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Little Panda McElroy (B) Lyrics

I can stop lying, I can stop punching my own face
I can stop stealing money,
I can stop hating my own heart
I can do it
Because of you
I can stop scratching up my cheeks
I can stop drinking so much
I can stop wanting to kill myself
I can stop wanting your perfect heart
I can start listening, I can say Hi
I can feel something good
Little panda McElroy
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Cover art for Little Panda McElroy (B) lyrics by Xiu Xiu

and finally some happiness. jamie has fallen in love.

Cover art for Little Panda McElroy (B) lyrics by Xiu Xiu

You know...I'm new to Xiu Xiu. So, if that woman is actually his cousin, it's not that weird. Maybe he loves her as family? So maybe this woman helped him get through some hard times, and he loves her for that. The way a guy loves his cousin. That's what I get from the song.

Cover art for Little Panda McElroy (B) lyrics by Xiu Xiu

there are so many kinds of love, romantic and platonic and love between family and love between friends. stop being so stupid, it's not necessarily romantic love.

Cover art for Little Panda McElroy (B) lyrics by Xiu Xiu

or out of it.

Cover art for Little Panda McElroy (B) lyrics by Xiu Xiu


Cover art for Little Panda McElroy (B) lyrics by Xiu Xiu

actually the song is about his cousin caralee mcelroy the girl he tours with

Cover art for Little Panda McElroy (B) lyrics by Xiu Xiu

hate to break it to you, but that's totally not his cousin.. at least i sure hope not....

um, yeah the fuck it is

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Cover art for Little Panda McElroy (B) lyrics by Xiu Xiu

hate to break it to you but its his cousin check the xiu xiu forum page 13 under is jamie gay? he says it himself

Cover art for Little Panda McElroy (B) lyrics by Xiu Xiu

that is just a joke jamie played on people. its not really his cousin. in one promo pick ive seen they are both "naked" in bed. i don't think jamie is really being incestual. its a joke.

Cover art for Little Panda McElroy (B) lyrics by Xiu Xiu

the woman who plays all the keyboard insturments with jamie on tour is named Caralee McElroy. i dont know if they're romantically involved, but the person he is writing about is obviously very important to him. so if i had to guess, i would say it was about her.