong
But there's one thing that he's sure of this has been going on too long

Ever since he can remember people have died in his good name
Long before that September
Long before hijacking planes
He's lost the will he can't decide
He doesn't know who's right or wrong
But there's one thing that he's sure of this has been going on too long
Song Info
Submitted by
feel Me Loud On Dec 24, 2008
39 Meanings
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It is not about dissing god you idiot, it is about how wrong our scoiety is. "And if there is some kind of god do you think he's pleased When he looks down on us I wonder what he sees" she is saying what would god think of all the stupid decisions we make. I personally love the new direction she has gone in.

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lily is most definitely not god-bashing in this song. she is, however, bashing people who do terrible things in the name of religion. such as the 9/11 reference, and saying people have died in gods name before then (crusades, etc). and a lot of the song is sarcastic in a way, such as the caucasian part. and she criticizes society in most of this, and the stupid things we do. shes basically questioning her own religion and basically asking god who is right. its a rather good, insightful song.

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She's just pondering her own religious belief, and her own image of whatever god she may or may not believe in... And saying "her album is trash" without backing up your opinion or giving reasons really isn't saying anything of substance. I think her new album is a really intelligent critique on society, and that the songs that go outside of herself are very insightful and prove her to be a fast maturing artist.

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This is obviously NOT dissing God. It's about how God wouldn't be happy about how screwed up our world is, and how maybe God Himself is even overwhelmed by it. Notice how she says "He's sure it's been going on too long." She's saying that He's sick and tired of society's bullshit and it needs to stop. She's also saying that (well in the song she says she's wondering but it's obvious it's satire) God hates how we treat people who are different from us, and how he doesn't favor white people ("Do you think his favourite type of human is caucasian?") over anyone else, but how our society obviously does and it has to stop.

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Maybe I'm just stupid, but would someone please explain to me the line about Creedence Clearwater Revival?

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this song is definitely about bush do you really think that god's favorite band would be creedance clearwater revival? and people have been dying in his name bush sr. did have a war of his own and people died in the bush name i think the god bit is kinda random

yeah, and i looked up GB's favourite songs, and sure enough it mentioned Creedence Clearwater Revival and one of their songs. that's a real giveaway.

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Honestly I think the George W. Bush reference couldn't be clearer. Bush is know as a sort of hillbilly, so Credence is the perfect band for him, and the September 11th reference is pretty clear: "long before that September, long before hijacking planes"...

As for God, I'm a faithful christian and I think she's referring to the fact that good is probably pretty disappointed in how we've done some things, or how we handle our problems.

Bush isn't exactly the best decision maker, so I think this is Lily's way of criticizing him. It's not a hate sort of thing, more of a wondering why he's like that and a hope he wouldn't be so pro-war.

Do you know who Creedence Clearwater Revival is? They have so many songs that are anti-war and anti-economic inequality. That couldn't be less perfect for Bush, unless you meant it ironically.

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What I love about this song is that she gives god a personality. Instead of being this almighty figure, he is just like us. I heard this song at a time that I was doubting religion. I mean if we are all his children, then why do all these bad things keep happening?

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how the hell is she dissing God????

this is a great song, one of my favorites.

My Opinion
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good song, i think some of these lyrics are a bit wrong.

@griffinh21 Excellent insight...

@griffinh21 Excellent insight...

shes saying that people in society do horrible and stupid things in the name in God. This is shown in "People have died in his good name." And when it says "He's lost the will he can't decide He doesn't know whose right or wrong", shes furthering the commentary that people do completely different things in the name of God. It's not God who can't decide, it's the people who say what God wants.

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