Change Lyrics
If you saw the face of God and Love,
Would you change? Would you change?
If you're down so low you cannot fall,
Would you change? Would you change?
How many losses, how much regret?
What chain reaction would cause an effect?
Makes you turn around, makes you try to explain,
Makes you forgive and forget, makes you change?
Knowing right and being wrong,
Would you change? Would you change?
That brings up pain that can't be soothed,
Would you change? Would you change?
How many losses, how much regret?
What chain reaction would cause an effect?
Makes you turn around, makes you try to explain,
Makes you forgive and forget, makes you change?
If it comes to blows are you sure you won't be crawling?
If it's not for the good, why risk falling?
Makes your life unbearable,
Would you change? Would you change?
And hard times come to bring you down,
Would you change? Would you change?
If you saw the face of God and Love,
Would you change? Would you change?

First time I heard this song was while watching a video on youtube. The video was about the Virgina Tech massacre - Which I followed intensely through different medias -and I immediately bought the song on the iTunes store. Every time I hear this song I am reminded of the massacre and my thoughts go to family's and loved ones... since I bought 'Change' I have listened to it 331 times... 32 people killed and another 25 wounded... yet have no song for the thousands of civilian killed during the Iraq war...

I see this song about someone she loves who was too stubborn to change - who would never admit to being wrong about anything. The song's lyrics are similar to her song "Fast Car," which is about a lover of hers whom she had to leave because she hoped she would be able to change his undesirable ways, but he never could change.

i cant believe more people havent posted on this song! i really like it, tracy chapman is amazing. i think this is kindof asking, if you knew how everything would turn out in the end, would you still do what youre doing now? and what would you change?

i really like this song a lot. my interpretation is that if even you were given all of the outcomes of your life- would you bother to go out of your comfort zone of complacence and change your ways? Like how much would it have to take for you to realize the way your living is not productive

I think this song is saying, if you had alll the answers and had the power to go back and change the decisions you have made, or will make in the future or simply had a chance to know things that will effect the way they see the world now, would they do it, or want it.
it's about accepeting that you don't know everything, things will go wrong, and you wil regret things, and wish that you could change them, but in the end they happen for a reason
I think it is just about life and the way we view it, people think that they wish they had the answers, and wish they had more control over the way things in their life turned out, but if they had it, they would be lost, it would raise so many question that they couldn;t answer, they wouldn't know what to do. Sometimes it is better that the decision is taken out of our hands.
Life is about not knowing all the answers right now.

When I heard this song for the first time I answered the questions.
If I knew I would die today, would I change? I don't know.
And I continued thinking answers throughout the whole song.
Whether or not the song is written about a certain situation I don't find to be that important. What I find importance in is that it's really thought provoking and makes me question if I'm living my life the way I should be and the way I want to.

If only she didn't mention God, this song could be a global anthem.
she's basically the female dylan.
@paramania It could still be the global anthem
@paramania It could still be the global anthem

I like how she has a really strong message paired with a super gentle voice. it's a simple question and the answer is pretty complicated and that's how everything is with her. she has a really natural sound, but when it comes to lyrics there;s nothing ordinary about it

to me this song isn't a record of passive reflection or hypothetical musings, but rather an expression of desperation, a call to action of sorts. the person or people she's addressing are so afraid of change and so unwilling to risk discomfort that they would rather suffer forever, living a lie.

First time I heard this song was while watching a video on youtube. The video was about the Virgina Tech massacre - Which I followed intensely through different medias -and I immediately bought the song on the iTunes store. Every time I hear this song I am reminded of the massacre and my thoughts go to family's and loved ones... since I bought 'Change' I have listened to it 331 times... 32 people killed and another 25 wounded... yet have no song for the thousands of civilian killed during the Iraq war...