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Rock & Roll Nigger Lyrics

Crazy and sleepy
Comanche lies beneath this netting of the skin
I wake up. I am lying peacefully I am lying peacefully and my knees are open to the sun
I desire him, and he is absolutely ready to seize me
In heart I am a Moslem; in heart I am an American
in heart I am Moslem, in heart I'm an American
artist, and I have no guilt. I seek pleasure
I seek the nerves under your skin
The narrow archway; the layers; the scroll of ancient lettuce
We worship the flaw, the belly
the belly, the mole on the belly of an exquisite whore
He spared the child and spoiled the rod
I have not sold myself to God.

Baby was a black sheep. Baby was a whore.
Baby got big and baby get bigger.
Baby get something. Baby get more.
Baby, baby, baby was a rock-and-roll nigger.
Oh, look around you, all around you,
riding on a copper wave.
Do you like the world around you?
Are you ready to behave?

Outside of society, they're waitin' for me.
Outside of society, that's where I want to be.


Baby was a black sheep. Baby was a whore.
You know she got big. Well, she's gonna get bigger.
Baby got a hand; got a finger on the trigger.
Baby, baby, baby is a rock-and-roll nigger.

Outside of society, that's where I want to be.
Outside of society, they're waitin' for me.

(those who have suffered, understand suffering,
and thereby extend their hand
the storm that brings harm
also makes fertile
blessed is the grass
and herb and the true thorn and light)

I was lost in a valley of pleasure.
I was lost in the infinite sea.
I was lost, and measure for measure,
love spewed from the heart of me.
I was lost, and the cost,
and the cost didn't matter to me.
I was lost, and the cost
was to be outside society.

Jimi Hendrix was a nigger.
Jesus Christ and Grandma, too.
Jackson Pollock was a nigger.
Nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger,
nigger, nigger, nigger.

Outside of society, they're waitin' for me.
Outside of society, if you're looking,
that's where you'll find me.
Outside of society, they're waitin' for me.
Outside of society. (Repeat)
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40 Meanings

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Cover art for Rock & Roll Nigger lyrics by Patti Smith

I see this song as being partly autobiographical, although Patti Smith isn't black. I think she's using the word 'nigger' as someone who is, as she says, 'outside of society,' and something of a rebel ('In my heart I am an American artist') and she does what she wants - 'I was lost in a valley of pleasure... and the cost didn't matter to me, the cost was to be outside of society.' Then she references Jimi Hendrix, Jesus Christ, Grandma and Jackson Pollock (an artist) and how they were all 'niggers,' or outcasts. I d/k what the Moslem reference is about unless she was Moslem. I know during that time in the 70s that Islam became more widespread, particularly among African Americans so maybe she is talking about a black woman. Brilliant song.

@alrac ...nonetheless she is still calling people a nigger. and to call jackson pollock who is of irish descent and/or jimmy hendrix a nigger, while saying you really mean ¨outsider¨ just sounds like covert racism to me. i feel like the song is just an excuse to call people niggers. i feel practically the same about john lennon singing, ¨woman is the nigger of the world¨. and notice how she calls everybody a nigger but herself. its like she wants an ¨outsider/nigger¨ position without being a so called outsider/nigger.

Cover art for Rock & Roll Nigger lyrics by Patti Smith

It's a powerful image. Those people who think and feel and speak such radical TRUTH -- found through the suffering and the storm -- that they're out of society, so far out that they're labeled nigger!

Damn right Jesus Christ was a nigger!

Outside of society, that's where I want to be.


Cover art for Rock & Roll Nigger lyrics by Patti Smith

this song fucking rules.

Cover art for Rock & Roll Nigger lyrics by Patti Smith

But, what does it mean? Is she trying to use the word "nigger" as a complement or term of endearment?

@the_dza1 ...she claims it means outsider in the song. though i feel the song is just an excuse to call people a nigger. its also that there are too many racial/racist innuendos in the song that position the song too much into a racist category. ...what i also noticed is that she called jackson pollock a nigger. irish people used to be name-called ¨niggers¨ in the us. actually, i feel like the song is an excuse to call people who at times already have the word nigger directed at them, a ¨nigger¨. i hate the song.

Cover art for Rock & Roll Nigger lyrics by Patti Smith

im guessing its positive.

Cover art for Rock & Roll Nigger lyrics by Patti Smith

This song is mocking the word nigger and using it as a positive thing because the definition of nigger is nothing to do with being black.It just means anyone that is seen as different or a freak.Patti is praising the fact that people are weird and yes she is using it as a compliment

Cover art for Rock & Roll Nigger lyrics by Patti Smith

Awesome song, Marilyn Mansons's cover really kicks ass

Crazymoomin is right that Patti is making fun of the word as well as attacking society because many dumb fuckheads treat Black people like second hand citizens in this day and age. nigger-symbolism for outside in this song, being different is cool cuz the mainstream is boring

Cover art for Rock & Roll Nigger lyrics by Patti Smith

She's not making fun of the word nigger, and yes the word does mean BLACK. Trace it's roots if you'd like. The song is about sterotypes, individuality and being crazy.

Cover art for Rock & Roll Nigger lyrics by Patti Smith

It's Muslim, i think

raddddd song

Cover art for Rock & Roll Nigger lyrics by Patti Smith

geoffsaintgeoff... you must be quite the imbicile, because if you would look in a dictionary the word means LAZY. As in: TOO LAZY TO PICK UP A GODDAMN DICTIONARY!