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U2 – Trash, Trampoline, and the Party Girl Lyrics 11 years ago
It probably is about Adam Clayton. Often a lyricist will pick a close subject for a song. If they were all experiencing being on the road and finding easy girls etc, it would be easier to use a bandmate as a scapegoat!

Stereophonics – Indian Summer Lyrics 11 years ago
Wow. Has to be the worst lyrics he's ever written. Full of the sort of cliches you'd expect from Rod Stewart!

Stereophonics – Indian Summer Lyrics 11 years ago
Wow. Has to be the worst lyrics he's ever written. Full of the sort of cliches you'd expect from Rod Stewart!

Bridgit Mendler – Ready Or Not Lyrics 11 years ago
This is fucking terrible!

Girls Aloud – Call The Shots Lyrics 13 years ago
it's about being a thick trollop & generally terrible judge of a male's character, eg I'll go out with a mixed raced footballer & expect him to be faithful. What a fucking joke - no sympathy!

Sting – Shape Of My Heart Lyrics 13 years ago
a beautiful beatiful song & how perfect was it on the closing credits of Leon

Radiohead – Knives Out Lyrics 13 years ago
I fucking love the bass on this track

The Smiths – Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others Lyrics 13 years ago
It seems to be about boobs - there aren't exactly many words! Didn't Morrissey also write 'let me get my hands on your mammary glans'? A man after my own heart.

Guns N' Roses – You're Crazy Lyrics 13 years ago
always thought it was "Say boy where ya comin' from with that dickhead point of view" - which I prefer lol!

R.E.M. – The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonight Lyrics 13 years ago
ah so its 'Call me when you try to wake her up'
not 'coming on cheryl baker'

Iron Maiden – Run Silent, Run Deep Lyrics 13 years ago
The 'other song' Bruce wrote about submarines was of course Dive Dive Dive! I'm sure you all know what other connotations those lyrics carried. So this is the serious one. I think the line 'Running silent, running deep, sink into your silent sleep' is very poetic. A lot of Maiden titles are from films but they always give it their own special treatment rather than write based purely on the movie. Up the Irons

Anthrax – H8 Red Lyrics 14 years ago
this song addresses racism in ways that Paul McCartney & Stevie Wonder could only dream about!

Megadeth – Wake Up Dead Lyrics 14 years ago
Yeah, the final solo is out of this world. Presumably a song about fucking Princess Di?

Iron Maiden – Holy Smoke Lyrics 14 years ago
the TV evangelist reference is the clear one & this was written in an age of these fuckers being exposed. Another reference in the line "Burning records burning books Holy soldiers nazi looks" might be about how certain so called Christian cults convinced their followers to buy Iron Maiden & other metal band's albums & then burn them. Now you've gotta have a flock of brain-washed idiots if you can get them to believe buying a band's album will harm their career whatever you do with it afterwards!

Iron Maiden – Revelations Lyrics 14 years ago
its a song written about religion, or about washing your car. Actually its about opening a pair of curtains (of the beef variety)

Bruce Dickinson – Laughing In The Hiding Bush Lyrics 14 years ago
lol you're right. I only wish it as 'laughing & a hiding & a kicking george bush'!

Bruce Dickinson – Tears Of The Dragon Lyrics 14 years ago
It was very close after leaving Maiden for the meanings not to be looked for. I guess he felt he had to get a lot off his chest which was clearly a success now that he's back in the best metal band ever where he belongs

Bruce Dickinson – Dive! Dive! Dive! Lyrics 14 years ago
Bruce explained that it was written about submarines AND cunnilingus. The great British tradition of double entendre hasn't escaped rock music!

Iron Maiden – Total Eclipse Lyrics 14 years ago
Great track but I much prefer the live version at Hammersmith '82. It was going to be put on the orignal album in place of Gangland. Ended up being a rushed decision which the band were never quite 100% agreed on

Metallica – Better Than You Lyrics 14 years ago
I this is about JH's ability to drink far more jagermeister than anyone else & stay standing

Iron Maiden – The Evil That Men Do Lyrics 14 years ago
????????? child abuse ?????????
its a concept album about good & evil & krostaps/deathway (read above) have it right.
Anyway, who is narrator who beat his/her daughter?

Iron Maiden – Nodding Donkey Blues Lyrics 14 years ago
Self explanatory this one. The idea of big girls or bbw's (relatively new expression for big beautiful women) generally being nymphomanics - more insatiable & a lot more grateful than ordinary sized girls. In my experience very true!

Iron Maiden – Weekend Warrior Lyrics 14 years ago
An an interview about this song, Steve Harris unfortunately said "it's about football hooligans, or the lack of them these days". I think he meant the lack is a good thing but it cam out wrong, poor Stevie. We know you wouldn't be like that, being a Hammers fan & all!

Metallica – Harvester Of Sorrow Lyrics 14 years ago
just wrote a comment & then saw yours but its along the same lines. Its just laughable that on every page about any metallica lyric, someone says 'its about drugs'!!!!!

Thought it was about James's dad as he could get drunk & abusive. His mum could do little to protect him. He had to grow up fast hence 'cheated of my youth' & 'infanticide' - not reference to killing a baby but cutting off the enjoyment of his childhood by installing fear & control. James grew up fearing he would become just like him. Evidence suggests the drinking part is true at least!

Killer drums - Lars best work

Metallica – Harvester Of Sorrow Lyrics 14 years ago
Thought it was about James's dad as he could get drunk & abusive. His mum could do little to protect him. He had to grow up fast hence 'cheated of my youth' & 'infanticide' - not reference to killing a baby but cutting off the enjoyment of his childhood by installing fear & control. James grew up fearing he would become just like him. Evidence suggests the drinking part is true at least!

Killer drums - Lars best work

Metallica – Low Man's Lyric Lyrics 14 years ago
I hate to do this to everyone but this is about an IRA bomber - James has sympathies & even puts on a bit of a irish accent "And I cry, to the alley way, Confess all to the rain"
By writing, he's arranging another attack because its in his veins but he now feels sorry for all the death he's caused.

...or it could be about a remorseful old tramp!

Metallica – Mama Said Lyrics 14 years ago
its doubtful that James was smothered with love - just look at some other lyrics relating to his family. Seems like he had a strict but inconsistent upbringing. If his dad was mean then he'd want his mum to confort him but maybe she was too scared to protect him. He would leave home at an early age with a head full of hate & rebellion then later on in life would see that his mother did her best under the circumstances. Too late to make amends as the words suggest "a cold stone's all I see"

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