You Can Do Better Than Me Lyrics

We're starting to feel
We stayed together out of fear
Of dying alone
I've been slipping through the years
My old clothes don't fit like they once did
So they hang like ghosts
Of the people I've been

It's like my heart can't take
My fall in love every day
And I feel like a fool

I have to face the truth
That no one could ever look at me like you do
Like I'm something worth holding on to

These times I think of leaving
But it's something I'll never do

'Cause you can do better than me
But I can't do better than you
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Cover art for You Can Do Better Than Me lyrics by Death Cab for Cutie

i don't think that's bound to the aging couple part, just two people who've been together for too long. i think is about the fear of leaving someone that you know for certain loves you deeply. fear of the possibility that you'll never find someone like that ever again. this is, actually, my present.

Cover art for You Can Do Better Than Me lyrics by Death Cab for Cutie

I think that classic sort of feeling is really ironic in contrast to the lyrics, which I think is the point. It reminds me of Jonathan Coulton. Like, I heard the beginning, and read the title, and thought "Yeah, it's going to sound happy, but it's just kind of sad."

Ahh! You're right it does have a Jonathan Coulton quality to it! Also, thanks for mentioning JoCo, you made my day. :)

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Cover art for You Can Do Better Than Me lyrics by Death Cab for Cutie


Love the classy tune of this track. I suppose this song is about an aging couple who have been together so long that, even if they're not right together, they stay together because they're so comfortable where they're at. He lusts other women but knows none of them will love him like this woman does.

Cover art for You Can Do Better Than Me lyrics by Death Cab for Cutie

reminds me of the great beach boys song "I'm waiting for the day"

Cover art for You Can Do Better Than Me lyrics by Death Cab for Cutie

I love how classic this song sounds. It's like an epic Oasis song or All You Need Is Love.

Sad about the length, though.

Cover art for You Can Do Better Than Me lyrics by Death Cab for Cutie

i love how much ben puts himself into character. when he says 'dying alone', i think about what sarah said, and the whole point of it being that we all die alone. and how here he says theyre staying together so that they dont die alone.

and i also love that old classic type feel to the song.

Cover art for You Can Do Better Than Me lyrics by Death Cab for Cutie

They took a page from Wilco's Summerteeth book for this one, but it's a good song. Meaning is obvious.

Cover art for You Can Do Better Than Me lyrics by Death Cab for Cutie

This song kind of confuses me. The first two verses I feel like he isn't very happy in this relationship and stays with her just because he is scared of "dying alone".

However, the last three verses seem to say the opposite. The third verse seems like he can't control his heart and he fall in love with her every single day. Then he realizes that no one will ever love or see him like she does. She sees him as something worth the time and worth hanging onto. Then the last verse goes back to the unhappy relationship mindset again. Sometimes he wants to leave but he knows that he never would because she can find someone a lot better than him while he knows that he won't be able to "do better than you".

Cover art for You Can Do Better Than Me lyrics by Death Cab for Cutie

"cannnn309", welcome to an everyday human relationship.. it's confusing.. to say the least..

Cover art for You Can Do Better Than Me lyrics by Death Cab for Cutie

Its saying how he has something great, but wants to move on sometimes. However he realizes there will never be another relationship like this again if he leaves. How the girl deserves better, but he doesn't.

AKA my current relationship.