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The Rolling Stones – Beast Of Burden Lyrics 13 years ago
He's not burdening her, a beast of burden is an animal you use to plow fields and do hard work. He's saying "I'll never let you use me".

Even though she's being goddamn difficult, he loves the shit outta her. He can put up with her drama (i.e. throwing her sickness at him) because she's worth it. But the one thing he won't put up with is being walked all over and used as a tool to carry her baggage.

Love, real love, survives the waves of drama. What love can't survive is mutual respect. Goddammit I love the Rolling Stones.

The Killers – Mr. Brightside Lyrics 15 years ago

THANK YOU. My God, I'm open to interpretation toward song lyrics, but some of these song interpretations from these users are so random that I had to double-check to see if I was on the right song. lol its always fun reading them though.

Everyone's entitled to their own interpretation, but personally I think yours was 110% spot on and it was nice to read how you explained it.

The Killers – Mr. Brightside Lyrics 15 years ago
This song is about a guy whose girlfriend/love interest took the first step toward being unfaithful to him. He's torn up with jealousy about it, and can't stop thinking about how far she either might or will go with someone else.

He chooses to be a man about it: heartache and jealousy are the risks you take (and the price you pay) when you fall in love. He's choosing to man-up and find someone else he can trust who rocks his world, instead of sulking on this girl that he can't trust, or even being bitter about love in general.

Why? Because he knows he deserves it. He's dropping this girl without a second thought, because something better is out there and he's going after it with his head held high (hence: Mr. Brightside).

Coldplay – What If Lyrics 15 years ago

This song definitely speaks to a person not willing to commit in a relationship.

Every step toward the relationship could be a mistake, and it could all fall apart. But that's part of the risk you have to take. That's what makes a worthwhile relationship so damn special. But someone is too scared to commit, waiting to decide whether or not they want to move forward; without ever trying to give them a shot.

He's saying let's take the risk. Let's find out together. Let's take a deep breath and see how far we can go.

Elvis Costello – Alison Lyrics 16 years ago

This song is definitely about a girl who's found herself in a rough life since her old flame last saw her.

He sees that her life hasn't gone well since they were together. She's carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders, rather than her being on top of the world.

He doesn't sound pleased at all that her marriage has failed, and expresses that it's hard to see her this way, because he thought she was worth more.

This song shares a striking resemblance to an Alison I used to date. We met again in college some time after we'd broken up. She got interested in this guy that was always drinking, partying, and leaving the house trashed for her to pick up.

She'd expressed to me how things were hard for her, how stressed she was, how she'd messed up with "us", and how she missed so many things about our relationship. Despite this, she kept brushing me off while coming back into my life at odd times with romantic intent.

Eventually, her words became "silly" to me because she would always do the opposite of what she said she felt, and I finally "stopped her from talking" and "turned out the light" on us by walking away from her for good. It actually hurt me more to see the life she was living than anything she said or did to me, because she deserved better.

I can relate to the song. All I wanted for the Alison that I knew was to be happy; even if that meant without me. In the end, I just feel sorry for her.

Jordin Sparks – Tattoo Lyrics 16 years ago

It's definitely about a person who hit an "emotional limit" in the relationship and wasn't "feeling it" anymore, for whatever reason. The vocals are catchy, and the lyrics are beautifully written.

I agree with ^exeF on the message in a different way. It's a perfectly legit reason to break up with someone: she needs to be free to see for sure if the decision she made is the right or wrong one. However, this song is a horrible reason to stay broken up with someone you still love.

If there's no connection anymore, that's fine. But if there IS, if you find that special person still being a part of everything you do, that you find yourself still missing them, and that you feel special when you see them again, don't wait! Love leaves you if you don't care for it.

For those that put their heart and best intent into the relationship only to have the other person need to "figure it out", ^exeF is right, bust out Ne-Yo's "Go on Girl" :)

Coldplay – Fix You Lyrics 16 years ago
This song means lots to me.

Me and my gf were madly in love these past two years of college. I left one weekend for a vacation, and when I got back she had changed. No other guy, no lies, or anything like that. She wanted to live life on her own. She wanted to find out who she was inside. There were no warnings, no signs. Just like that one day; all over.

We tried to hold on, but it was too hard. She couldn't hold on to a relationship, and I didn't know how to not want more when I was with her; I had her, but I couldn't keep her. I could hug her, but I couldn't hold her.
When I did, it meant different things to us. "When you get what you want, but not what you need". ...yeah. Definitely.

I had to cut off our contact and walk away, it was getting bad for us; especially me. She thinks I've let go, and that I'm gone for good; but that's not true. She needs the freedom to choose her own life path, even if that means finding someone else. It's tough, but I love that girl that much.

Unrequited love has nothing on unconditional love.

The White Stripes – You've Got Her In Your Pocket Lyrics 16 years ago
Xdie romiticx (last poster on page 1) hit the nail on the head, I think.

My own personal experience with this was the girl of my dreams breaking it off after a year and a half. We had no problems, she had a change of heart in that there's more in life she wants to do without being in a serious relationship.

I tried to "keep her in my pocket" by being her friend, but I realized I couldn't let go. Neither of us could. Eventually it degenerated into her treating me pretty bad; girls don't respect guys that cling on to them. Vice Vera.

You can keep your significant other in your pocket, but you'd better be prepared to carry that weight. It was too much for us, so I cut ties with her for good. Life is too short.

The Shins – Gone For Good Lyrics 16 years ago
Untie me, I've said no vows
The train is getting way too loud
I've got to leave here, my girl
And get on with my lonely life
Just lay the ring on the rail
For the wheels to nullify

He's breaking all ties to this girl. The train being way too loud means all the signs telling him he's got to leave her have hit an all-time high.

Until this turn in my head
I let you stay and you paid no rent
I spent twelve long months on the lam
That's enough sitting on the fence
For the fear of breaking dams

Love should be an equal amount of give-and-take. Until he's finally looked away just now, he's been giving too much to keep his love alive and not getting back what he puts in. He's tired of giving so much and it barely being enough to keep all the pieces together.

I find a fatal flaw
In the logic of love
And go out of my head
You love a sinking stone
That will never elope
So get used to the lonesome, girl
You must atone some
Don't leave me no phone number there

The fatal flaw in the logic of love: their love isn't balanced, or fair. He wants more, but "getting eloped" to me in this song sounds symbolic in that she's too interested in living life unpredictably, in the here-and-now, and doing what feels good, whereas he just wants her to wake up and realize he's starving for her pure love. She seems to be attracted to him for other reasons, and he's saying "look! I'm right here! I love you!"

It took me all of a year
To put that poisoned pill to your ear
But now I stand on honest ground
You want to fight for this love
But honey, you cannot wrestle a dove
So baby, it's clear

Putting the poison pill to her ear is him telling her that it's over. Now he's not living for her heart, but his own. He's living honest with himself, because he's seeing her as she is, not who he wants her to be. It sounds like she tried to fight for their bond, but did it in all the wrong ways. She's left herself nothing to offer or fight for; what good would holding on do if she can't/won't change?

You wanted to jump and dance
But you sat on your hands
And lost your only chance
Go back to your hometown
Get your feet on the ground
And stop floating around

Yup, sounds like she made herself out to be someone who would take a shot for him, but ended up letting him down really hard. She kept him hoping, waiting, trying until he realized she wasn't putting her all in like he was. She's floating around through life, pleased by this or that. He doesn't want to be a momentary attraction. He wants something real, and is sad that his love isn't enough to ground her. By telling her to atone, I think he realizes she has some serious growing up, or soul searching to do. If his love isn't what attracts her to him the most, he's leaving. Nothing gives you time to appreciate the precious things in life like being finding yourself alone, and taking time to search deep within yourself.

I like this song a lot. Sounds like he's leaving and taking his love with him.

Dream Theater – Never Enough Lyrics 16 years ago
I know this song is aimed at ungrateful fans, but the first half of the song's lyrics are so powerful in the context of a give-take relationship. I love the flexibility of emotions in this song; DT is amazing that way.

Dream Theater – Endless Sacrifice Lyrics 16 years ago
I had no idea this song was about JP's wife; that is sooo heavy.

I'd never taken time to listen to this song's lyrics until I had a bad fallout in a relationship. I needed to hear some DT to vent one day and this song came on. It was like POW! We had broken up because our life goals were different, and were letting each other go and hoping we could meet again.

I could in no way compare to JP's sacrifice, but it blew me away that what I felt is what he was spilling out in his lyrics via DT's powerhouse of explosive music. These guys have a way of shaping your pain into something greater than you ever thought it could be. That's ART man. That's what real music is all about.

Candlebox – Sometimes Lyrics 17 years ago
Great song. I've always liked it, but was never sure of what it meant...until now. I'll try my best on what it means to me:

"I wipe the night from my eyes
Block out the sunny day and I hide

The mornings after a fall out in a relationship are one of the toughest times of the day; the beautiful morning sun can't warm or inspire in times like these. Rather, we shy away from the day and we tend to hide in reruns that play in our hearts and minds.

"Everything's falling down around us
I'm just missing the rain
I'm happier now today
Don't let me down
Don't let me go"

Everything that once seemed strong and enduring is falling down, hitting everything around them and sending shockwaves through him. He's missing the rain today, because it reflects how he feels; the beautiful day seems to be for other people. He says "don't let me down, don't let me go", which feels like like they're seperated, but haven't truly let go of eachother.

"A change of seasons inside her mind
In time I'll decide
In time I'll decide to move on"

This stanza is very powerful and endearning, and you can almost miss it. He says a change of seasons "inside her mind", not a change in her heart. A change of seasons has only few hints before the world around is completely different. Like their love, it sounds like the change came swift. The nature of this change in her is hard on him: he was unprepared for it, and like the seasons, he was neither the cause of it, nor can he do anything about it but ride it out and see what's on the other side. He knows, however, that he can't wait for her forever to figure things out. And that in time, on his terms, he will decide to move on.

"We change directions, we watch the tides
And we borrow too much
We form restrictions and we form lines
And we separate you from me"

Something in life has sparked a change, and even though their relationship is either dying or gone, they're actually still feeling that change together. Life's challenges are causing them to move in seperate directions, and as they watch the time go by there is a tragic bitter-sweet realization that something between them is still alive in moments of borrowed time. It also sounds like they've borrowed into different responsibilities in life, and they have obligations that are separating them; as often happens to many people. I really do think that the line "we borrow too much" has multiple meanings in that sense. They make rules and put up imaginary walls between them in a desperate attempt to live without each other and move on.

"Sometimes, sometimes we carry more weight than we own Oh but sometimes sometimes goes on"

Sometimes we try to take on the world, and it's hard to do that alone. I think they're both doing that in their own way. But he realizes that "sometimes" are times that will move on. He seems to be reflecting on just exactly what it is that will move on, and what will remain after all the dust has had time to settle. Either her change of mind, or their love for each other will be the thing that doesn't last and "goes on" to disappear; it can't be both. He wants terribly for it to be their love, but neither of them at this point can tell which it will be.

"Night takes the light by the hand
Tunes out the boring day and cries out loud
Everyone's hanging on, hanging on my words
It kills the thrill in being divine
But she's happier now today"

The day is dull and numb. When night comes, however, the emotions run high. They're each
probably hanging on the last words they said to eachother. She's happier today, and this seems
to give him a measure of peace.

"Don't let her down
Don't let her go
There are no reasons there are no lies
We just bleed together
That's how we realize"

Another powerful, endearing stanza: not letting her down comes first to him; he wants the best for her, even if it means a life without him. But he's also not at that point where he's convinced that it's time to let go. He may be moving on in his "direction", but he hasn't let go. There's something different about these two in this song. There are no hints of concrete feelings that one of them hurt the other, or that she's fallen completely out of love with him. There are no lies that have stung or hurt them to the point of no return. This song isn't just about him, but about both of them. They're both hurting. They're bleeding together. Your heart goes out to them, because you really can't tell which way it will go. You can only give it time.

Somehow we'll find a way we'll paste it back together
These ripped out pages of old coloring books where your Gold is silver, my blue is gray
Its all held together by cellophane tape

And he ends with hope. Hope that after some time, after the whirlwind of life has calmed down, they'll still have what it takes between them to make a connection; that they'll find eachother again. Where details don't matter, only that they hold eachother together again.

Phew! That's my attempt at that song. If it wasn't obvious enough, I'm clearly going through this exact situation; and it's tough. I hadn't heard this song in years, and it came on the other day and completely made me feel so much better. That someone could put into words everything I was feeling. I love this song =)

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