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Blondie – Rapture Lyrics 16 years ago
Ummmm, if anyone was gonna do drugs, it would be a Ms.Deborah Harry. Maybe it could be an anti- drug song, I don't know. Sounds right.

Random: Ugggg, my little cousin is watching stupid i-carly. I hate that show.

Heart – Straight On Lyrics 16 years ago
Stone Free- Ann Wilson was listening to a lot of Rolling Stones at the time, Miss You in particular, since Ann was having relationship problems =)

This song is about taking chances in life and love in general, it is quite inspirational.

Heart – Magic Man Lyrics 16 years ago
Ann Wilson did NOT have a relationship with a Dennis Wilson. The Charles Manson rumor is UNTRUE.

Heart – Magic Man Lyrics 16 years ago
This is about Ann Wilson's former lover, Mike Fisher. The part: Come on home, girl" mama cried on the phone
"Too soon to lose my baby yet my girl should be at home!", refers to Ann's mother Lou calling her late at night wondering how she is.

Heart – Crazy on You Lyrics 16 years ago
Ann Wilson says this is a song that protests the Nam, which the sisters have strong feelings about. It is about trying to escape the world. It's not about Charles Manson or Dennis Wilson (whom Ann has no relation with). Ann Wilson has not had a relationship since Mike Fisher.

Heart – Barracuda Lyrics 16 years ago
According to the Wilson sisters, Barracuda is about this one incident Ann Wilson had with a man back stage at a Detroit meet and greet (makes me proud to be from Michigan, home of jerky men -_-). He asked her how her lover was doing, and she answered "mike is doing fine, he's great..." the man cut her off and said, "no, I mean your sister." Ann was enraged, since her and her sister are so close, so she stormed off to her hotel room to write this song out of spite and anger. Why would this man think this? Heart's record label Mushroom made an article that was on the front of the Rolling Stone featuring Ann and Nancy like they were on the cover of Dreamboat Annie, and the headline was "it was only our first time." Oh, the messy court battles and law suits ^-^

Heart – All I Want to Do Is Make Love to You Lyrics 16 years ago
This song is about a woman that wants to have a baby, but cannot because her husband is incapable, so she picks up a random dude from the street. So they go into a hotel (basically a one night stand). The man then awakens to find a note poetically saying, "we shared a night, but it wasn't anything that special, so don't try to find me, but remember me." So a couple years later, they cross paths at a hotel the man works at at. When he looked up from his desk, he saw her baby and relized that it was his ( he saw his own eyes). So then the lady tells him about her other lover (stated above). The music video clearly explains it.

Heart – White Lightning & Wine Lyrics 16 years ago
I love what Ann said about this song, "whatever you do, don't mix white lightning and wine, PLEASE!... didn't know that then..". Laugh every time I hear it!
Heart= best band EVER

Blondie – Heart of Glass Lyrics 16 years ago
I love the slower version of this song, Once I Had A Love (aka The Disco Song). It can be found on Plastic Letters deluxe edition(wherever that can be found....). It was a demo and the words "heart of glass" are not at all to be heard :/. This song is about broken relations. There is more of a sign of anguish/pain in Harry's voice on the orginal. I love Deborah Harry and Blondie =), such emotion.

Blondie – Atomic Lyrics 16 years ago
Judging by the video, I think it's about trying to have a good time during a crisis.....if having a good time is dancing like a robot wearing a garbage bag :/

Blondie – Under the Gun Lyrics 16 years ago
Jeffrey Lee Pierce was actually a huge Blondie fan and was president of their fan club. He went into a coma from liver poisoning and died. There is more to it here: After reading that, the song makes sense, especially the last two lines.

Blondie – Rapture Lyrics 16 years ago
Sounds like voodoo to me, but I'm not sure and most likely wrong. The "man from mars" is a voodoo god (according to wikipedia) Also according to wikipaedia, "the lyrics of "Rapture" included references to hip-hop pioneers Fab Five Freddy and Grandmaster Flash." This song rocks, and I'm not fond of rapping.

The dude in white hat and tails was dancer William Barnes, whom also coregraphed the video. Fab Five Freddy made cameo appearance in the video also.

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