I'll Believe in Anything Lyrics
I need sunshine
Give me your eyes
I need sunshine
Your blood
Your bones
Your voice
And your ghost
Walk around with both legs
Wait for the scary day
We both pull the tricks out of our sleeves
And you'll believe in anything
And you'll believe in anything
I'd share a life and you'd share a life
If I could take the fire out from the wire
I'd share a life and you'd share a life
If I could take the fire out from the wire
I'd take you where nobody knows you
And nobody gives a damn
And nobody gives a damn
And I could take away your trips from you
And I could take away the salt from your eyes
And take away the spitting salt in you
And I could give you my apologies
By handing over all the olive trees
And I could take away the shaking knees
And I could give you all the olive trees
Oh look at the trees and look at my face and look at a place far away from here
I need sunshine
Give me your eyes
I need sunshine
Your blood
Your bones
Your voice
And your ghost
Walk around with both legs
Wait for the scary day
We both pull the tricks out of our sleeves
But I'll believe in anything
And you'll believe in anything
I'd share a life and you'd share a life
If I could take the fire out from the wire
I'd share a life and you'd share a life
If I could take the fire out from the wire
I'd take you where nobody knows you
And nobody gives a damn
And nobody gives a damn
And nobody gives a damn either way
Your bones
Your voice
And your ghost
Because nobody knows you
And nobody gives a damn either way
And you'll believe in anything
Because nobody knows you
And nobody gives a damn either way

I think this song is just about being naive. He wants the girl so bad (her eyes are sunshine) and wants to do everything he can to save the relationship. But in reality, there is no way in hell the relationship would ever work, and both parties are just kidding themselves.

To me, this song is being sung by a recovered (recovering) heroin addict to another heroin addict that he unequivocally loves and wants to save.
"We've both been very brave Walk around with both legs Fight the scary day"
Refers to the courage required to face life's difficulties by walking through it, putting one foot in front of the other, or "with both legs".
"We both pull the tricks out of our sleeves."
Means, we've both dealt with these hardships by shooting heroin.
"If I could take the fire out from the wire I'd share a life and you'd share a life"
Means, taking the rush, the high and the need for it out of the needle of the syringe. With the need for heroin gone we could share each other's lives.
"and I could take another hit for you and I could take away your trips from you"
This reinforces his desire to get her free from addiction because he loves her.
The rest of the song seems obvious.
I really like this.
I really like this.
thank you
thank you
i think it's about a guy and a girl who were once together, but they both decide to part ways for whatever reason. What makes it complicated however, is the fact that they still love each other, even though they are with other people - and are both too prideful to admit it. So he's finally saying "fuck it - let's go, quit fronting"... and he's telling her that he can be what she needs... all she needs to do is get over it, and pretend it never happened... he's determined, and he knows he's right.
i think it's about a guy and a girl who were once together, but they both decide to part ways for whatever reason. What makes it complicated however, is the fact that they still love each other, even though they are with other people - and are both too prideful to admit it. So he's finally saying "fuck it - let's go, quit fronting"... and he's telling her that he can be what she needs... all she needs to do is get over it, and pretend it never happened... he's determined, and he knows he's right.

He says "if i could take the fire out from the WIRE" just a clarification.
This song is about wanting to see the world from the perspective of a loved one ("Give me your eyes"). It is about the naive nature of love, the desire to believe anything at any cost. He wants all of this person, blood bones, and ghost. It's a bit of an over-the-top love song but it is honest in delivery.
The section about "take the fire out from the wire" seems a bit confusing, but the act of "i'd share a life and you'd share a life" is simply a desire to live as one couple. The singer wants to leave all the familiar behind and start a new life where no one knows them and no one cares who they are. I'm sure everyone has had the desire to do this at one point or another. Brilliant song and an equally incredible album.

There's something about people who post on this site that really bugs me, and the posts for this song highlight it. People need to realise that NOT EVERY SONG IS A LOVE SONG! If you want a song about a lover dying, go and listen to 'I Will Follow You Into The Dark' 100 times over. Spencer never writes songs about somethign so obvious and simple, let alone boring.
I think I've had a massive moment of enlightenment in regards to this song. I don't mind if you don't agree with me, but to me lyrics like this are similar to poetry.
Think about the stages of grieving when losing aloved one or a dear friend, or even someone dying themselves. especially in relation to the second half of the song. 'If I could take the fire out from the wire I'd share a life and you'd share a life' to me sounds like bargaining, but taking fire out from a wire, whatever that means, sounds like something impossible, no one can 'share a life' but he'd do anything to save them.
Then you definately have depression:
I said nobody knows you And nobody gives a damn either way About your blood, your bones Your voice, and your ghost
And the end to me could perhaps be acceptance, not too sure on that though though if it is 'anyway' rather than 'either way' then it seems like the person cares less about no one 'giving a damn'
'And I could take another hit for you And I could take away your trips from you' etc.
Going backwards I know, but this verse could perhaps be anger, about people not doing as much as they could. OR (sorry for the random rambling) the whole verse could be about what 'God' could be offering someone, the place far away from here being heaven.
Whatever the case, this is completely death related. I had this down as a love song first few listens, but now I just don't see it.

I actually created an account to post my interpretation of this song, because I think this song is so touching because it's deeper than the superficial "boy loves girl" interpretation it seems to be receiving.
As depressing as it is, I interpret the entire song as a liberating cry of escape for someone who is terminally ill in a hospital. From the start, if anyone has ever been with a patient under those circumstances, the opening electronic melody sounds exactly like an EKG machine, measuring someone's erratic heartbeat. There are a number of references throughout to suffering from a debilitating disease, including the knees, being able to bravely walk around on both legs, etc.
"Give me your eyes, I need sunshine, Your blood, your bones, your voice, and your ghost" I think is spoken by whomever is laying in the hospital bed, a plea for the singer to stay with them because essentially all hope is lost at this point. The singer's healthy blood, bones, voice and ghost all bring the patient 'sunshine."
"Look at the trees, look at my face, look at a place far away from here..." "Where nobody knows you, and nobody gives a damn." For someone suffering from a terminal illness, they can start to feel defined by the hospital, by the healthcare, by the pity and the sadness of what's wrong with them. The speaker in the song is basically saying that he wants to take the patient away from the suffering and the hospital in which they've been trapped so that they can live the rest of what life they have free of oppressing worry.
"If I could take the fire out from the wire, I'd share a life and you'd share a life" - I think the narrator is basically saying that he'd give up half his life if only that'd help the patient live, who is probably on life support at this point, which could be creatively described by "fire" in a "wire."
The line "I'll believe in anything, if you'll believe in anything" is easily the most heartwrenching in the entire song. To me, it is indicative of the last hope they share of being able to find some kind of miracle cure, when they both know that's not going to happen. It's like when you say ironically "Anything's possible, I suppose..." This interpretation is further supported by the "Wait for the scary day, We both pull the tricks out of our sleeves" line... I can't see "Wait for the scary day" being interpreted as anything BUT the day the patient will die. The patient's 'trick' will be death and the singer's trick will be trying to cope.
It's a heartbreaking song, and one that touches me and brings tears to my eyes every time I hear it. It might actually be one of my favorite songs of all time, because although it focuses on an extremely depressing topic, it offers the liberating hope of reconciliation in the knowledge that both the singer and the patient can find happiness and freedom in those last moments, though they are too aware of impending tragedy.
@theopponent I created an account just to say thank you for this interpretation. A close friend of mine recently died from a terminal illness and this song has been a big part of my grieving process. I couldn't quite explain why it reminds me so much of watching a loved one die bit by bit (apart from some of the obvious lyrics) but you broke it down so well. Thank you.
@theopponent I created an account just to say thank you for this interpretation. A close friend of mine recently died from a terminal illness and this song has been a big part of my grieving process. I couldn't quite explain why it reminds me so much of watching a loved one die bit by bit (apart from some of the obvious lyrics) but you broke it down so well. Thank you.

I think it's possible that the point is there is nowhere to go because this is a hopeless situation. "Take the fire out from the wire" would then refer to how they want to go somewhere but can't, just like sheep trapped in a field. "I'll believe in anything and you'll believe in anything", seems kind of hopeless to me as well. True he wants to take her away but the point of the song is that "nobody gives a damn EITHER WAY" so perhaps things would not be better even if they could go elsewhere. I think there may be a tongue and cheek element to the song that hints even if he could take her away it wouldn't really be much better. This person is a part of the singer of the song their kinship is so strong.

Best song!!!! hehe

ryan81 hit it on target. the whole meaning of the song is just FUCK EVERYTHING you knew before, see with new eyes, or someone else's eyes. nobody knowing me is my favorite feeling... it's refreshing. and of course his voice on "nooobody" is the most perfect thing in the world.

I agree this is a love song, but I think the song is about going through and dealing with something tragic happening. The start of the song:
"Give me your eyes, I need sunshine Your blood, Your bones, Your voice, And your ghost"
The singer is saying that the other person is his sunshine, that he needs her. The next paragraph is talking about their life together, dealing with ups and downs, but that they believe anything is possible together. The future is bright.
Then the tragedy happens. Taking the fire out from the wire sounds like taking the sting out of something painful (think barbed wire). Taking her somewhere where nobody knows her and nobody gives a damn is like taking her back to before the tragedy, like a world where it didn't happen.
"And I could take another hit for you And I could take away your trips from you And I could take away the salt from your eyes And take away the spitting salt in you And I could give you my apologies By handing over my neologies And I could take away the shaking knees And I could give you all the olive trees Oh look at the trees and look at my face and look at a place far away from here"
He wants to do anything he can to take away the pain and make her forget about it. He needs her sunshine because it is what makes his life complete, and he wants to do anything he can so that the sunshine comes back into her eyes

i havent listened to this song enough to feel like i know what it's about but it's fucking amazing.