Snow Patrol – Run Lyrics | 17 years ago |
Until I heard this song, "Chasing Cars" and "You're All I Have" were the only songs that I knew by Snow Patrol; and I hated both of them. You can read my comments on them here as well. I was encouraged by one fan to keep an open mind (and ear) about the band. After hearing "Run" a few times, I thought I get on here and say that I enjoy the song and that the lyrics are a whole lot better than those from the other two songs. Maybe I'll like some of their other stuff too. Who knows? |
Snow Patrol – Chasing Cars Lyrics | 17 years ago |
x_gleaming: Thanks. I'll keep an open mind about them and give 'em another chance. |
Snow Patrol – You're All I Have Lyrics | 17 years ago |
Wow, "Snow Patrol," you don't take criticism to well do you? You don't know a thing about me or the music that I like (clearly). Since you mention it, I have written several songs, though I have no desire to make a career of it. That said, one does not need to sell a hit pop song to recognize bad lyrics, no more than one needs a silver voice to recognize a singer that's off-key or a guitarist with bad timing. One only needs some appreciation of good writing; and I hate to break it to you, but your love for Snow Patrol does not make them off-limits for criticism. When a band puts it's music out into the public domain, it must take its praises with its snubs. Listen. I'm glad this song has meaning for you. Personally, I find its insipid lyrics obnoxious and I detailed why in my first post. It wouldn't surprise me to discover that you don't like any of the music that I enjoy (though you're no where in the ballpark so far as to what sort of music that is). That's fine with me. I hope that as you get older, you'll learn how to deal with other people's viewpoints in a more mature manner. |
Snow Patrol – Chasing Cars Lyrics | 17 years ago |
I hate to bag on Snow Patrol again (I ripped up their "You're All I Have"), but I think this band is pretty weak. Their music is simple and their lyrics are aweful. Like bad existential poetry, they abuse the English language with their unimaginative lyrics and beg their fans to make some sense of the mess. Everybody has different tastes so I don't fault anyone for enjoying Snow Patrol, but I won't give any kudos to the band until they show me that they can write music and lyrics. Heck, even Blink 182 managed "Adam's Song." |
Snow Patrol – You're All I Have Lyrics | 18 years ago |
I think this song is another pop cheese job. If the artists spent any significant time thinking up these lyrics, then they are mentally challenged. They follow the same predictable formula that makes up most mediocre cheese songs: pretentious line followed by cliche line. "Train this chaos turn it into light" - kinda odd but has some potential. Maybe the artist has some meaningful to convey here? "I've gotta see you one last night" - Nope. Cliche!!The previous line was just fluffy filler, now it's obvious that they can't string two lines together that compliment each other and still fit the rhyme scheme. "Before the lions take their share" - could be a good line in the right context. Here it's just more fluff. "Leave us in peices, scattered everywhere" - and now I have a headache. In fact, this song's lyrics are so bad, I just had to come on here and vent. Oh just wait it gets worse! "You're a cinematic razor sharp" - even a better context this line is horrible. What the hell is a "cinematic razor"? A terribly vague image that's what. "A welcome arrow through the heart" - this line is ok "Under your skin feels like home" - eerm . . . weak. Maybe interesting in a song about a psychotic stalker but here it just sounds like the artist is trying too hard. "Electric shocks on aching bones" - sigh . . . I'm getting nauseous now. Miserably affected line. As for the chorus, it is actually all right. Plain, unpretentious, and to the point. That seems to be the best the artist can come up with and it would have been better if they'd stuck to plain vanilla rather than mucking the whole song up with these bumbled, shallow lyrics. One word that describes this song: superficial. |
Ludacris – Runaway Love Lyrics | 18 years ago |
First, I want to add that I found the song very moving. It is important to take time to reflect on the struggles and miseries that some shoulder in life. At the same time, I can understand what lesyeuxenroses is saying. Ludacris isn't very clear about just how he's going to help these women out. Still one can take this as an expression of the desire to help. After doing a bit of research, I decided upon another angle. Ludacris has been the CEO of the Ludacris Foundation for some years now. The mission of this small organization is to help youth realize their dreams through a teaching specific life principles. I think the last part of the song is Ludacris sharing his desire to reach out to hurt young women that he likely encounters when he is doing work for his foundation. Finally, it raises awareness and of the problem and serves as a call to help. Very good song. Not what I would have expected from Ludacris, but a good surprise all the same. |
Hole – Clouds Lyrics | 18 years ago |
Even though I grew up listening to grunge bands, I like the Joni Mitchell version, "Both Sides Now," a lot better. There's an incredible poetry in the song that really tugs at the heart. I think you have to have some years under you though to really appreciate it. I'm approaching thirty now, and I personally identify with the first few stanzas that speak to the passing of childhood and the loss of innocent wonder and naivete. I imagine the later sections of the song about love and life will resonate more when I'm older. |
A Perfect Circle – Judith Lyrics | 19 years ago |
Absolutely powerpsi. I feel the same way about a lot of bands with pretty clear xian messages in their songs. (e.g. Live, Creed, Collective Soul, Jars of Clay). As long as the artists don't sacrifice the art for the message, I'm willing to give them a listen. Well, written to you too Tux. |
Līve – Heaven Lyrics | 19 years ago |
This is definitely not a satirical attack. Live has always been a band of Christians. They don't prostitute themselves for Xian label music companies (probably because they actually have talent), but they are very open about their faith. This song is about the renewal of faith. It is the sacrifice of reason and better sense. It is the anthem of those who choose to stick their heads in the sand. It's just a very arrogant, albeit fatuous, statement of faith. |
XTC – Dear God Lyrics | 19 years ago |
Man people who say that the songwriter cannot compose a letter addressed to God unless he believes in God need to pay more attention in English class. Obviously, the author is pointing out the age old "Argument from Unnecessary Pain and Suffering" against the existence of an omniscient, omnipotent, benevolent god. Ok, for the slow ones here, he's attacking the concept of God (xian one). The instrument is a vehicle. Understand the difference between something existing only as a concept and something existing in a physical (here super-natural) sense. |
A Perfect Circle – Judith Lyrics | 19 years ago |
I'm sure pieces of what I will write have been mentioned by others somewhere in these (up to this point) 13 pages. I have heard that the song was written for his mother as well. As an ex-xian missionary turned non-believer, I interpret this song as a clear philosophical indictment against xianity. It points out the foolishness of their blind worship, and most importantly their inability to comprehend what omniscience and omnipotence logically imply. If your god possesses these traits and created the universe, then it necessarily follows that he chose for the world to be as it is. If he didn't want the world this way, then it would not have been (the free will defense is for fools. Think through it a bit and you'll get it). Maynard is not interesting in "inviting a debate", but rather is expressing his frustration at the irrationality and self-deprecating focus of xianity. |
Bush – The Chemicals Between Us Lyrics | 19 years ago |
saxifrage was right on in my opinion. themosquitogod really needs a vocabulary lesson if (s)he couldn't understand the post. This song is definitely about a love that has deginerated into a process. |
Creed – My Own Prison Lyrics | 19 years ago |
This is probably my favorite Creed song as well. I share the sentiments of others in this thread that Creed has become homogenized by mainstream pop/rock (much like the Goo Goo Dolls did). Ok, what does this song mean? Ans: The author is a repentant xian who acknowledges his own wickedness and turns to God to save him. He mixes references to this decision with imagery of what might have happened to him had he continued in sin. To anyone who is or was a fundamentalist (i.e. "Born-Again) xian the language just screams Hell and Salvation. Personally, I find the lyrics pretty shallow (as I do much of xianity), but I love the music. And at least it's not as mind-numbingly stupid as Live's "Heaven." |
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