Hole – Gold Dust Woman Lyrics
| 18 years ago
one of the best covers ever...right up there with buckley's "hallelujah" and cocker's "with a little help from my friends" |
Al Green – For The Good Times Lyrics
| 18 years ago
This song wreaks of despair...i think it's the saddest love song ever writtin. There is absolutely no optimism or hope that it is not over...most love songs foreshadow that she/he will come back...this one doesn't so's over.
"Lay your head on my pillow...and make believe you love me one more time" |
Al Green – For The Good Times Lyrics
| 18 years ago
This song wreaks of despair...i think it's the saddest love song ever writtin. There is absolutely no optimism or hope that it is not over...most love songs foreshadow that she/he will come back...this one doesn't so's over.
"Lay your head on my pillow...and make believe you love me one more time" |
Donovan – Colours Lyrics
| 18 years ago
LOVE the line "freedom is a word that I rarely use without thinking"...and how it changes meaning depending on if you read the following line as part of it or not (...without thinking of the times I've been loved) |
Red Hot Chili Peppers – Californication Lyrics
| 18 years ago
and as for the "teenage bride" line, I've always interpreted it as there's a girl who has an unplanned pregnancy so her and her bf decide to get married because of it and she has the naive dissilusionment that she will have a perfect hollywood marriage |
Red Hot Chili Peppers – Californication Lyrics
| 18 years ago
my favourite line is "Cobain can you hear the spheres singing songs off station to station"
spheres=his "spheres of influnce" aka basically saying how many people his music affected, inspired, and triggered to make their own |
Neil Young – Alabama Lyrics
| 18 years ago
the way he says "oh alabama" with that bass drum in the background breaks my heart |
Tracy Chapman – Change Lyrics
| 18 years ago
If only she didn't mention God, this song could be a global anthem.
she's basically the female dylan. |
Alanis Morissette – Forgiven Lyrics
| 18 years ago
"We all had our minds made up for we did."
PERFECTLY describes my brainwashed catholic upbringing: objectively, no, I do not believe in God. Subjectively, after 20 years I feel extremely guilty admitting that. So it has now become a cycle in which I am Catholic in practice, but not in theory. I think that is a significant theme of this song. Sounds like she also was born and raised a Catholic and had the course of faith she was going to take her entire life decided for her at birth. |
The Beach Boys – Don't Worry Baby Lyrics
| 18 years ago
"And if you knew how much I love you baby, nothing could go wrong with you"
That line is PERFECT...he's one of those people that if something bad were to happen to them you wouldn't know what to do with yourself.
So it just can't. |
Colorfinger – Anita Sonic Love Lyrics
| 18 years ago
I LOVE this song...I discovered it cuz my name is maybe I have a biased opinion but I still think it's just plain awesome.
the word |
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