Oasis – Wonderwall Lyrics
| 23 years ago
ahh, this song is great. morning glory was the *only* cd i listened to in the summer of '95. it's one of those albums i don't think i'll ever grow tired of.. i was dissapointed though that they didn't sing wonderwall when i saw them in concert. despite the fact that they think they're better than the beatles (which they're not) they're a great band. i mean they must be because what other band could ever get away with claiming to be better than the beatles?? |
George Harrison – All Things Must Pass Lyrics
| 23 years ago
good olde george! he really was a great songwriter. it's just a shame that some people didn't realize it sooner. he really did live in the shadow of lennon/mccartney throughout his music career. he did not write in the same style that john and paul did, but even so, he was a terrific musician. rest in peace george!! atmp. |
The Beatles – I Am the Walrus Lyrics
| 23 years ago
a philosophy for life: everyone in their lifetime is at one point the walrus, the eggman, and even.. the goo goo goo joob. so i suppose the walrus is the leader, the eggman is the follower, and the goo goo goo joob is just undecided. this song holds all the answers. |
Wham! – Last Christmas Lyrics
| 23 years ago
this song makes no sense. he could have gone the festive route, but no he had to make it depressing. whatever, george michael. |
Vanilla Ice – Life Is A Fantasy Lyrics
| 23 years ago
i think vanilla ice, being the misunderstood artist that he is, felt he had to sing such things to get the attention of the masses. he doesn't do it to be crude, he does it to fit in. poor vanilla he is so innocent.. V.I. FOR LIFE!!! |
David Bowie – Fame Lyrics
| 23 years ago
Bowie whispers something at the end of the song. On the 1978 tour, they could clearly be made out as "Brings so much pain", although others have suggested on the album version, it is "Feeling so gay, feeling gay". |
The Strokes – New York City Cops Lyrics
| 23 years ago
'New York City Cops' was the b-side on the 'Hard To Explain' single in June 2001. It was included on the UK version of 'Is This It' and on the American vinyl pressings of the album, which were both released in August 2001, but when New York suffered the terrorist attacks of September 11th 2001, it was thought an inappropriate lyric to include on the album, and was replaced with the song 'When It Started'. It delayed the album's release from the planned September 25th date until mid October, but it was felt neseccary by the band to maintain an air of positivity through-out the crisis.
* This information can be up to 15 minutes delayed.