The Perfect Boy Lyrics
Nothing else is real
The two of us is all there is
The rest is just a dream
Like a destiny thing
Written in the stars
Inescapable fate, yeah it's out of my hands
Falling into your arms
But I would love you to take my time
We're on the edge of a beautiful thing, she said
Come on, let's stay here for awhile
Oooooh girl, he is the perfect boy
But not the only one I need
The two of us is never all there is
That doesn't happen for real
If it was meant to be us, it was meant to be now
Don't see the sense in wasting time
If you're so sure about this (long kismet hearty thing?)
You know tonight, you're mine
But I have to be gone by three
We're on the edge of a beautiful thing, he said
So come on, jump with me
Oooooh girl, he's not so wonderful
Oooooh girl, he's not the one for sure
Oooooh girl, he's not the perfect all
Nothing else is real
The two of us is all there is
The rest is just a dream
But the hurt will never destroy
Her hope, the happy ever after girl
One day finds the perfect boy

This song is lovely! I see this song as 2 people from different fields/backgrounds, which is cleverly put in this song. The girl probably really appreciates him and saw things in him she really likes, in a pure way and would not do anything that would be wrong, or simply respects him, or maybe one of them was married? Perhaps she did not want to mix the "out of this world" feeling with the carnal one? She must be some kind of girl with strong principles or something :) The boy I think, coming from a different field, is surrounded by so many temptations... has difficulties -through no fault of his own- to see that there can be things that are better and higher and more uplifting and lasting than romance. Perhaps she knows there are things that are higher that he does not know of, or never has experienced before, and so did not understand it. Perhaps because of what he is surrounded with, he failed to feel or see why he felt that way? The girl sensing it, did not want to abuse the situation and still loves him with a pure love which may be frustrating on the boy's part, because he does not understand that kind of love? The girl must too be sad to realise what he has gone through. It is such a clever song!
I think Robert should be recognized as a poet as well as a musician, songwriter, singer and performer. I love the way he writes, he is different from a lot of English/American artists!

For some stupid reason I hit Add Comment before I was finnished. I meant only one of the verses seems like Robert comforting the girl, this one:
Oooooh girl, he's not the one for sure Oooooh girl, he's not so wonderful Oooooh girl, he's not the one for sure Oooooh girl, he's not the perfect all
I get the impression that she's in denile about his true character and this is him trying to convince her to get rid of him, telling her she can do better.

After a few listens, it seems to me like the whole of 4:13 Dream could be read like a loose concept album. It starts really innocently, with a couple falling in love, but this and "The Hungry Ghost" are where the problems really start coming to a head. If you're reading it that way (which is not to say that there aren't deeper meanings in all of the other songs), this is where it becomes apparent that the male in the relationship is not as commited to the relationship as the girl is. She's naive and in love and he's only in it as part of fueling his own wild lifestyle. He's not the perfect boy at all ;D

I think the song is about Robert singing for another guy that can see that another relationship isn't working or knows that those two aren't meant for each other and wishes that one day she will "find the perfect boy" or him:)
I played this song at a cafe and I dedicated it to two "friends of mine" but I was actually dedicating it to this girl that I am madly in love with and her boyfriend..just hoping that she would look at me in a different way. she wasn't there but I recorded it.
She understands how he felt and the struggles... she knows it was not his fault, and understands why he went astray.
She understands how he felt and the struggles... she knows it was not his fault, and understands why he went astray.
you seem 2 have gone through it yourself. when you say you dedicated this song to this girl and she wasnt there, i did something similar myself,but never told her directly what i felt. new year's resolution: if you know where she is, or how to contact her, do it rather than play or sing it.
you seem 2 have gone through it yourself. when you say you dedicated this song to this girl and she wasnt there, i did something similar myself,but never told her directly what i felt. new year's resolution: if you know where she is, or how to contact her, do it rather than play or sing it.
I like that lovendscure, good luck!
I like that lovendscure, good luck!

amazing. I am so excited for everything they are recently recording. the lyrics are great.


I think he says
"Kismet Hardy thing"
Lord Nelson was rumoured to have said it before he died.
b.t.w. Kismet means fate.

it's 'laurel kismet hardy thing'

I think the song is about a girl obviously being head over heels for a boy, and the boy tells her he feels the same way, but doesn't think it. He basically uses the fact that she's that in love with him to take advantage of her in some way. Most likely for sex.
Yea Biatch

I was thinking maybe similar to Clemm... Like how we girls do get a little over excited and use exaggerating words like "Perfect". So like, the girl in this song believes they are 100% made for each other, but the boy fears there may be someone better for her out there and he might not really be "The One".