Freedom Never Cries Lyrics
For a broken guitar
I took a flag to a pawn shop
How much is that guitar?
I took a flag to a pawn shop
I got me that guitar
What’s a flag in a pawn shop to me?
In a mask with a gun
A man on the TV
He had a ten year old son
I saw a man on the TV
His son had a gun
He says that he’s coming for me
I never loved the soldier
Until there was a war
or thought about tomorrow
‘til my baby hit the floor
I only talk to God
When somebody’s about to die
I never cherished freedom
To settle my soul
A song for a dead man
And now I’ll never grow old
I wrote a song for a dead man
Now I’m hollowed in the cold
What’s a song to a dead man to me?
Until there was a war
or thought about tomorrow
‘til my baby hit the floor
I only talk to God
When somebody’s about to die
I never cherished freedom
Die for her
Lay down your life for her
Kiss and wave goodbye to her
Anything at all
Die for her
Make up your mind to her
Anything at all
Wailing away
There’s a baby on the doorstep
Longing for the day
There’s a baby on the doorstep
Who’d give his life to take
A flag to a pawn shop
A flag to a pawn shop
May he forget why he is crying

Simple. It means that even if you take somethings for granted, and never show any attention to them, they are still there.
Also, freedom is a concept. You can fight for freedom, but in the end, it's still a concept. It can't cry, it can't die, it's just a word with a meaning.

wow at first i didn't like this song, but i realized i just wasn't listening to it..once i listened i loved it much like all of the FFF songs. It reminds me of losing someone i really cared about and how it wasn't till after they went that i realized how much i loved them. You don't think about things until you have too or really want to.

I think that Ondrasik is trying to be cynical in the first verse, but oddly enough, I agree with the narrator: A flag is nothing more than a piece of cloth. It's a symbol, and I don't have much use for symbols. A guitar, though, I have use for. Even a broken one -- you could fix it, and then use it to play a song. What's a flag good for? All you can do is stare at it. So the narrator's right (or at least, that's what I'd have done): "I got me that guitar/ What's a flag in a pawn shop to me?"

i like the verse where it says "i wrote a song for a dead man." sure its good to write a song for a dead man to remember him and it makes you feel better but it doesn't effect the dead man. you should write the song before he dies

I get the impression that this song isn't pro-war OR anti-war, in particular; it's about the real issues BEHIND the nationalism, the patriotism, the terror, the commemoration, the concepts. It's about the way it affects you and me, rather than rhetoric.

I think that the artist is trying to portray the concept that freedom is freedom, and you can fight to defend it as much as you want, but it's still a word. I think that he's trying to say that we take so many things for granted as a whole soceity, and if we don't stop, well... those things just might start to slowly fade away.

I dont see how its about freedom is just a word? it doesnt fit in with the other theme and The way u guys are saying it as if freedom doesnt matter
Maybe its about we take things for granted as well as freedom . With out it, we couldnt bring a flag to a pawn shop, But people withs guns and such are taking it for granted adn now they dont have freedom cuz theyre in jail
Freedom Never cries because it doesnt have to pity you if you take advantage of it it can just be taken from you
I explained that bady but ull get it im sure
it's not that we're sayin freedom doesn't matter, it's just that it doesn't have a voice if everybody takes it for granted
it's not that we're sayin freedom doesn't matter, it's just that it doesn't have a voice if everybody takes it for granted

So what Im trying to say, is cherish everything because you might never get the chance again like the poor baby, might never get to take a flag to a pawn shop or experiance things others can

I think freedom never cries is about nobody realises freedom is very important. You only do when you lose it. It never cries to say "I exist!" you have to get aware of that yourself. John gives some examples of freedom, that's it, I think...

The song is about how we have all this freedom, yet we don't even think about it and we take it for granted. "What's a flag in a pawn shop to me?" To you, someone who lives in a free country where you are able to take your nation's flag to a pawn shop and trade it for a guitar, the flag doesn't symbolize anything. It's just cloth.
To someone from somewhere else that isn't a "free" country (like the baby in the last verse. It's not a literal baby), it is an amazing thing. The "baby' would give anything to have the right to take his nation's flag to a pawn shop, but he can't because his country isn't free. "May he forget why he is crying/someday." May he one day have freedom and be able to forget about it and take it for granted one day as well.
Freedom never cries because if you have freedom then it is something that you don't think about, and if you don't have freedom then it can't cry because it doesn't exist to you.
The chorus is saying how a person can do all sorts of things FOR freedom, but freedom itself doesn't make itself known when you have it.