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Prince – Violet The Organ Grinder Lyrics 16 years ago
jesus christ in the video on the "pumped, and i pumped" bit! phew! anyone whose seen it will know what i'm talkin' bout!

Lykke Li – Hanging High Lyrics 16 years ago
this song is almost exactly the same as "He Hit Me( and it felt like a kiss)" by the Crystals, which is about domestic abuse and relentless love. give it a listen.

The Smiths – There Is a Light That Never Goes Out Lyrics 17 years ago
this one never fails to make me cry...i always feel inclined to put it on when i'm hormonal...bad idea...can't stop blubbing!

Prince – Computer Blue Lyrics 17 years ago
LOL at other comment! i love this song, i wish you could get the version his dad plays in the film too, thats a beautiful version...

Joni Mitchell – My Old Man Lyrics 17 years ago
this is mine and my dad's song :) he loves joni, and when we're in the house on our own, we play "blue" on vinyll to death :) such an incredible album, and what a voice... i know she probably wrote it about a love interest, but i interpret it as a father-daughter relationship....but maybe that's 'cause i associate it with my old man!

The Beatles – For No One Lyrics 17 years ago
this song makes me cry almost everytime i play it. mainly because it reminds me of myself being the woman in the song. i worry that's (the lyrics) what my boyfriend thinks at times. it so depresses me! but it's beautiful. amazing what songs do to you, eh?

Prince – The Ballad of Dorothy Parker Lyrics 17 years ago
i adore this song. i could listen to it over and over again and never get bored. i understand the genral concept but does anyone know what inspired Prince to write this? and maybe who dorothy parker is?
gorgeousness x

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