52 Meanings
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So Much Beauty in Dirt Lyrics

Out of breath and out of cash
Find yourself watching M.A.S.H.
Every night on the couch
Woman says, "Let's take a drive down south
Roll down the windows and open our mouths
Taste where we are and play the music loud
Stop the car, lay on the grass
The planets spin and we watch space pass
Walk a direction, see where we get
I never knew nothing so there's nothing to forget
Get real drunk and ride our bikes

There's so much beauty it could make you cry
There's so much beauty it could make you cry
There's so much beauty it could make you cry
There's so much beauty it could make you cry

The rich get money but never what they want
Find ourselves a new place to haunt
Climb up the fire escape
Do it until the ground looks far away
Go night swimming, leave our clothes on the ground
When we get busted we just stand there proud
It's the truth, we all been wrong make it up
And let's move on
Playing cards we all get to act sly

There's so much beauty it could make you cry
There's so much beauty it could make you cry
There's so much beauty it could make you cry"
Song Info
Submitted by
planes On Aug 03, 2002
52 Meanings
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I l-o-v-e this song. I just wish it was longer. Just random ass pieces of life that are so beautiful and lovely when you think about it. yea i agree that he's saying that people need to chill out and enjoy life, also that people need to start living their lives, no sitting on the couch every night watching MASH

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i kind of feel like there is a reference to the movie American Beauty. "Find yourself watching M.A.S.H. Every night on the couch" - in the movie the dad and mom don't relate anymore so they just watch mash every night.

and "so much beauty it could make you cry"- the main character films random things in the world that no one would take a second glance at but are so beautiful. while explaining his favorite thing he's ever filmed (a plastic bag in the wind), he says there is just so much beauty in the world that sometimes he feels like he could just burst. and then he cries.

i'm sure that this song isn't just about the movie. it's about opening our eyes to see all the beauty in the world so we can enjoy life more.

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This song is about enjoying the little things in life, enjoy life in it's simplicity. Have fun and make the most with what you have. :)

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ok when he dropped the line about getting drunk and riding bikes i had to laugh because its the most amazing thing to do ever and it was cool that hes done it too. i think this song is the shit, one of my fave mm.

Only thing better is getting high and riding bikes!

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Ever since I first heard this song I've found it easier to enjoy everything. Everyone bitches about how there's nothing to do or their town sucks and is so boring... Its about appreciating everything and enjoying life and making the best of what you've got instead of wanting more.

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it seems like a lot of you believe that this song is about letting go and not really caring about anything. just living.

but, to me - it's more about. grabbing hold of what's around you and caring about everything.

everything is out there - thriving around us. and, too often, it's easy too overlook that. to become apathetic towards it. or maybe just so focused on ourselves (our own loves and hates and successes and mistakes) that we don't take the time to thrive along with everything that's thriving around us.

It's about doing things.. just because you want to enjoy things. doing things that are going to open your eyes and show you new things. doing things to help you appreciate.

"Walk a direction, see where we get" "Get real drunk and ride our bikes" "Climb up the fire escape do it 'til the ground looks far away"

i think the only reason money is mentioned in this song is because it seems to be sometihng we focus on, and when we focus on it - we're only unhappy. we only feel as if we're lacking.

when you appreciate the simple things around you (which aren't really simple at all.), you're happier. because you're satisfied. you feel whole - not empty (as you do with money)

so. i guess what he's said to me through this song is... " the planets are spinning, the butterfly is flying, the clouds are floating, and the leaves are swaying. there's a building out there waiting for you to explore it, there's a hill waiting to be climbed. there's a little pond behind your best friends house waiting for you to swim in it, and there's a person out there waiting for you to kiss them. just. because."

there's so much to enjoy. and no reason to overlook it anymore.

live.... THRIVE.

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to me this is about having fun being kinda low down dirts in other words but to me it relates to me

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so much beauty..it could make me cry =/ i love this song.

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this is about screwing...... and god.... i wish i could screw him... i mean..... its not the physical attraction.... its just the hope that somewhere in his tiny sperms might be a drop of talent i recieve in my vagina. actually not really... haha dont really wanna screw him... i just want his talent... i mean.... you have to be agenious to think this song up.

you worry me.

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i think this song is saying that the simple things are the best things, and you dont money to have fun.

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