Fever Ray – If I Had a Heart Lyrics | 15 years ago |
These comments are about Fver Ray's "If I Had a Heart." I think the interpretations about post-natal depression are very good. However, I think this song is operating on an even more primitive level. Perhaps the PND is the triggering event in the present but I think there is a huge subsconscious component that is addressing her own preverbal experience when she was a baby (she is associating to that, whether consciously or not) and subsequent experiences when she was very small (hanging feet from window frame, will they ever ever touch the floor?). This could be an image of a child attempting or wishing to escape from a traumatic situation or event. The deep baseline contributes to the sense of something from the depths of her unconscious, or as the poet Theodore Roethke said, "Deep in the brain, way back." |
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