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Ben Folds – Effington Lyrics 15 years ago
To me, I think that this song is just really great. The beginning is so interesting, it really brings the listener in immediately, you know? Then he just goes off on another completely different way- It's gets slower and then suddenly he talks about people fucking and such, which takes this suddenly in the comic direction.

But at the same time, it shows that he doesn't want to live in "Normal", does he? In fact "Normal" is what takes all of the inspiration from "Effington". So along with his joking persona, he is being completely serious when he says that he wants to die in Effington and live there, etc.

The part about God laughing, well it works well with what Ben sees the world as. It's just silly. And these "Normal" people do such odd things that are considered to be normal.

He just wants out of Normal I believe and would rather live somewhere else.

Natalie Merchant – Golden Boy Lyrics 15 years ago
This song also does poke fun at the vapidness and vagueness of our culture. We only watch watch the media present. Nothing could be real with the pressures that each child feels to 'live up' to expectations of culture.

The Cranberries – Electric Blue Lyrics 15 years ago
gah. beautiful.
depressing. like she is just falling and cannot grab anything to help her

Mary Chapin Carpenter – This Is Me Leaving You Lyrics 15 years ago
I can not believe that I am the first to comment on this, but think about how great this song is. Really, it is awesome.

Mary Chapin Carpenter – This Is Me Leaving You Lyrics 15 years ago
I can not believe that I am the first to comment on this, but think about how great this song is. Really, it is awesome.

Mary Chapin Carpenter – He Thinks He'll Keep Her Lyrics 15 years ago
How can this song be taken as sad? I mean, yes I can see that the family will be sad, but this is supposed to be interpreted from her point of view, the suppressed housewife. She finally had enough and left. It is inspiring to me.

Regina Spektor – Buildings Lyrics 15 years ago
"And in the bathroom he would hold her hair back and hope"

It is a man literally helping his wife and continuously having her 'back' for her. He is constantly saving her, and his "they put buildings up" is merely his way of changing the subject so she can think of something else besides her sickness.

She obviously feels horrid about it "And by the time he came back she'd scrub the bathrooms and make them smell like pine" but still, she doesn't worry much about it and continues on this downward spiral and he just continues on his as well.

*Note the simplistic, harsh drum beats in this song. It is swift and sharp, clear cut and to the point.

Paula Cole – Oh John Lyrics 16 years ago
I agree, this song is wonderful. Downside: it sticks in your head and you end up singing it all day long...

I feel like she's listing all the places they've had sex. am i crazy? haha

Finley Quaye – Dice Lyrics 16 years ago
The background singing by the girl is beautiful, and also the way that the song almost seems to slow down the time. It really puts the listener into that atmosphere, like you are about to tell that person that you love them and you are just waiting...

It is great

Ace of Base – Young And Proud Lyrics 16 years ago
hands down.

Mary Chapin Carpenter – Stones In The Road Lyrics 16 years ago
I love this song

I take it as, when she was younger she remembers everything, every detail, and she loved life and took her time.
when she was older, she and all the people around her couldn't or didn't look around them, at the 'stones in the road', they just seemed to focus on the road and nothing else. MCC is just explaining the sadness that comes with not enjoying life.

Mary Chapin Carpenter – He Thinks He'll Keep Her Lyrics 16 years ago
This is my favorite MCC song, and I don't find it sad at all! I find it humorous. Seriously, look at women in our life. They all do this: they all forget themselves for other people. It's incredibly ridiculous and of course I fear that time when I'll probably do the same. however, she leaves him at the end and by doing so, gains her independence, even though she makes no money really. She is still happy, much happier than before, and in a sense, 'sticks it to the man'.

Mary Chapin Carpenter – 10,000 Miles Lyrics 16 years ago
When I moved, this song was like therapy.
It is crisp and dreamy, almost like you're on a ship or plane moving very fast past mountains and such above the ground. It allowed me to forget my surroundings, if only for a little bit.

Mary Chapin Carpenter – 10,000 Miles Lyrics 16 years ago
When I moved, this song was like therapy.
It is crisp and dreamy, almost like you're on a ship or plane moving very fast past mountains and such above the ground. It allowed me to forget my surroundings, if only for a little bit.

Paula Cole – Tiger Lyrics 16 years ago
Actually, to even push this further.
When I lost my virginity, it almost felt like this song was a letter to my parents.
And i was telling them that I needed to get out and be myself, even as a 16 year old.

Paula Cole – Watch The Woman's Hands Lyrics 16 years ago
A great 'girl-power' song, but it's almost like pleading. Like Cole is pleading her audience instead of showing that immense strength. She's showing the exasperation and the failed trying attempts of femininity.

Even the line "while she's on her knees" is degrading and overtly sexual, at least I believe it to be.

The woman just sits there and does not get back at all.

hauntingly beautiful

Paula Cole – I Am So Ordinary Lyrics 16 years ago
SUCH an amazing song

I saw her on your motorcycle
In the seat I thought was meant for me

because we all feel like this. thank you paula, you are so gifted this song gives me chills.

Paula Cole – Bethlehem Lyrics 16 years ago
It took a while to really come down to it, but I believe this to be one of her best songs , or even possibly, her best song. I was literally listening to it in math class and I started crying like a sap. Just the line "I've lost five pounds these past few days/
Trying to be class president and get straight A's/, well, Who gives a shit about that anyway?". It is so incredibly great and true and harsh. Also, another outstanding lyric: "The boys on the basketball team just fuck the same ten girls/, who don't know who they are/ They're looking for some comfort in the back of a car".

It is amazing for her to just go out, state the obvious, do it harshly, raw, and true.

I love this song.

Regina Spektor – Oedipus Lyrics 16 years ago
I agree that the song is less like the Oedipus known in Greek myths. He was not aware Jacosta was his mother, he was not aware he killed his father.

It is just the want to understand life, to understand what is going on.

The sarcasm in long live the king is great.

Lee Ann Womack – I Keep Forgetting Lyrics 16 years ago
Great song...
so good, and so true. People get weak and want what they had again, even if it was a horrible situation. they just need someone to hold.

Lee Ann Womack – The Man Who Made My Mama Cry Lyrics 16 years ago
Great song. It is a story of the father that left her, the man that she never really knew besides her childhood ideal as the 'man who made my momma cry'.

Natalie Merchant – Ophelia Lyrics 16 years ago
I believe it to be nothing like Ophelia from Hamlet. Let's face it, Ophelia in Hamlet is an idiot. She has no brain and is innocent.

this Ophelia is kick ass and represents all women.

Ace of Base – Wheel Of Fortune Lyrics 16 years ago
I always thought that this was about the chance of becoming pregnant and the horror of telling your father when you become pregnant

Paula Cole – Throwing Stones Lyrics 16 years ago
"Oh mama, my innocence has been tarred"

It gave me shivers. you get to that point when you've done so much, you're ashamed to let your mother know. You're ashamed that you could've done those things that she can't know.

It's as if you're hiding your true self from your mother.

It is the story of my life

Paula Cole – Mississippi Lyrics 16 years ago
The mississippi river is the metaphor for her being swept away, for her being overcome with this emotion.
it is beautiful. It is the woman's feelings as she is destroyed, as she is wishing for death from the love she's lost.

Paula Cole – Nietzsche's Eyes Lyrics 16 years ago
Agreed. she is stepping back, looking through someone else's eyes and sees he is not her 'superman'.
She is through.

Paula Cole – Tiger Lyrics 16 years ago
She's like, "I've always been that girl- the quiet one, the sweet one.. But, fuck it."

Natalie Merchant – San Andreas Fault Lyrics 16 years ago
This is her best song, it is my favorite in the world.

The idea of chasing dreams being pointless because they will crumble anyway.

"Promised land/ what a wicked ground"

Regina Spektor – Chemo Limo Lyrics 16 years ago
I believe it is important to listen to the line "Barbara... she looks so much like my mom"
I believe it to be a woman dying of cancer, looking at how her daughter also looks like her mother. This could mean that her mother has also died of cancer and she is worried of her daughter dying the same way.

I also believe this 'dream' she has to be true, of course not the idea that 'ben franklin' came to her house, but that he symbolizes the doctor and his money.

The end with Barbara makes me cry. it is beautiful and stunning. Regina, amazing.

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