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Alice in Chains – Would? Lyrics 14 years ago
To me, this is definitely a song about regret and asking for forgiveness. I'm too tired to break it down line by line, but the main points are that the narrator (for lack of a better term) has been slipping into old habits and mistakes, slowly falling back into the 'flood' of regret/depression. However, they still believe that anyone could make the same mistakes if in their shoes, and ask for the listener to "try to see it once my way".

Also, the whole "Am I wrong..." part is the narrator question whether or not they've made too many mistakes to ever live a happy or normal life. "Have I run too far to get home?" = "Have I done more damage than I can repair?". Just a quick interpretation, hopefully someone else here has a similar view.

Fastball – The Way Lyrics 14 years ago
I like this interpretation, and it's similar to the one I've had.

However, instead of actually looking for their car, I think the couple became delirious in the desert heat and just continued to walk, not aware of the fact that they were slowly dying in the heat. It's really morbid, but it makes the song even more haunting/mysterious.

Fastball – The Way Lyrics 14 years ago
The couple was actually on their way to a music festival, and they were found dead in a ravine somewhere miles away from their intended path.

Bon Jovi – Wanted Dead or Alive Lyrics 14 years ago
totally true story.

Bon Jovi – Wanted Dead or Alive Lyrics 14 years ago
Bon Jovi is not a band that I'd generally call badass, especially since I listen to mostly thrash.

However, the last verse of this song is pretty badass.

Foo Fighters – Let It Die Lyrics 14 years ago
I agree! The beginning is a perfect buildup, and it explodes into the excellent 2nd half. Dave's screaming at the end always gives me chills, great stuff

Alice Cooper – Dead Babies Lyrics 14 years ago
That's an interesting observation, but I think the line "can't take things off the shelves" isn't meant to be taken literally. I think it's saying "Betty isn't allowed to (or shouldn't be) taking things off the shelf", rather than "Betty isn't capable of taking things off the shelf".

I still like your theory, though. It does make it a bit more mysterious.

Anthrax – Lone Justice Lyrics 14 years ago
I personally think it's about Clint Eastwood (stubble chin & squinty eyes), although it could also be about 'The Gunslinger' by Stephen King.

Pink Floyd – Welcome to the Machine Lyrics 14 years ago
Dude, I can't stand when people claim that you can only understand a song or movie when on drugs. It's stupid, I have never done any illegal substances and never will, yet I can understand these songs perfectly fine. I may have to think to come up with my interpretations, but it's not like getting high is going to make me have an epiphany.

Pink Floyd – Welcome to the Machine Lyrics 14 years ago
Uh, that song is called 'Have A Cigar', not 'Gravy Train' just to let you know :P

Pink Floyd – Welcome to the Machine Lyrics 14 years ago
Here's my interpretation of the song:

The first verse is about the music industry building up the dreams of young people across America. They start out as innocent, but eventually discover music, and have a desire to live the rockstar lifestyle. They buy a guitar (to 'punish their ma'), start to rebel ('didn't like school, and you know you're nobody's fool'). By now, the industry knows that they have these young people hooked. They can set the trends and styles that they know the kids will follow, thus luring them into the 'machine'.

The second verse is a continuation of that young person (in this case, a young man) dreaming of the rockstar lifestyle. He wants to drive the fancy cars, eat the expensive dinners, and play guitar for thousands and thousands of adoring fans across the world. He believes this is the ideal lifestyle, and the industry is convincing him that he should strive to become this rockstar. However, he doesn't realize the true intentions of the 'machine'.

Alanis Morissette – Mary Jane Lyrics 14 years ago
No, it's not about pot. Mary Jane is slang for marijuana obviously, but guess what? It's also a girls name. Ever think of that?

Alanis Morissette – Forgiven Lyrics 14 years ago
haha, that's funny you say that. Metal (especially thrash) is my favorite kind of music. I like other artists of other genres though, as long as they are talented and not just releasing generic music for fame and money.

Stevie Wonder, Elton John, Alanis Morissette, just a few artists who I really like.

Alanis Morissette – Forgiven Lyrics 14 years ago
No man, I'm straight and I listen to Alanis. I think she's talented and beautiful, and I wish artists like her could be in the spotlight instead of no-talent idiots like Ke$ha.

Megadeth – Hook in Mouth Lyrics 15 years ago
As a few others have already pointed out, this is obviously an attack on the PMRC that compares them to the Ministry Of Truth in 1984.

The song itself is great though, especially the little lead section before "F is for fighting..."

Exodus – Strike Of The Beast Lyrics 15 years ago
Sounds like it's about some sort of demon-creature thing, mostly likely the Jersey Devil

Godsmack – Whiskey Hangover Lyrics 15 years ago
This song is pretty weak by Godsmack's standards. I know they've never been a band who played complex stuff, but this song is much simpler than their past material. The lyrics also sound like they were written in 2 minutes, they're kinda embarassing to be honest.

I like Godsmack and I want their next album to be great, but if it's anything like this song, I'm afraid they've decided to go down the Puddle Of Mudd or Hinder route

Megadeth – Mary Jane Lyrics 15 years ago
Why does everyone think this song is about weed, as well as pretty much every other metal song?

It's about a girl who dabbled in witchcraft and was either killed by her dad, or committed suicide. If you want songs about weed, go listen to some Sabbath.

Metro Station – Shake It Lyrics 15 years ago
I hate this band a lot

Metro Station – After the Fall Lyrics 15 years ago
Worst band ever.

Metallica – Blackened Lyrics 15 years ago
I am pretty sure this is about pollution or nuclear war, or a combination of both.

"Deadly Nicotine" could also refer to not an addiction to war, but an addiction to our lazy evereyday habits that contribute to the downfall of our planet. You know, the things we do for convenience that aren't good for the environment, but we do them anyway out of pure greed and ignorance of consequence.

Metallica – The Wait (Killing Joke cover) Lyrics 15 years ago
Reynolds, not every song in the world is about drugs. Not trying to just single you out, but also everyone else who thinks certain vague songs have to be about drugs. I personally don't know what it is about, and you could be right, but I kinda doubt it.

Metallica – (Anesthesia) Pulling Teeth Lyrics 15 years ago
It's about a horrible experience at a dentist's office that Cliff had. Halfway through, while he was getting teeth pulled, his anesthesia wore off and he was in excrutiating pain.

Haha, just kidding. Nothing more than an amazing bass solo by the late, great Cliff Burton.

Metallica – Trapped Under Ice Lyrics 15 years ago
This is definetly a song that is meant to be taken literally. Like someone else said, the entire Ride The Lightning album is about death, or dying in one way or another with no escape. Although you can interpret the lyrics however you want, keep in mind that the band was still very young at the time of writing this.

James may have been more mature lyrically than they were on Kill Em All, but still not mature enough to dive into the deeper subjects that some of you guys brought up.

Megadeth – Countdown to Extinction Lyrics 15 years ago
Definetly sounds like a shot at James Hetfield or Ted Nugent to me, both who have most likely been involved with canned hunting at one point or another.

Which is a shame if it is about James, I really wish they could end the feud and put this whole thing behind them. Dave can't let the grudge go though. Oh well, what Dave lacks in social skills/personality, he makes up for him playing and songwriting. Megadeth is an amazing band.

By the way, don't get me wrong about Dave. I don't hate the man. In fact, I sometimes feel sorry for him because it must suck to see a band you were once in rise to fame and tower over you. But still, he has been really successful in Megadeth, AND he has been able to run it himself. As much as I love Metallica, I must admit that they had big egos back in the day. They've managed to downsize them quite a bit though, and even Dave has a bit. Not entirely though.

Anyway, enough about that. Awesome song, and awesome album. My dad got to see them tour in support of it not too long before I was born.

Megadeth – Dawn Patrol Lyrics 15 years ago
Cool song, pretty self explanatory as far as lyrics go. And no, Metallica didn't steal the intro for "The God That Failed" from this, they just sound similar. I am sure there are songs that came out before Dawn Patrol which have similar intros.

Metallica and Megadeth are both great bands, bashing one or the other just because of the Dave/James/Lars feud is stupid.

Megadeth – Tornado Of Souls Lyrics 15 years ago
MegadethCharger, come on man. What's with the Metallica hate? I love both bands (Metallica more so than Megadeth, but I still like both).

Anyway, amazing song, and the solo always sends chills up my spine

Red Hot Chili Peppers – Sikamikanico Lyrics 15 years ago
Amazing song. I discovered thanks to the Waynes World soundtrack, which I got when I was little. I love the movie and the song to this day

Pearl Jam – Better Man Lyrics 15 years ago
"I went to the wedding of a pair of Gen-Xers and she dedicated the song to him in her speech.

Evidently people don't think about the lyrics of songs they pick for their weddings. Great way to start a life together, not."

That's hilarious lol. But yeah, it is sad how some people disregard lyrics and think they know the whole meaning of a song based on 1 line lol

Avenged Sevenfold – Sidewinder Lyrics 15 years ago
This song is cool to be taken at face value. Sure, it may be a metaphor for human nature and all of that

But when you picture a man and a snake in the desert, it makes for a cool story in your head

Avenged Sevenfold – The Art Of Subconscious Illusion Lyrics 15 years ago
I hate when people think that every song has to have some deep philosophical meaning to it. If it makes you feel smarter and better than everyone else, whatever.

Every song is open to many interpretations, and to act like yours is factual and THE official meaning behind the song is pointless. Personally, I take this song at face value and I believe it's about a rapist.

Evile – We Who Are About to Die Lyrics 15 years ago
Ashton is right. This is probably the best song off of Enter The Grave. Their thrashier songs are great, but this is like something that would fit right in with Metallica's 7-minute epics

Drowning Pool – 37 Stitches Lyrics 15 years ago
I think I know where they got the title "37 Stitches" from. This may sound weird when you look at the band, but I was flipping through the channels today and saw the movie Beethoven on (yeah, that movie about the dog). Whenever the dad is at the Vet's office talking to him, the Vet says it took 37 stitches to fix his arm wound. As soon as I heard the phrase "37 stitches" my ears perked up and I had to come here just to mention that lol

Ozzy Osbourne – Over The Mountain Lyrics 17 years ago
Has anyone else gotten the feeling that this might be about the "high" you get playing on stage as well? "Watching my body disappear into the crowd" could be about stage diving.... nevermind

Slayer – Postmortem Lyrics 17 years ago
I agree with last-dodo

Though I've heard Bruce Dickinson and Rob Halford do some awesome falsettos

And don't even get me started on King Diamond lol

Nickelback – Figured You Out Lyrics 17 years ago
I really don't think the "white stains" on the dress are cum stains.

Think about it, don't you think cum would soak into the dress, and darken the dress instead? It's a liquid so it wouldn't really coat on the outside.

Coke, on the other hand, would stick to your clothes (think baby powder or something similar, ever had that get on your clothes?)

Soulja Boy – Crank That (Soulja Boy) Lyrics 17 years ago
Lol Salvatorin. Funny theory, but I think the day Soulja Boy actually makes a song about something as complex as that is the day I'll get a sex change

Boston – Foreplay/Long Time Lyrics 17 years ago
Foreplay.... just breath-taking! I remember hearing it on the radio for the first time a few years ago and I was like "whoah dad, what's this?" and he was like "Boston. Awesome isn't it?" lol

But yes, Foreplay is something you don't forget. it draws you in and then blasts you away (cheesy but a good description at the least)

Avenged Sevenfold – Sidewinder Lyrics 17 years ago
Awesome song, I love the little acoustic piece at the end, it just sounds so great! Anyway, I think that sometimes people read too far into certain songs, such as this one. I think it's cool just to take the song literally, being that it's about a snake (Sidewinder specifically).

Although I guess out of all of the metaphoric things people posted here, I guess the Adam/Eve Satan-as-a-snake thing would work

Avenged Sevenfold – A Little Piece of Heaven Lyrics 17 years ago
Everyone here pretty much hit the nail on the head but since I'm here I might as well put the meaning as well lol:

1. A man and woman are in a relationship

2. Man doesn't want anything to happen in this relationship to seperate them, so out of fear, Man kills Woman.

3. Man then has sex with dead Woman's body

4. The angry pissed off woman comes back from beyond the grave to repossess her body

5. She then kills the man, who then reposses HIS body and comes back

6. He apologizes and promises to make up in anyway he can, and they make up

7. Then then decide to have a wedding and live happily ever after in hell. Oh, and since they were in hell for eternity, they decided to have a little fun by killing everyone.


And there you have a great story by The Rev lol

Avenged Sevenfold – And All Things Will End Lyrics 17 years ago
Dude, I never really listened to the lyrics, but all I know is that the ending of this song is awesome!

A friend of mine showed it to me a few years ago and I though the way it progressively slowed down was cool, but I forgot the name and couldn't find it.

And then a few months ago I bought Waking The Fallen and of course, found it lol :)

Avenged Sevenfold – And All Things Will End Lyrics 17 years ago
Dude, I never really listened to the lyrics, but all I know is that the ending of this song is awesome!

A friend of mine showed it to me a few years ago and I though the way it progressively slowed down was cool, but I forgot the name and couldn't find it.

And then a few months ago I bought Waking The Fallen and of course, found it lol :)

Tenacious D – The Metal Lyrics 17 years ago
Funny but cool song with awesome riffage! When I played it in GH3 I thought he said "Death Metal" rather than "Techno" which was hilarious for obvious reasons (it contradicts itself a lot lol)

Avenged Sevenfold – Brompton Cocktail Lyrics 17 years ago
A few people here pretty much hit the nail on the head

But does anyone else here think this song is similar to One by Metallica? Theme-wise I mean

Plain White T's – Hey There Delilah Lyrics 17 years ago
Wow... this is the suckiest song ever! Seriously! The guy is all cocky, he's like "I'll be making history like I do". The only reason you make history is because of all those dumbass teens on MTV. Besides, you aren't and WON'T be making history actually. Everyone will forget about this band in a month or two. The only people who make history are REAL bands like Metallica, Jimi Hendrix, The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, etc. They won't be forgotten, and they didn't/don't have to rely on stupid teens or MTV to make history. So HA!

Avenged Sevenfold – Critical Acclaim Lyrics 17 years ago
A7XIsLove89, maybe Syn meant that not all of the songs are going to be as political as this one is :D Sure, he was a bit vague but that statement could have meant anything, including my theory. I wouldn't mind if the whole CD had the sort of same feel as this song, it is awesome!

Avenged Sevenfold – Radiant Eclipse Lyrics 17 years ago
I love the intro to this song! It is frickin heavy and awesome!

For some reason the intro reminds me a lot of Harvester Of Sorrow by Metallica

Avenged Sevenfold – Eternal Rest Lyrics 17 years ago
I don't care about the meaning, all I know is that the riff after the first verse is absolutely KICKASS. It's raw, heavy, and just makes you want to ram your fist into some poor victim's face repeatedly (or if it's just me, maybe I'm psychotic lol)

Busdriver – Imaginary Places Lyrics 18 years ago
Also, which classic song is he sampling.... I can't remember which one it is, but I heard it before

Busdriver – Imaginary Places Lyrics 18 years ago
Wow, can't believe I'm the first to comment... This song is awesome, I found it on the THUG games (of course) but I have it on my iPod now and everything. Man, Busdriver is pretty fast! lol

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