Lykke Li – Hanging High Lyrics
| 16 years ago
this song is almost exactly the same as "He Hit Me( and it felt like a kiss)" by the Crystals, which is about domestic abuse and relentless love. give it a listen. |
Prince – Computer Blue Lyrics
| 17 years ago
LOL at other comment! i love this song, i wish you could get the version his dad plays in the film too, thats a beautiful version... |
Joni Mitchell – My Old Man Lyrics
| 17 years ago
this is mine and my dad's song :) he loves joni, and when we're in the house on our own, we play "blue" on vinyll to death :) such an incredible album, and what a voice... i know she probably wrote it about a love interest, but i interpret it as a father-daughter relationship....but maybe that's 'cause i associate it with my old man! |
The Beatles – For No One Lyrics
| 17 years ago
this song makes me cry almost everytime i play it. mainly because it reminds me of myself being the woman in the song. i worry that's (the lyrics) what my boyfriend thinks at times. it so depresses me! but it's beautiful. amazing what songs do to you, eh? |
Prince – The Ballad of Dorothy Parker Lyrics
| 17 years ago
i adore this song. i could listen to it over and over again and never get bored. i understand the genral concept but does anyone know what inspired Prince to write this? and maybe who dorothy parker is?
gorgeousness x |
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