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Billy Bragg – A New England Lyrics 19 years ago
It couldn't have been added later because the whole structure of the song depends on the first two lines. But yeah, I guess simon and garfunkle created the paradox.

Billy Bragg – A New England Lyrics 19 years ago

Billy Bragg – A New England Lyrics 19 years ago
This is a great song, but the first few lines create a paradox. If he was 21 years when he wrote the song, he wouldn't have written the lyric
"I'm 22 now but I won't be for long". It's crazy I tell you.

The Smiths – Barbarism Begins at Home Lyrics 19 years ago
I think this song is actually about unruly boys and girls doing the drug crack on someone's head........;)

The Magnetic Fields – Fear Of Trains Lyrics 19 years ago
Why does that keep happening?

The Magnetic Fields – Fear Of Trains Lyrics 19 years ago
Great song. Maybe the girl is a metaphor for the whole blackfoot nation. I'm not sure.

The Magnetic Fields – Fear Of Trains Lyrics 19 years ago
Great song. Maybe the girl is a metaphor for the whole blackfoot nation. I'm not sure.

The Magnetic Fields – Fear Of Trains Lyrics 19 years ago
Great song. Maybe the girl is a metaphor for the whole blackfoot nation. I'm not sure.

Cocteau Twins – Heaven or Las Vegas Lyrics 19 years ago
in the "Maybe there" part, I always thought she said "Baby bear". I like my interpretation better, it's cute.

St. Christopher – You Deserve More Than a Maybe Lyrics 19 years ago
I love st. christopher. Their songs have such a great atmosphere.

Ian Brown – F.E.A.R. Lyrics 19 years ago
Great video too. He's never looked more monkey like.

Ian Brown – F.E.A.R. Lyrics 19 years ago
"For everything a reason"

Words of wisdom. The world would be a much better place if everyone could realize this.

The Stone Roses – Mersey Paradise Lyrics 19 years ago
the river cool's (liverpool's) where I belong. I never knew that. Interesting.

Death in June – To Drown A Rose Lyrics 19 years ago
Anyone agree?....Hello? ......Heeeloooo? *echo*

My Bloody Valentine – Strawberry Wine Lyrics 19 years ago
Me too actually. But my favorites keep changing.

Morrissey – Suedehead Lyrics 19 years ago
So where does the "good lay" fit then? Does he have a good lay with James Dean's corpse?

Morrissey – Suedehead Lyrics 19 years ago
So where does the "good lay" fit then? Does he have a good lay with James Dean's corpse?

Nina Simone – Just In Time Lyrics 19 years ago
Yeah. I wasn't really aware of her before I saw Before Sunset. She's amazing, and so is this song.

Morrissey – Piccadilly Palare Lyrics 20 years ago
Yes, he is speaking Picadilly Palare. That doesn't discount the prostitution references.

The Beach Boys – Good Timin' Lyrics 20 years ago
This is probably one of the most under rated beach boy songs.

Björk – Oceanía Lyrics 20 years ago
Definitely about Evolution.

The Futureheads – Hounds Of Love Lyrics 20 years ago
This is a really amazing cover, but I think people should hear the original version too.

The Smiths – Golden Lights Lyrics 20 years ago
I think Morrissey recorded this song to piss off smiths fans that think he should be serious all the time. It's a bad song, but kind of fun. I think that's the point.

The Smiths – Barbarism Begins at Home Lyrics 20 years ago
Yeah. Marr was in a funk band before the smiths formed and this is the only smiths tune that he allowed himself to bring the FUNK in. I'm dissapointed that these lyrics don't include the "A crack on the head is just what you get for any part of who you are" . That's the best part.

The Smiths – Girl Afraid Lyrics 20 years ago
Can't say I can relate to this song that much. I've never had a problem in the "room downstairs" if ya catch my drift. Oh Yeah! Givem the old Hoo Ha and Hey!
No seriously. I'm just being an ass. I can totally relate to the lyrics and the guitar is so good.

The Smiths – Well I Wonder Lyrics 20 years ago
Yeah. If I was an actor I would listen to this or "Asleep" before doing a crying scene, . So sad.

Morrissey – Piccadilly Palare Lyrics 20 years ago
Ya, your right Aurora2. The song uses prostitution as an analogy for the music business. Morrissey you sly dog.

Death in June – To Drown A Rose Lyrics 20 years ago
This is one of my favorite songs. I think Death in June's music is about as dark as it gets.

Dexys Midnight Runners – Come On Eileen Lyrics 20 years ago
Yes, Wats-up has no idea what he/she is talking about. Im suprised Dexy's midnight runners are considered a one hit wonder. They have lots of other great songs, if you care to look for them.

The Magnetic Fields – All The Umbrellas In London Lyrics 20 years ago
Great lyrics. Witty, funny and all that.

The Magnetic Fields – 100,000 Fireflies Lyrics 20 years ago
Ya. That is the best line in the song. It reminds me of people who are never happy in any relationship but always thinking that the next one will be different.

Pet Shop Boys – Love Comes Quickly Lyrics 20 years ago
Wow. Not many Pet shop fans commenting. Maybe because their songs are so direct there is little you can say. Anyway, this is my favorite song by them. It is super cool.

Joy Division – Decades Lyrics 20 years ago
I'm fairly certain this song is about the affects a war will have on the young men who are forced to fight it. It may be specifically about world war two, when the majority of young men (from the nations heavily involved) were called upon by their leaders to risk their lives and commit horrible acts against their enemies (We knocked on doors of Hell's darker chambers
Pushed to the limits, we dragged ourselves in). Then, upon returning home these men, in most cases, lied about the truth of the horrors they had scene or remained silent about it ( Where have they been?). In many cases these soldiers could not adjust to civilian life because of traumas, or because they couldn't replace (the fear or the thrill of the chase). For these men, the possibilities in life that they had before the war were gone (These rituals showed up the door for our wanderings . Opened and shut, then slammed in our face). Though I don't think Ian is talking about the Vietnam war, The Deer Hunter is a great illustration of the kind of characters he is talking about.

New Order – The Perfect Kiss Lyrics 20 years ago
Some of the lyrics from the full version of this song are missing. Here they are:
When you are alone at night
You search yourself for all the things
That you believe are right
If you give it all away
You throw away your only chance to be here today
Then a fight breaks out on your street
You lose another broken heart in a land of meat
My friend, he took his final breath
Now I know the perfect kiss is the kiss of death

Jamiroquai – Cosmic Girl Lyrics 20 years ago
At first I thought this song had the most ridiculous lyrics ever. Then I realized Jason K was kidding around with the lyrics. The beat is so damn catchy.

Jamiroquai – Little L Lyrics 20 years ago
The best part about this song is the crazy synth sound that happens in the middle. Its so catchy and comes in at exactly the right time.

Pet Shop Boys – Being Boring Lyrics 20 years ago
I think this song is about the history of the gay community, emphasizing important times in history when gay people were openly expressing themselves in clubs and party venues. At first I thought it might be about one person but thats impossible, not even Ian McKellen has been hitting the club scene for that long (since the 20s).

The Pretenders – Human Lyrics 20 years ago
the end guitar rif is awesome. I wish it lasted longer

Morrissey – I Have Forgiven Jesus Lyrics 20 years ago
You can interpret it that way to. As you will notice in a lot of the Morrissey & Smiths discussions here his sexuality is under heavy debate. He has stated in several interviews that he is neither straight or gay. I personally think he can't stand sex because he has issues with his own body, "Why did you stick me in self-deprecating bones and skin, do you hate me? do you hate me?". In the context of what his songs are about, his sexuality is irrelevant because he always writes songs that can be interpreted from any end of the sexual spectrum.

The Field Mice – Sensitive Lyrics 20 years ago
I love this song. It's witty and emotional like all the best songs released on Sarah Records.

Simon and Garfunkel – The Only Living Boy In New York Lyrics 20 years ago
the background vocals of the aaaaaaaAAAaaaaaAAAaaaahere I am parts are amazing.

Art Garfunkel – Bright Eyes Lyrics 20 years ago
Yeah. Great song. Great movie. Great book. There's really not much you can say about songs like this. When I was little I used to cry at the part of the movie when they played this song.

Big Country – Where The Rose Is Sown Lyrics 20 years ago
Is this song pro or anti war?

The Smiths – This Charming Man Lyrics 20 years ago
"not every single sentence and line has to have some deeper meaning to it"
Yes it does. This is Moz we're talking about.

The Smiths – Barbarism Begins at Home Lyrics 20 years ago
This has got to be the most funky smiths tune.

Morrissey – You Know I Couldn't Last Lyrics 21 years ago
I don't know where you got that from. I was thinking it's Mozz showing us the bad side to becoming huge rock star.

The Smiths – That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore Lyrics 21 years ago
Does anyone know what he says at the part where he's like. "you something, even when they fall down"?

Morrissey – Sunny Lyrics 21 years ago
I think the narrator of the song might be the father of sunny.

Morrissey – Piccadilly Palare Lyrics 21 years ago
I always thought the lines:
"we plied an ancient trade
Where we threw all life's
Instructions away"
refers to the narrator and his friends turning tricks. It's funny because in the album sleeve for bona drag there's a picture of Morrissey looking like a male prostitute working a street.

Morrissey – You're The One For Me, Fatty Lyrics 21 years ago
A love when Morrissey does the tongue in cheek thing. I always wondered if this song has anything to do with the line "How can you stay with a fat girl" from "William it was really nothing", or the song "Some girls are bigger than others". Hmmmmm?

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