You, Me & The Bourgeoisie Lyrics

Here I am with all the pleasures of the first world
Laid out before me, who am I to breakdown?

Everyday I wake up, I choose love, I choose light
And I try, it's too easy just to fall apart

Oh, my baby don't be so distressed
We're done with politesse
It's time to be so brutally honest about
The way we know we long for something fine
When we pine for higher ceilings
And bourgeois happy feelings

And here we are in the center of the first world
It's laid out before us, who are we to break down?

Everyday we wake up, we choose love, we choose light
And we try, it's too easy just to fall apart

Plastic bottles, imported water
Cars we drive wherever we want to
Clothes we buy, it's sweatshop labor
Drugs from corporate enablers
We're not living the good life
Unless we're fighting the good fight
You and me just trying to get it right

In the center of the first world
It's laid out before us, who are we to break down?
Everyday we wake up, we choose love, we choose light
And we try, it's too easy just to fall apart
Love can free us from all excess
From our deepest debt
'Cause when our hearts are full we need much less
Yeah, I know we long for something fine
When we pine for higher ceilings
And bourgeois happy feelings
But here we are, in the center of the first world
It's laid out before us, who are we to break down?
Here we are, in the center of the first world
It's laid out before us, who are we to break down?
Everyday we wake up, we choose love, we choose light
And we try, it's too easy just to fall a-

Everyday we wake up, we choose love, we choose light
And we try, it's too easy just to fall apart
Song Info
Submitted by
ddavidalpert1623 On Feb 05, 2008
17 Meanings
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why is it on an iphone 3g commercial then?

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This song is about how we all strive for such banal things as pretty, shiny cars and the like. This drives us into debt and unhappiness.

When we 'love' and enjoy life, and try to lead it outside of the bourgeois-style idea of success and happiness, we become happy and we learn to live on much less "cause when our hearts are full we need much less."

In case you were wondering, bourgeois means the affluent middle-class, it's a derogative term meaning a senseless, materialistic way to live. It's not considered a good thing to be regarded as part of the bourgeoisie.

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Here we are in the center of the first world It's laid out before us, who are we to break down?

such a good point. we live in the first world (vs the third world countries who struggle with life threatening challenges everyday) and it's about how even some of the greatest problems in our lives that we might "break down" over are actually quite trivial when placed into context of the bigger picture.

i think the part about how it's easy to fall apart is saying how it's easy to get tied up in other selfish things and we have to remember to stick together and "choose love and choose light" and not fall apart from one another.

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I will agree with the comments already posted - good insight. My two cents is that sometimes we are so selfish always wanting more and more and we feel that we need fill our hearts and minds with material things but the line "Cause when our hearts are full we need much less" - SO TRUE. All the material things in the world will never truly satisfy our hearts. What a great and catchy song that you don't get sick of.

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This song being in the iPhone commercial is really ironic. On a side note, the female singer is the great-granddaughter of F. Scott Fitzgerald. That's pretty cool.

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haha, i'm inclined to agree with Boro

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apple is laughing its ass off using this song... so catchy, so against the use of material things cough cough like ipods cough

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I'm pretty sure it's "bourgeois happy feelings" (not "push for happy feelings").

it reminds me a lot about the idea of going beyond "mere happiness" and wanting something more than that, like a more refined and worldly sense of happiness instead of just banal things, like tree-lights said.

And totally awesome job AE for having this free download!

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definitely agree with warhol34, as well as the irony of this song being in a commercial for the iPhone 3g, one of the ultimate first world bourgeoisie items

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What a pathetically pretentious song. LOL.

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