I wanna hold you high and steal your pain away
I keep your photograph; I know it serves me well
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain
And I don't feel right, When your gone away,
I want to hold you high You steal my pain, away
Theres so much left to learn And no one left to fight,
I want to hold you high and steal your pain ,
Because i'm broken When i'm lonesome,
And I don't feel right When your gone away,

i dont know what the real meaning is behind this song, but to me its about 2 people who mean more to each other than anything, each experiencing the pain of life and each helping the other through it. they cant get by without each other and "i wanna hold you high" is his way of saying how grateful he is that shes in his life. i think the song really gets the depth of this relationship across when amy lee is singing with him.
but then again, that might just be me.

This is the incredible thing about rock. It is not based on how melody can "fit" together into a stream. It, to me, is like taking two crashing worlds together.
Enter Amy Lee's voice. The first time I heard this announced and played on the radio I waited with excitement to hear her voice. I'm a huge fan of Evanescence and her voice tends to make me swoon really hard (it truly weaves such magic!).
Anyway, just hearing the singer of Seether's low voice just roll by like the dust and dirt in the video, hearing Amy's stanza was just amazing! I actually felt my body elevate along with her voice and the way she expresses different tones in different lyrics just caught me so off guard.
This is an incredible song and I just had to mention all that before I could even start to throw out my interpretation!
Anyway, I can't help but imagine a person holding up a child when singing this, but I can see how this would be able two lovers as well (seeing as how Amy Lee broke up with me to go out with that Seether singer!)
This part calls out to me:
The worst is over now And we can breathe again, I want to hold you high You steal my pain, away Theres so much left to learn And no one left to fight, I want to hold you high and steal your pain.
Its almost if one lover was alive while the other had passed away, or perhaps has gone in a different place. And in this part it's as if they are back together again, with nothing left to fight. All is well now. And now they can drop the things that they have fought so hard against. And they can heal once again. And now they can learn and look forward to the places in their heart they have yet to touch.
This world I notice tries to prevent so much love from happening. It tries to take two people a part who are meant to be. It tries to prevent two people who could be so much to ever be. A part of me grows very angry when I experience this.
But now I feel stronger then ever lately. And someday I'll have the confidence to not let anything stand in my way, so I could reach the heart of people that I was not "allowed" to touch by society.
Thank you for bringing tears to my eyes. Thank you for making me realize a few things. I will never know who you are, but you just granted me some hope and happiness.
Thank you for bringing tears to my eyes. Thank you for making me realize a few things. I will never know who you are, but you just granted me some hope and happiness.

This is about a breakup with the one girl in his life that is most important to him. I don't believe it is a physical distance that causes that much pain. More pain comes from being close but so far apart.

hey i like this song.

it's obviously about how he's missing someone and he's not the same without her. he's constantly reminded, and likes it, by photographs etc. he hates being alone, and he knows it's because she's gone.
"the worst is over now & we can breathe again" probably means they made up their argument and realize they need to get better, their both lonely and not the same when their not together.
:) pretty much a couple who argues but knows they love each other.

I totally identify w/ this song after being dumped on my ass after a 3 yr relationship 2 mths ago. Every time I hear it i wanna cry. It's definetly about losing the person you love but can't get to them. Torn by memories and damn pictures, broken down because you know you'll never see them again.....I'm going to grab my gun...jk.

I dont understand why people go look up the lyrics for songs they dont even like, why waste your time putting it down, you dont like it who cares. But i definatly disagree with you, this song rocks and theres nothing wrong with linkin park. They're great :)

Cynosure, you apparently don't appreciate heartfelt music such as this. It would be nice if you would pull your head out of your ass and listen to some quality music.
Also, if you think that they suck ass because of the simple fact that they're commercial, then you obviously don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

This is on The Punisher soundtrack and I adore this song. The feeling behind it and what it means to me is overpowering. I can't stop listening to it when it comes on.

i'm not a big fan of evanescene.. and i never even heard of seether till a month ago. but.. i have to admit it's not too bad of a song =)