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Usher – Yeah! Lyrics 4 years ago
Guys, the song is a story about a guy who goes to the club while his girlfriend is in the next town over. In the club, he meets this girl who comes on really strongly and screws him. It turns out this girl and his girlfriend used to be friends. The girl, we'll call her shorty, is about to leave and the guy wants to take her home but is kinda dubious cause while shorty is very fine, he doesn't want his cheating to escalate. They end up having a last dance. This song isn't too shallow, it's fairly well written. You guys are just bashing on it because it's a party song.

Sting – I Can't Stop Thinking About You Lyrics 5 years ago
I agree with all the refugee stuff, and it might also be about reuniting with a friend from your childhood, but I feel like it could also be interpreted as trying to find someone to love.

DJ Snake – Taki Taki Lyrics 5 years ago
This song is about prostitution and having a good time at the club. Welcome to 2018, people.

Falling In Reverse – The Drug In Me Is You Lyrics 6 years ago
Ronnie is basically looking into a mirror and talking about another day in prison. It isn't exactly bright and sunny in there...

I think he starts off by talking about either getting arrested or getting out of his cell to eat food at the cafeteria.

The next line is walking down the prison halls. He goes through a session of anxiety and craziness because of the prison people and the things he did.

The drug he is referring to is himself because he caused his own demise. The person who tried to reach him is also himself, because if he didn't regret anything, he probably wouldn't be singing this song.

The "can't you see" line seems like he's telling you that its not being in jail that is the punishment for his actions but the fear and guilt he experiences. and the other comments helped me piece this together.

Gnarls Barkley – Crazy Lyrics 6 years ago
I interpret this song is about fighting for your beliefs on a controversial issue when your beliefs are among the minority, especially when you're fighting by doing something risky.

For example, someone could have seen a person sacrifice them self in battle and a moment of clarity hit them that would not hit most other people: they want to be the one doing it.

Since their opinion was the minority, most people would be talking about things like how they're crazy for thinking that way that contradict their opinion, like how self sacrifice is bad and they're lucky to be alive, so they'd remain ignorant about what people around them say because they feel like it's not true.

At some point, if everyone keeps giving you contradictory opinions, people are likely to lash out and snap. Then the person would begin to wonder who the actual crazy person is.

Life is the easiest for the majority, but public opinion shifts, and at some point the minority viewpoint will become the majority. The person who was called crazy would be regarded as a hero in the future, while all the other majorities were just people in the crowd.

The last stanza sounds like the singer is ready to fight.

This song is strangely relate-able in a wide variety of ways. You can apply it to Nicolas Copernicus, who thought the Earth was round and proposed it despite popular belief (which we discovered was true). You can apply it to Martin Luther King Jr, who fought to abolish racial discrimination peacefully, and Susan B. Anthony, who fought for women's rights when she voted. You can apply it to someone who was framed but showed that they didn't do it.

Well, either ways, great song.

Lil Pump – Gucci Gang Lyrics 6 years ago
This is one of the most meaningful songs in the world.
It starts off repeating two words. Gucci gang. The catchy sound is repeated over and over again, representing how Lil Pump's life may sound very good, but it's lost it's beauty because of it's repetitive nature.
The next few lines show Lil Pump's melancholy. He spent 10,000 dollars only to purchase the chains which weigh him down, which is a metaphor for how he had given so much and gotten something terrible in return.
Lil Pump then states the melancholic thing was that he had worked so hard to get the love of a girl only to discover she was a b*tch who did Cocaine. He describes how it started as an affair with a nameless girl. The girl now insists on marriage, but he desperately attempts to convince her not to, using the excuse that he has no money for a wedding ring because he's saving it all on Balmain. He makes an analogy: their relationship is like having an affair with a teacher and using the excuse that it was tutoring. The relationship may seem happy, but that's all a disguise.
Afterwards, Lil pump addresses major issues such as airline prejudice and homelessness.
There's a deep meaning hidden behind each and every lyric. You just have to find it.

Evanescence – Call Me When You're Sober Lyrics 6 years ago
@[VictorianRomantic:25200] Actually, you can type all sorts of comments. It says so on the 'type' category. Yours is labeled as general comment, but it should be 'song meaning'. If general comments bother you, you can go to the dropdown menu below the 'add your thoughts' button and click on the song meaning or my interpretation option. However, some people forget to change the labels, so it won't show all the results.

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