Woman Is the Nigger of the World Lyrics

Woman is the nigger of the world
Yes she is...think about it
Woman is the nigger of the world
Think about it...do something about it

We make her paint her face and dance
If she won't be a slave, we say that she don't love us
If she's real, we say she's trying to be a man
While putting her down, we pretend that she's above us

Woman is the nigger of the world...yes she is
If you don't believe me, take a look at the one you're with
Woman is the slave of the slaves
Ah, yeah...better scream about it

We make her bear and raise our children
And then we leave her flat for being a fat old mother hen
We tell her home is the only place she should be
Then we complain that she's too unworldly to be our friend

Woman is the nigger of the world...yes she is
If you don't believe me, take a look at the one you're with
Woman is the slave to the slaves
Yeah...alright...hit it!

We insult her every day on TV
And wonder why she has no guts or confidence
When she's young we kill her will to be free
While telling her not to be so smart we put her down for being so dumb

Woman is the nigger of the world
Yes she is...if you don't believe me, take a look at the one you're with
Woman is the slave to the slaves
Yes she is...if you believe me, you better scream about it

We make her paint her face and dance
We make her paint her face and dance
We make her paint her face and dance
We make her paint her face and dance
We make her paint her face and dance
We make her paint her face and dance
16 Meanings
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The song meaning is pretty clear and I believe that it has the same meaning now as it used to when the song was written. Actually it is like that with all the songs Lennon had written. He speaks about what is the role assigned to the females in the society and that women are forced to conform otherwise as he states: "we say she's trying to be a man". One of the major ideas of the song is that this is so deep in our minds that we accepted for granted so much that we are not even able to see it.

I just have to disagree with LennonGenius! on the following points. He/She assumes too many things and from the comment I would assume that He/She is a white male from the US :)

I cannot speak for all the history since I am not too well prepared on the subject, but I agree that since the beginning of capitalism woman had been living in a very patriarchal society, I assume that it was like that long time before the emergence of capitalism, but I doubt it was on that large scale as it is now. Anyways I do not agree that women were not "threated like that" thru all the history. All history is not in any ways the history of capitalism;)

According to this sentence: "Blacks, as well as women (at least in America) are becoming much more accepted"

There are many nation-states that people with black/brown skin colour were always accepted and the values of the US society do not apply to all the world.

I do not think that the strong patriarchical society in many parts o the US is in any way less patriarchical in the last decades. Just can you imagine a woman presidential candidate from the republican party? Or any large-scale questioning of the authority of the founding FATHERS for example?

What I am meaning that the problems are still very strong not only in the US of course, but everywhere in the world. I agree that Lennon was kinda a genius since he showed us very clearly where are the problems of the contemporary society and gave us a roadmap how we should stand and fight against them.

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"He could not write a song and use the word nigger now a days"? What, it was perfectly acceptable for use in 1972?

All of these long explanations. Let's keep it simple, shall we?

"Woman is the slave to the slaves"

What's worse than being black in the US before the civil rights movements of the 60's? Being a black woman. No matter how bad the men have it, the women have it just as bad and worse.

Are things getter better? Well, I've got to admit it's getting better, a little better, all the time. Can't get no worse.

Enjoyed this on multiple levels. (Getting Better is McCartney's tune, as are the majority of the weaker songs from Peppers, but nevertheless). While your finely tuned explanation may be correct in itself, it's not necessarily the most compact explanation of the song (IMO) Lennon isn't directly saying "Woman is the slave to the slaves", it's just, well, I believe the simplest way to put it would be that Woman is the nigger of the world. Segregation, although not necessarily dead in terms of race, at least gave a voice to blacks, whereas women are the, if you will, 'silent' nigger...

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regardless of john lennon´s opinion about what he is singing, he is still calling all ¨non-white¨ women niggers; including all irish women. and to sing ¨woman is the slave to the slaves¨ in combination with saying ¨woman is the nigger of the world¨ is to also call, all ¨non-white¨ women niggers and slaves. and in so doing reinforcing racist en classist pejoratives already in use in against them. thereby calling ¨non-white¨ women (including irish women), slaves to the slaves to the slaves. i find this song on that basis not only racist but also classist, and overall contemptuous, whether the song was meant to be classist/racist or nor. nonetheless, i can't believe john lennon would not have thought of the further implications of what he was singing. o, and by the way i find the song sexist as well. its probably all meant as a form of covert racism/classism/sexism. ...sorry john, but somebody had to say it.

@sublime_10, I really respect your opinion, but disagree. If Yoko or another woman had written the song, the question would then become, is it still racist and sexist when a woman sings it? I admit it is a shock to the system when you hear it, but to shock was always Lennon's aim. I don't think it's right to separate his personality, his intentions and historical circumstances from your opinion, in fact, those particulars should influence your opinion. And yes, I understand and agree the "N" word is unequivocally offensive, but he was making a larger point about the social,...

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regardless of john lennon´s opinion about what he is singing, he is still calling all ¨non-white¨ women niggers; including all irish women.

and to sing ¨woman is the slave to the slaves¨ in combination with singing ¨woman is the nigger of the world¨ in the same song, is to also call all ¨non-white¨ women niggers and slaves. and in doing so, reinforcing racist and classist pejoratives already in use against them. thereby calling ¨non-white¨ women (including irish women) slaves/niggers to the slaves/niggers to the slaves/niggers.

i find this song on that basis not only racist but also classist, and overall contemptuous whether the song was meant to be classist/racist or not. nonetheless, i can't believe john lennon would not have thought about the further implications of the lyrical meaning of the song he was singing.

o, and by the way, i find the song sexist as well. its probably all meant as a form of covert racism/classism/sexism. ...sorry john, but somebody had to say it.

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this song is just an excuse to call all women niggers; including black, irish and mexican women. ´woman is the nigger of the world´ is just a form of sexism/racism/classism

@sublime_10, you are applying contemporary societal consciousness to a moment in history when the "N" word was offensive, but not to the same degree it is today. Something is not sexist/racist/classism if the intention is to be liberate sexist, racial roles and classes in society. In tandem with this song, look at Imagine—it's a socialist view of how the world would be better if everyone were equal. You miss his point because you're viewing it in in a 21st century lens lacking circumstances.

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this song is just an excuse to call non-white women niggers by calling all women niggers as well. it's a double insult. john lennon is simply being sexist/racist/classist/etc. with this song.

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This song is kind of self-explanatory. Women are supposed to look a certain way and act as slaves even though they are put down. Women have to be beautiful and fit after they beared and raised their children...if they aren't, they are kicked to the curb. Women are degraded.

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It's simply about the fact that women have been opprssed my men for a long period of time throughout our history as people. I think John saw this because it was still around at the time, as opposed to now where women are becoming much more equal with men in a lot of ways.

When he says, "Women is the nigger of the world, yes she is, think about it", John Lennon is telling the person to understand this metaphor. It's a metaphor because the same way in which niggers, or Black African Americans were treated in this country for a large part of our history, women too have been treated all over the world forever (and this means for most of our history). I love this metaphor and I think more people should understand it: it's very lovely.

Blacks, as well as women (at least in America) are becoming much more accepted as equals among white men, and among men in general. I love how Lennon expressed things so beautifully. Just as my name expresses, Lennon was a pure genius.

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Ok people...here is what i think....I think you will agree. The song Woman is the Nigger of the World means that John acknowledges the fact that women have been oppressed for a long time...hundreds of years ago they were only good for bearing children (as people thought.....it was only until about 80 years ago that women could vote. He is comparing them to niggers* (I am not using this as a racial slur, just taking a piece of the song title to use for comparison), but black people had been oppresseed as slaves up until 1865, and that was about all the potential that was given to them at that time. So therefore he had compared both of them together in a song because he realized that they both have been oppressed.I am a man that has realized the same thing as John Lennon has, and now just wrote about it.

@TidewaterHippie, I think more to the point, John was comparing but the truth is/was that all women are subservient to men, and minority women are oppressed even by minority men. I think John's message is loud and clear.

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Ok people...here is what i think....I think you will agree. The song Woman is the Nigger of the World means that John acknowledges the fact that women have been oppressed for a long time...hundreds of years ago they were only good for bearing children (as people thought.....it was only until about 80 years ago that women could vote. He is comparing them to niggers* (I am not using this as a racial slur, just taking a piece of the song title to use for comparison), but black people had been oppresseed as slaves up until 1865, and that was about all the potential that was given to them at that time. So therefore he had compared both of them together in a song because he realized that they both have been oppressed.I am a man that has realized the same thing as John Lennon has, and now just wrote about it.

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