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Simon and Garfunkel – April Come She Will Lyrics 1 year ago
@[somespecificindividual:50009] @[russycarps:50010] @[awolliamson:50011]

I never got back together with that girl. I ended up transferring to a different college after that first year. Started a career, tried some different jobs in my early 20's. I got sober, built a recording studio, and got to work on making really great records. I've been with someone now for about 4 years and we're looking at houses. When I remember my freshman year it all seems like a dream, I haven't kept in touch with many people from that era. I constantly have dreams about being back there.

Simon and Garfunkel – April Come She Will Lyrics 14 years ago
amazing song. i watched the graduate for the first time a few weeks ago. im sure most people become obsessed with the soundtrack after they see that movie, but i am starting to wonder if i will ever listen to anything besides paul simon again. I just finished my freshman year at college... summer is underway and the girl that i loved in college is gone. she lived across the hall from my room and we became attached. we knew we would have to spend the summer apart, and despite this i told her only weeks before school ended that i loved her and she said the same for me. i knew it was not opportune to say this, but it was honest. now that i am about a month into summer, i don't know what to do. the overwhelming love i had for her before is fading now for some reason. "a love once new has now grown old." im going to turn 20 in a few months. when did i start getting older? i never grew up.

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