154 Meanings
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Sappy Lyrics

And if you save yourself,
You will make him happy!
He'll keep you in a jar,
And you'll think you're happy...
He'll give you breathing holes,
And you'll think you're happy...
He'll cover you with grass,
And you'll think you're happy... now!

You're in a Fucking laundry room,
You're in a Fucking laundry room,
Conclusion came to you, ohhh.

And if you cut yourself,
You will think you're happy!
He'll keep you in a jar,
Then you'll make him happy...
He'll give you breathing holes,
Then you'll think you're happy...
He'll cover you with grass,
Then you'll think you're happy... now!

You're in a Fucking laundry room,
You're in a Fucking laundry room,
Conclusion came to you, ohhh.

You're in a Fucking laundry room,
You're in a Fucking laundry room,
Conclusion came to you, ohhh.

And if you fool yourself,
You will make him happy!
He'll keep you in a jar,
Then you'll think you're happy...
He'll give you breathing holes,
Then you will seem happy...
You'll wallow in the shit,
Then you'll think you're happy... now!

You're in a Fucking laundry room,
You're in a Fucking laundry room,
You're in a Fucking laundry room,
Conclusion came to you, ohhh...
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154 Meanings

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Cover art for Sappy lyrics by Nirvana

It's a simple metaphor showing kurt's feminism. It's about a girl in a relationship where she does what the guy tells her and it seems nice and fine and she think's she happy. "you're in a laundry room" literally means the girl is in a laundry room doing laundry. He's talking about how women are treated, basically like pets of the guys, pets that do laundry and make lunch. He's talking to the women saying "you're a pet, and you think you're happy, but you're doing laundry, and you'll realize you're not happy, you're sad."

the conclusion came to you, oh...

I think this is an accurate and insightful interpretation of "Sappy" and it definitely deserves the highest rating.

I'd like to add that, in some ways, it's an appropriate response or companion piece to Dinosaur Jr.'s "In a Jar" (http://songmeanings.com/songs/view/72835/), where that song illustrates the male perspective in a relationship through the metaphor of a pet kept in a jar. Not all men take the dominant role in a relationship, so both points of view are interesting and valid.

Kurt's feminism is often overlooked and it's the attribute which makes his...

@number10 Wait are you serious? Because if so your trivializing the song and I hope you don't breed with anyone passing on your stupidity...this song is about humans relationship with God

Cover art for Sappy lyrics by Nirvana

The way I see it...Kurt saw humans as animals more than humans. Humans are like frogs trapped in jars with breathing holes...You think the frog is happy because you continue to give it life and a fake environment. But realistically, humans are the same with the jobs that prohibit them from chasing their dreams. And everyday life holds you back from showing your true emotions. I think Kurt imagined a different world where people didn't have to work meaningless jobs just to survive.

@PTH881 Wow what a great interpretation, I just made an account to tell you that! .. The lyrics are much more brilliant for me now

Cover art for Sappy lyrics by Nirvana

i think its about a girl who's in a abusive relationship with a guy, and all she does is try to make him happy. she thinks she's happy and he loves her, but he just wants to control her and she's just fooling herself with a false image of a happy relationship.

Cover art for Sappy lyrics by Nirvana

Someone might have already mentioned this, since I have not read the comments, but I think it's about an outside perspective of "God".

So Cobain could have been thinking, "Hey, what if God is a little kid with a jar, and we are all those insects that He wants to make happy so He's happy too?".

Think that we're little crickets or ants (weak creatures), trapped in a jar (life) with holes poked in so that we can breathe (religion, or that little faith we can barely experience here, while there is a world outside of the "jar" full of this "oxygen" or God's faith, love, or whatever you want to call it) and we're owned by this selfish little boy (God) who takes happiness in seeing you suffer and dig your way out of the grass (problems) you've been covered in. Then, of course, we continue to praise this boy for "saving us" for keeping us in this "jar" when in reality we have "saved ourselves" (see first line) and go on to conform Him and make Him happy.

What I'm clueless about is what this "laundry room" where the "jar" rests is.. is it the whole Universe? Does the "jar" actually signify Earth, and the laundry room is the Universe? Maybe..

That goes on to show the actual darkness and uselessness of a God who makes people "happy" so He's happy.

That sounds like a pretty deep and spot on meaning, but I still disagree with it.

I have no idea what this song really means, but if it means this, then that is upsetting. I don't see God torturing us to make him happy, life is made out of bad AND good things.

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thanks for nice interpreation; seem it has relation with life, culture, religion, God, save salvation etc.. according to the clip made by Krist; lots of symbol about it.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BE1KRj5iiM

@fnava21 God doesn't want us to save ourselves or even try to because he knows we can't do it alone, that we need him as well. So really, your interpretation makes no sense.

However, examining it from the perspective of Satan, it makes perfect sense. For Satan is the current "lord of this world" (see "Lord of this World, Black Sabbath, see "Satan, Your Kingdom Must Come Down, Robert Plant's Band of Joy).

The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the...

Cover art for Sappy lyrics by Nirvana

it's like someone is controlling you and giving you the thing that is yours but the guy / (they) are selling it to you i mean they are acting like they are actually helping you and you become happy AND someone is washing your brain so you are in the laundry room?! you should act fool so he will like it and he will give you more rewards but they are actually belongs to you from the beginning, u had them , someone had stolen them and now he is selling them to you. haha forget this theory and sry for my grammatic mistakes

Cover art for Sappy lyrics by Nirvana

I just think it's about when Kurt used to keep pets- like turtles. He has always said people make too much of his lyrics. It doesn't matter to me what it means- I just love this song! Why is it not on one of their main albums??? Kurt- if you can somehow get this message - I love this song & miss you!!! Wish you could have known how special you were.

You're a nice man Jax, I hope Kurt did hear you back then :)

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Cover art for Sappy lyrics by Nirvana

I believe he likes this girl, that he loves, but she's with a guy that treats her like shit, and she hates it but she's afraid to let go or is just plain fucking stupid,.

she's like in a jar that he keeps and she think shes happy when she really isnt

Cover art for Sappy lyrics by Nirvana

my interpretation of this song will sound pretty weird at first but just hear me out - all the stuff said throughout the song (put you in a jar, give you breathing holes, cover you with grass and you will seem happy, etc etc) seems to referr to what little kids do when they catch a bug from outdoors and put it in a jar in their house. following me so far? and so the bug, i guess, is relatively "safe" inside this jar, safer than it would be if it were outside. so if bugs were to have feelings and stuff, the bug would be thinking that it is safe and will be happy in this jar. but in reality, there is only so much you can do in a jar with some grass in it. so i think that this song is saying if you let people shut you up, or you shut your self up into your own little "jar" so to speak, youll think you are happy but in reality you are missing what life is really about.. does that make sense? it might sound crazy, but i can see it more than the abusive relationship theory (not saying that one is wrong) i cant quite tie in the part about the laundry room, though

Your almost completely right. This song is using a bug being put in a jar as a metaphor to a bad relationship. They're given just enough to live but they're being controlled and even though they 'think they're happy', they aren't really living a full life.

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Cover art for Sappy lyrics by Nirvana

Lemme tell you what i think this song is about: When you're in prison or sth like that and one of the prison guards does a small nice thing to you like giving you a photo of your wife/husband who's waiting for you at home if you shut the fuck up and "behave nicely". You will be happy when you recieve this little "gift" but after all, youre in prison, man! :-) So its still horrible even if they make a little better for you. This is just an example i think it works with dictatorships and america :-) and all places where people are oppressed.

Cover art for Sappy lyrics by Nirvana

I think it's about not being able to escape. It's kind of a mockery of of god, referring to god as a mean kid keeping you in a jar, for his own fun and entertainment. You're thrown all sorts of bullshit that you need to survive (breathing holes and grass). And then you realize why nothing is ever fixed because he forgot about you; you're in a laundry room.

Maybe I always just saw it that way. From the bug in a jar analogy which is repeated throughout the song.