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Ladyhawk – New Joker Lyrics 16 years ago
Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada

Songs: Ohia – Tigress Lyrics 17 years ago
i'm going to take a shot in the dark.

"certain looks sort out confused looks
and certain looks sport confused looks "
*i think this is a pretty straight-forward way of saying that one person is sort of self-concious and unsure of himself, and the other is confident and wants to eleviate those feelings.

"and I watched us talking in the mirror"
*it's like he (the narrator) was doing something really unlike himself by talking to this woman. the mirror reference suggests that it was opposite of what he usually would have done. this situation probably surprises him.

"and you put on that look
that says this little star wishes she weren't single"
*everyone knows what a vulverable, seductive look is like.

"it is the eye that catches me a man protesting his worth"
*it ties back to the insecurities suggested in the "mirror" line. it shows that this woman was able to see something special in the man, who doesn't thnk too highly of himself.

"it is the year that catches you putting the shake on your words"
*it seems as though the woman is worried about her age, trying to recapture her youth by seeking out a younger male? that theory also ties in the next few lines about the alert tigress.

beautiful song.

The Smashing Pumpkins – Landslide (Fleetwood Mac cover) Lyrics 17 years ago
Wonderful song, but I wasn't so impressed by it. Better than Dixie Chick's cover, true, but Fleetwood Mac and Stevie herself own Smashing Pumpkins for this song. When I first heard this cover, all I wanted to do was blow the dust off my old FM cd and listen to the original. It's one of those classics songs that is preserved without having to be recreated by other bands. The original was the best, and ideally, should have stayed "the only".

Sia – Breathe Me Lyrics 17 years ago
Heard it on the Hills, adore the song.

I think it's about self-mutilation/eating disorder/addiction, something along those lines. It is certainly about causing physical self-harm, and needing help without necessarily being able to voice it.

In this case, I don't really agree with the breakup/needing-a-boy interpretations. The passion in this song is...different than that sort of deal. It's more... personal than that.

Sufjan Stevens – Concerning the UFO Sighting Near Highland, Illinois Lyrics 17 years ago
Okay, so I'm not usually the idiot that simply says, "I love this song so much," but I'm going to go ahead and say it..

This is a fabulous song. Why isn't this song played on public speakers on repeat?!?! [ exageration, but you get the point.]

I get the religious metaphors. I get the litteral translations. But more than anything, I get the fact that this song is awesome and I just want to stare lovingly into Suf's eyes for a very long time.

Tegan and Sara – Nineteen Lyrics 17 years ago
I agree that "I felt you in my legs before I even met you" could be refering to being "weak in the knees" over someone. I can also see the other, more intimate meaning behind it.

I don't think that the confusion between the two possible meanings was a mistake on Tegan's part. There would have been enough editing in her song-writing process, that she could have clarified. I think the point of the song was to leave it open to interpretation, so that it could relate to anybody's own personal experiences aswell as her own. Ex: An experience of my own relates perfectly to this song, with every line accurately representing the relationship that I had. However, our relationship wasn't intimate, or even a summer fling-type thing.

Joni Mitchell – Woodstock Lyrics 17 years ago
I'm surprised there hasn't been more comments on this song.

I didn't see a war. I didn't live through anything terrible. The thought of terrorism doesn't scare me one bit. But this song still gives me hope. For a sheltered girl such as myself, it sort of gave me a fantasy, a dream of something bigger than myself. The hippie movement pretty much accounts for everything that I have never been allowed to do/allowed to experience/allowed to imagine. But this song liberated me in that I wanted to branch out, realizing how incredibly limited modern society is.

I mean lets face it, there are no movements like the hippie movements anymore! There are no congregations like Woodstock. There is no campaign for loving your neighbour, or banding together for the commong purpose of peace. (At least not to a grand extent.) There is the internet, the rare protest, and mostly just disgrunted people doing nothing to turn this planet's state around. I would be a hypocrite to say that I myself have broken away from the pack and done something inspirational that would merit this song.

Bottom line: This song brings back a time when people stood up for a belief with all their heart and soul, even if their faith lay only in love + music + maybe a few drugs along the way. Faith in anything is something the present day hugely lacks.

Joni Mitchell – Jericho Lyrics 17 years ago
This song means getting used to the new lover in your life, or maybe even just getting used to loving in general. And not just intimacy, but becoming emotionally connected with someone, bonding. There is also a burning desire to care for someone in this song. It's as though Joni wants whole-heartedly to let loose a passion inside of her, a true desire to bestow love upon a person and make them happy + well looked-after.

Joni Mitchell – Jericho Lyrics 17 years ago
This song means getting used to the new lover in your life, or maybe even just getting used to loving in general. And not just intimacy, but becoming emotionally connected with someone, bonding. There is also a burning desire to care for someone in this song. It's as though Joni wants whole-heartedly to let loose a passion inside of her, a true desire to bestow love upon a person and make them happy + well looked-after.

Jens Lekman – A Sweet Summer's Night On Hammer Hill Lyrics 17 years ago
I got stuck in a Computer Graphics class during highschool and we had to create a slide show of a realllllllly lame/boring/terrible/dull grad fashion show that had a total of 30 people present. I added this song as the audio and made an entirely dismal event look fun. And that's the thing about this song, and many other Jens Lekman songs- listening to this song is fun. It adds a good time to anything

Songs: Ohia – Lioness Lyrics 17 years ago
What I love about this song is that it puts simply, the basics of courting/passion. A person can take a billion cliche love settings/situations or what would be deemed "romantic" for the present times and fill billions of tunes with those useless words, however none of those would even compare to this song. So simple. So beautiful. So true. This song says everything that needs to be said about attraction without overdoing it.

Songs: Ohia – Captain Badass Lyrics 17 years ago
"We're either greeted
By life or its reverse
Then each day greeted
By fortune or its reverse"

Brilliant. By far some of the best lyrics I have heard in a long time.

I think one of the things that makes this song so seductive is how encouraging it is. It pretty much goes through all the fun/slighly brutal points of a relationship for us in a matter of minutes. Whether that means bringing back memories of past flames, or creating a fantasy, this song rocks at imagery!

This can be deemed a wonderfully catchy tune, or people can actually walk away from this song with a love anthem blazed into their soul.

"Will you stand up for your one chance?
Will you stand up for love?"

...and I agree about the Van Morrison comparaison. I got that too.

Sufjan Stevens – Casimir Pulaski Day Lyrics 17 years ago
I think that this song, being fragile, is what makes it so beautiful. Well, that and being tragic and such.

There is no denying that it is also a story about christianity and a Christian's struggles with coming to grips with pain/understanding God's plan. [...aka. not a God-hate song] Given a certain mindset, and certain personal beliefs, it's easy to see the link that Sufjan makes between the struggles of everyday Christians and the narrator.

Regarding the love aspect, I think the narrator feels guilty about his relationship with the girl in question. What I got from this song is that standing on the top of the stairs, and the father finding out what they did that night was suggesting that they were intimate. I mean, why would a boy (assuming it's a boy) be coming down the stairs in the morning? And note the repetition on tucking in shirts. Reading the lyrics, there is no denying a certain chemistry between the characters in this song.

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