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Thrice – Death from Above Lyrics 7 years ago
@[leviticus1:21340] I'm not entirely sure how you reached that conclusion based on either this song or the album name

Thrice – Death from Above Lyrics 8 years ago
I think this song can just speak for itself. It's from the perspective of a bomber pilot, bombing buildings full of "insurgents/terrorists/bad guys". But how many innocents were in the building? This is a song about the conscience of someone sent to kill for our clearly not sympathetic or sober minded leaders. Interestingly enough, even though Kensrue is Christian, he is pointing out, in the chaplain bit, how Christian conservatives often justify and defend killing and war. This song also outlines how impersonal and dehumanizing killing our woefully outgunned opponents with a bomb from the sky can be.

Thrice – Black Honey Lyrics 8 years ago
This is not hard to figure out, but that doesn't subtract from the painful truth the song carries. He's talking about the United States going to war in the Middle East for personal gain (oil is black honey) and the effects that it has on us. We keep getting stung each time we go to someone else's country and destroy people's homes and lives while our government pretends to be waging war for our safety. If you don't want to get stung, don't swing your hand through the swarm of bees. It also references the greed and selfishness of American culture "do what I want, do what please, I'll do it again till I got what I need", and "do you understand I deserve the best". The swarm following us home across the sea is a reference to sleeper cells and domestic terrorism in western countries: San Bernardino, Paris, Brussels, etc. ISIS is just the newest swarm we have created ourselves and are following us home to "sting" our friends and family. The butterfly part is interesting in that it seems to be reflecting on our wastefulness and carelessness in destroying things over and over and not learning the result of our actions (threw it in the fire to burn with all the others). The part he repeats "but I never get it right" and then "this time I'll get it right" parallels this. We keep going to war, to reap death and destruction, while a select few profit, and then blame the "bees" for stinging us. We are doomed to do this over and over until we realize the result of our actions.

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