John Lennon – #9 Dream Lyrics | 13 years ago |
I have always felt that this was a dream by Lennon. If you heard that facts that came out after his death it would appear that this song tells the story of his death. As in all dreams, not everything matches up. Took a walk down the street (Lennon was walking on the street towards his apartment) Thru the heat whispered trees (Late at night-less noise in NYC. A mild night for December) I thought I could hear (hear, hear, hear) Somebody call out my name as it started to rain (Chapman calls out Lennon's' name) On a river of sound (Four gunshots) Thru the mirror go round, round (I had read one time that as Lennon was hit he spun from the bullets) I thought I could feel (feel, feel, feel) Music touching my soul, something warm, sudden cold (As he passed the music touched his soul-his blood would have made him feel something warm and as he went into shock and passed he would have felt sudden cold) The spirit dance was unfolding (a dance was coming to an end that had started earlier in the day betwwen Chapman and Lennon) Just my opinion but I have always felt that Lennon dream t his own passing and wrote it in this song. |
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