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Regina Spektor – Samson Lyrics 17 years ago
alright, so some people who are posting obviously haven't read the previous postings. knock it off, you guys.

of course the song references samson, and either delilah or the woman before delilah.

my personal interpretation of it is not that it is ABOUt samson and a woman, but about a relationship using imagery from the biblical story.
samson's long hair represents strength obviously, but for my interpretation it represents strength in godliness.
the song is about falling from grace through committing sexual sin. two young people fall in love (i loved you first), and, although they begin the relationship with the hopes of remaining strong and godly (your hair was long when we first met), they fail, although the result is pleasurable, (literally the sweetest downfall). they find they cannot remain pure, and therefore have disappointed god (we couldn't tear the columns down) and are just ordinary sinners (the bible didn't mention us). but, they instinctively enjoy "the pleasures of the flesh" --(he told me that i'd done alright), and continue to live their lives as ordinary sinners-- (eating wonderbread and going right on back to bed for more).

to me, this meaning explains the hauntingly beautiful lyrics and melody. what is more sweet and also more sad than experiencing a loving sexual relationship and the guilt that, if you begin with godly intentions, can come with it.

either way, lovely interpretations from everyone, and heartbreakingly lovely song. well done, regina.

Regina Spektor – The Flowers Lyrics 17 years ago
mmm, so i totally thought this was about communism. the first part could be about how communism never came to successful fruitition as it was imagined.
boiling soup from stone just reminded me of a bad economy under communism, and how the people made a lot of soup and didn't have a lot of tasty ingredients to make it with.
the lines about paper, i'm not sure about.
mostly, what made me think about communism as a possibile meaning is the lines "things i have loved i'm allowed to keep," which could be a desperate demand to be able to keep at least something. YET, despite the failures of communism, so many people hung on until the bitter end, even though the "flowers" given by the ideologies never quite bloomed, and what has bloomed has become rotten.

Joni Mitchell – Woodstock Lyrics 17 years ago
nobody believes they can change the world anymore.

Joni Mitchell – River Lyrics 17 years ago
uhhh, this song is definitely not about her baby, although that might also have added to her general feelings of depression and being out-of-place.
and i really don't think it's about being raped, either. i think joni would have been very outspoken if something like that had happened to her. i think she is just saying they were really in love and had great, great sex.

Joni Mitchell – Raised On Robbery Lyrics 17 years ago
"i'm sitting on my groceries" = she's a prostitute :)

Joni Mitchell – My Old Man Lyrics 17 years ago
this is another one about graham, isn't it?

Joni Mitchell – Little Green Lyrics 17 years ago
green takes multiple meanings in this song
green like kelly green as emaoly said, kelly is what she named her daughter
green = inexperienced, joni and her baby's father were too inexperienced at life to be suitable parents
green = evergreen as in "the winters will not fade her", although she can't be there to look after her daugher, she gives her a name that expresses her need to protect her

Joni Mitchell – Lesson In Survival Lyrics 17 years ago
about joni discovering and knowing who she is. she is looking for religion, but she can't just accept things on the surface, she questions, doubt, and analyzes. all this introspection "when you dig down deep" is affecting her and her relationships "you lose good sleep and it makes you heavy company."

Joni Mitchell – Just Like Me Lyrics 17 years ago
i want this :(

Joni Mitchell – Judgement Of The Moon And Stars (Ludwig's Tune) Lyrics 17 years ago
i heard this is about beethoven, but i also think it's about being an artist in general and having to choose your art over anything else, or having no choice because "they think you're too raw"

Joni Mitchell – This Flight Tonight Lyrics 17 years ago
i think she's going back to him, but she's scared about how very much she is in love with him

Joni Mitchell – Blue Boy Lyrics 17 years ago
this one is tricky, but this is the best i can come up with for now:
this seems to be about a relationship in which the woman is in love with the man, but the man is no longer (or never really was) in love with the woman.
she "prays aloud for love to awaken in his face" but he remains a "statue"-- cold, hard, and unfeeling.
he seems to be looking only for stimulation. "here he comes after midnight" seems to indicate that she's been waiting a while and he's late, and she wakes in the morning without him.
clearly she gives more to the relationship and cares more about it than he does. she will dance for him and glance for him,
but in the end, she can only keep doing this so much until not receiving any warmth in return forces her to become cold and impassionate too.

Joni Mitchell – Down To You Lyrics 17 years ago
anyone familiar with the perry scheme of intellectual and moral development? this song is a manifestation of that time in life when we have to come to terms with our former beliefs no longer being sufficient or discovering they are just plain wrong. we discover we're a stranger to ourselves, we have to re-define our whole selves, which can be very painful, depressing, confusing, and create a huge sense of loss.
"Things that you held high
And told yourself were true
Lost or changing as the days come down to you
Down to you
Constant stranger
You're a kind person
You're a cold person too"
on a side note, the orchestration on this is absolutely sublime, and joni's voice is amazing (as usual).

Joni Mitchell – The Last Time I Saw Richard Lyrics 17 years ago
i think joni is depressed and feeling hopeless and only trying to convince herself that it's "only a phase." it sounds like she is desperately clinging to the hope that her depression and loneliness will pass, even though she doesn't quite believe it

Joni Mitchell – All I Want Lyrics 17 years ago
as 2 people have said but everyone else seems to have missed: this song is NOT about a perfect love, it's about a love that is hurt by jealousy and greed and by people hurting each other. all the stuff about knitting sweaters and making each other feel free is what she is WISHing for, not what she has.

Joni Mitchell – A Case Of You Lyrics 17 years ago
the idea of this being about no longer being able to "get drunk" off of someone she once loved passionately is an interesting interpretation, but i don't think it's quite right, and here's why.
at the time of her breaking up with graham nash, she still loved him passionately. as she said in "woman of heart and mind" interview for PBS, when she left graham she still loved him in a way she didn't think was possible for herself to achieve. she just felt obligated to her creative muse.
i think she was still very much in love with graham. the language she uses throughout the song is very bittersweet and appropriate for thinking of someone you very much love but can no longer be with. "you are in my blood, you're my holy wine" -- the love she feels is still very passionate (and passion with joni seems to be spiritual). the reason we all feel the passion in her words is because she still feels very passionate. it wouldn't make sense for her to be singing about not having passion for a guy but yet it seems such a passionate song, would it?
i think "i would still be on my feet" simply means that she was so in love that she couldn't get enough of him.

Joni Mitchell – A Case Of You Lyrics 17 years ago
the idea of this being about no longer being able to "get drunk" off of someone she once loved passionately is an interesting interpretation, but i don't think it's quite right, and here's why.
at the time of her breaking up with graham nash, she still loved him passionately. as she said in "woman of heart and mind" interview for PBS, when she left graham she still loved him in a way she didn't think was possible for herself to achieve. she just felt obligated to her creative muse.
i think she was still very much in love with graham. the language she uses throughout the song is very bittersweet and appropriate for thinking of someone you very much love but can no longer be with. "you are in my blood, you're my holy wine" -- the love she feels is still very passionate (and passion with joni seems to be spiritual). the reason we all feel the passion in her words is because she still feels very passionate. it wouldn't make sense for her to be singing about not having passion for a guy but yet it seems such a passionate song, would it?
i think "i would still be on my feet" simply means that she was so in love that she couldn't get enough of him.

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