179 Meanings
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Heartbeats Lyrics

One night to be confused
One night to speed up truth
We had a promise made
Four hands and then away
Both under influence
We had divine sense
To know what to say
Mind is a razor blade

To call for hands of above
To lean on
Wouldn't be good enough
For me, no

One night of magic rush
The start, a simple touch
One night to push and scream
And then relief
Ten days of perfect tunes
The colors red and blue
We had a promise made
We were in love

To call for hands of above
To lean on
Wouldn't be good enough
For me, no

To call for hands of above
To lean on
Wouldn't be good enough

And you
You knew the hand of the devil
And you
Kept us awake with wolves' teeth
Sharing different heartbeats
In one night

To call for hands of above
To lean on
Wouldn't be good enough
For me, no

To call for hands of above
To lean on
Wouldn't be good enough
Song Info
Submitted by
mrpeachum On Oct 13, 2004
179 Meanings
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One night to be confused One night to speed up truth We had a promise made Four hands and then away Both under influence We had divine sense To know what to say Mind is a razor blade

Two minds were stimulated and engaged on a level they have never experienced with another. There was an openness and they both easily spoke their truth. They were confused, attracted to the connection, but not wanting to mess things up by taking it to the next level. They are alive, in tune, in the moment! Two very different people meeting minds.

To call for hands of above To lean on Wouldn't be good enough For me, no

This part has different meanings throughout the song. At this point, the person is trying not to be tempted into lust/sin. He/she is trying to do the right thing, but knows that the temptation has exceeded and distracted too much, it is too late to pray for help!

One night of magic rush The start, a simple touch

One is initiating the intimacy and slowly moving in and the writer is confused and not sure if he/she wants to mess things up and take it to the next level, but the moment is so magical, that it would seem wrong not to see where it goes.

One night to push and scream And then relief

.They succumb to the pleasure and give up on trying to control and safe guard their emotions. They allow themselves to feel the intimacy and see each other on a deeper level. They open the window that leads to attachment.

Ten days of perfect tunes The colors red and blue We had a promise made We were in love

They are in the high of exploring a new lover. They are hot and cold (red and blue) because within, they are still battling the need to control and protect themselves from the inevitable. They natural gravitate towards attachment and feelings to the other, while at the same time, battle against that closeness that can lead to pain.

And you You knew the hand of the devil And you Kept us awake with wolves' teeth Sharing different heartbeats In one night

They began to trust each other and get familiar and open up... there was passionate, hot, Wild, primitive (wolves) sex the two very different beings shared. Both their hearts against each other: although they are having a wild night, their hearts are aligned and they know things will never be the same, they can't go back now, yet they are both scared and know they are walking the fine line that leads to hurt (hand of the devil)

To call for hands of above To lean on Wouldn't be good enough For me, no

Nothing can distract from this euphoric state that is occupying this persons mind all the time...it is like an addiction/drug.

The affair is short, eventually one calls it because he/she can't deal with knowing the pain that could come later should they allow themselves to fall deeper.

To call for hands of above To lean on Wouldn't be good enough For me, no

Now this means that not even God is a refuge for rest for this broken heart, nothing can stop the repeat and thoughts and the what could of/should of's.

@JaneSays007 Pretty much nailed it. Well done.

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I think this song is beautiful. Haunting.

What I take from this is the situation of being with someone for one night, someone that you love but for what ever reason you can't be with. You both knew it was there, and whilst its sad that it can't be, theres relief in finally realising that it was real, if even just for a moment, he was not alone in those feelings.

'One night to be confused One night to speed up truth We had a promise made Four hands and then away Both under influence We had divine scent'

or is that way off?

i agree...

i think two ppl possible friends confused bout there feelings feel like theres something more, but can not be together so make some sort of promise to each other that nothing can happen between them coz of what ever reason...'one night to speed up truth' kinda suggests to me that one night they clear everything up and like confess everything...then they make a promise to each other? 'we had a promise made'

'One night to be confused One night to speed up truth We had a promise made Four hands and then away'

but then some...

For reasons I agree. I feel the same.

There was love for a period of time. Whether it was 1 hour, one night, a few months. Maybe even years..

But at the end either one or both knew that it was not going to work to be together.

For reasons that could never be fully represented.Different goals. Different lives. Different families. Different lifestyles. Who knows what it could be.

But it couldn't last forever.

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Looking through the comments on here i think a lot of people need to listen to the original song. The original was sung by The Knife and is an amazing version... Jose Gonzalez has changed the style dramatically and done a briliiant job, but changing the style does not change the meaning.

The song is not a beautiful song like his version is leading you too believe. The song is about a 1 night stand that was never intended as anything more... The girl in the relationship falls in love without meaning too but unfortunately the guy does not.

She had no intention to fall in love, and the song leads you through the stages until the inevitable realisation that the guy still considers it just a one night stand as is continuing similar nights with different people (heartbeats)... The girl therefore is missing out on what she thought was her perfect love (her Deus Ex Machina) which leads to a sad ending to the song. Not necessarily a beautiful one.

Please listen to the original because its a brilliant song, and i think its unfortunate that Jose Gonzalez seems to have paid little attention to the true meaning of the song, and innevitably lost its true meaning in his treanslation.

i think you are right, but now we're not talking about the original song, but about José's version. We have to look for the intention he has given to it. Is it like when you read a poem, the meaning changes depending on the reader.

just because it is a sad ending to the song, it doesn't mean that the song can't be hauntingly beautiful another example is Safe and Sound by Taylor Swift from the Hunger Games ST (though only if you listen to it and picture it as either after the trilogy finishes or midway through Mockingjay, katniss singing to Prim in both scenarios)

@Moulds0904 I don't think that he lost the true meaning in his translation i think it was re-interpreted. Having listened to both, i think the original is harsh and realistic. However i think that Jose's version emphasises the beauty of love, even if unrequited. Its almost as if this version is the hazy imagination of the girl romanticising the events. The continuous repetition of the guitar shows that life goes on and it's almost a naive version of the events, full of longing and hope and heartbreak, which makes it sad, haunting, beautiful. One night stands and affairs are always portrayed...

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Are you fucking deaf?

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It's a beautiful song, haunting guitar and he has an oddity of a wonderful calm voice. As for meaning, i think it goes something like this.

"One night to be confused One night to speed up truth" In my opinion this is reference to the night hes spent with his cheating lover, hes confused why hes with her after shes hurt him, and hes confused why she did it. Speeding up the truth, maybe this means shes came clean to him about her affair. "We had a promise made" stressing the loving past they shared before she did this. (the use of the word 'had'- its in the past. it wont be retained. "Four hands and then away" again showing how it was just the two of them and now thats gone "away" as another person is involved (due to adultery). "Both under influence" influence of alcohol. he could be referring to his girlfriend and her accompanist having a drunken one night stand, or himself and his girlfriend getting back together the night they try and sort things out. "We had divine scent" divine is a word meaning to guess(divination), and scent can mean to suspect. All guessing and suspecting of his girlfriend cheating, i think this line means. "To know what to say" only makes sense if you refer the last line to this one. I think he means the words he said where his suspisions. "Mind is a razor blade" This could mean 2 things. 1) the mind is sharp, he has many accurate assumptions of his girlfriend cheating. 2) he finds it hard to think about thoughts. razorblade = pain. in his mind he thinks about images that hurt him. like a razor would hurt him. alternatively, he could mean both of those.

"To call for hands from above to lean on Would that be good enough for me?" hands from above, does he mean the hands of God? maybe hes just asking for comfort to help him through.

"One night of magic rush The start: a simple touch" description of himself reuniting with his girlfriend.? (sexual refernce) "One night to push and scream" their quarrels also in the night. "And then relief" the quarrels finally stop, he starts to look for a way forward to get over his girlfriend. "Ten days of perfect tunes The colors red and blue" after the split with his girl, he has time alone thinking. spending time listening to music. red and blue colour reference to the poem 'roses are red, violets are blue'. again thinking about his lost love. "We had a promise made We were in love" pretty self explanitary, that bit.

"And you You knew the hand of the devil" the metaphorical hand he was earlier talking about, the hand he was reaching out for was 'from above', but his girlfriend held the hand of the devil, she betrayed him. "And you Kept us awake with wolves teeth" how he cant sleep, its just pain to think that while she should be in bed with him, shes sharing her bed (and herself?) with someone else. "Sharing different heartbeats in one night" again refernece to adultery, sharing different love.

Alot of biblic reference i think. "10 days of perfect tunes" 10 commandments? (7th Commandment: do not commit adultery) "To call for hands from above to lean on" the hands of god? and... "You knew the hand of the devil"

i love your interpretation on this song. you have a unique way of looking at 'one night to push and scream'. alot of the posts on here think it is a sexual reference. i think your way of looking at it works well because it fits better with the following line..'and then relief' almost like relaxing after a storm.but of course it could mean both. originally my first thought was this was about a woman giving birth. (with the colours and the music and the pushing) thanks for helping understand this beautiful song. =]

This is how I saw it as well. I like this song, it is like a bitter sweet thing, one of those songs that makes you think back to a time in your own life. Good interpretation!

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and im not really sure about the original. yes, this is a cover. but much much better in my opinion.

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Divine sense, to know what to say

Not divine scent, lol!

And ten days of perfect hues, the colors red and blue

not perfect tunes.

Usually if the songs don't make much sense, you probably aren't hearing it correctly.

It's: Wouldn't be good enough, for me no.

Not: Wouldn't be good for me now?

Sorry to sound like an arse, but now noone can really edit it and people are going to know the wrong lyrics, and they're really beautiful to not know.

@odnups I know this is 7 years later, but upon listening to the original on Spotify, it is definitely "divine scent" and "perfect tunes", as much as "divine sense" and "perfect hues" make sense.

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would i be completely off in suggesting that this song could be about one loving night, resulting in pregnancy? "One night to push and scream, And then relief." "and you kept us awake with wolves teeth sharing different heartbeats in one night.."

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Hi. This is my first contribution, sorry if my english is not very good. I wanted to express my interpretation because I haven't seen any that I completly agree, even there are a lot of suggesting ones. For me this song is, yeah, about a night of real love and sex, about the begining of a relationship, that can't take the "lean on" of traditional and conventional love. No God ("hands of above") or tradition can make any guaranty, and, in fact, doesn't seem to be a problem. One night, ten days, wathever time it lasts, if there is real love (and of course, good and true sex), then it's "good enough", and no "lean on" on any supernatural thing (god, "tradition", marriage, etc.") would make it better. Great song, confronting stupidity and predjuices, gorgeous lyric. Not that sure, but in the context of denying the hands of God to lean on a relationship, the "hand of the devil" sounds to me as taking our own decitions (maybe one night of wild sex, why not?) out of any supposed metaphysical "right way". Choosing the hand of the devil means, as standing against tradition (marriage maybe, sex represion, etc.), to be the true makers of our lives, concerning only to the realy important things (love, pleasure, sharing... humanity and not what a group of priest call "divinity")... then, we'll really have a "divinie sense". Well, that's my interpretation, what do you think?

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This song is gorgeous. Its about just one moment, one moment with somebody thats so beautiful it forgives all the bad times, and letting go because its enevitable to fall in love.

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