Willow Lyrics
Willow, weep for me
Bow your tallest tree
Down to the infamous hands
Of someone no one understands
It's based on none but my mistake
At night I lie awake
Thinking of all the hearts I'd happily break
It's cruel I know
At least they tell me so
Well someone lock me up and throw away the key
Because I'm not ashamed, oh no
Oh, willow
That I only write love songs
To those whom I don't love
I only reach for him
Who's tied to someone else's glove
That which I hold inside
Which I admire and deride
Which I protect and hide is yours
Willow, weep for me
Don't think I don't see
This life I'm living in two
But still it's something I must do
I'm not unique in this
Nor am I special, sweet or kind
I court a thousand smiles
Yet I keep my own to hide behind
It's cruel I know
At least they tell me so
Well someone lock me up and throw away the key
Because I'm not ashamed, oh no
Oh, willow
That I only write love songs
To those whom I don't love
I only reach for him
Who's tied to someone else's glove
That which I hold inside
Which I admire and deride
Which I protect and hide is yours
Slander and dissention
They're parlor games to me
Papers overrun with lies too mad to mention
You say they never hurt you
No consequence, I'm happy
We're much too far above it all
Morrissey & Emilie:
But oh no, that's not true
These wicked pastimes take their toll
These tyrant vices break your soul
Morrissey & Emilie:
Deliver me from all I am
And all I never want to be
I love you (Oh willow, willow, willow)
Doubt me not
Rewrite this plot for all to see
And I only write love songs
To those whom I don't love
I only reach for him
Who's tied to someone else's glove
That which I hold inside
Which I admire and deride
Which I protect and hide is yours
Bend your branches to the ground and hold me close
Let me harmonize with all we knew
Share your sympathy and weep for me
Oh, willow, heal the hearts I've broken
Make me pure and start my song anew
For I only write love songs
To those whom I don't love
I only reach for him
Who's tied to someone else's glove
That which I hold inside
Which I admire and deride
Which I protect and hide is yours

LOL I can't believe I typed "animals are loving animals" I sound so smart. I meant to say "dogs are loving animals"

this song was written as a duet with Morrissey, EA wanted it to be the last track on "Opheliac," This song is sooo beautiful, it's my favorite anti-love song. I wish there was a studio version, but the demo is wonderful either way

This is such a awesome song.

I love this song. I can totally relate to it. I've been in love with someone and held up false relationships on the side until me and the person I loved could be together.. this is probably one of her most beautiful songs.

Despite it's "love song" quality and apparent meaning, I get the impression at it's core it's a song dedicated/directed at her dog, now desceased, named Willow. She's saying how she acts, flirts, "falls" for and pretends to be in love with men that are unattainable ("spoken for") and/or toys with men, yet never really retaining meaningful affection for them. But "Willow" is her only source of true love, whom she gives all her heart to and trusts the most.

In the language of flowers, Willow means forsaken love.

The whole dog thing is a little creepy....to be completely honest.

How is the "dog thing" creepy? animals are loving animals. I have nine cats and a dog. I love them more than I could ever love another human. They provide more love and security than most people are capable of giving.

I believe there is a mistake in the lyrics.
"Let me harmonize with all we knew" should be "Let me harmonize with all that's good in you"
Also, there is an old jazz song called "Willow, Weep For Me" by Diana Krall. I think maybe that was some of EA's influence for some of these lyrics.

does anyone where i can get this with the words instead of the instrumental
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csfMrl9DSfk +dies+ its the love :3 lol
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csfMrl9DSfk +dies+ its the love :3 lol
You can download it on Batteredrose.com if you'd like as well
You can download it on Batteredrose.com if you'd like as well