Damien Rice – Dogs Lyrics | 18 years ago |
I think the way he tlks of her, the refernces to dressing in white, moving like a little girl and especially "She picks the dead ones from the ground" is about a purity that is somewhat naive to the world around it. The way the song flows, with alot less emotion than most of his songs kinda hints that as someone said, hes kind of laughing at his situation. Its infactuation. Reminds me alot of jack johnsons fortunate fool. |
Damien Rice – Dogs Lyrics | 18 years ago |
I think the way he tlks of her, the refernces to dressing in white, moving like a little girl and especially "She picks the dead ones from the ground" is about a purity that is somewhat naive to the world around it. The way the song flows, with alot less emotion than most of his songs kinda hints that as someone said, hes kind of laughing at his situation. Its infactuation. Reminds me alot of jack johnsons fortunate fool. |
Elvis Presley – The Wonder Of You Lyrics | 19 years ago |
Your kiss to me is worth a fortune Your love for me is everything Its wen u really cant live without the person u love. Anyone eva been in the situation where one kiss from ur lover is worth more than anything anyone else cud eva giv u. And its beatiful bcoz only you two get it... |
Elvis Presley – A Boy Like Me, A Girl Like You Lyrics | 19 years ago |
it is so simple isnt it. its just like i found my true love and thats all there is to it. very cute actually |
Youth Group – The Frankston Line Lyrics | 19 years ago |
Yep they are aussies. just like u and just like me. not entirely sure on this one so dont quote me but i read somewhere they r from sydney...? This song kinda sounds like its about opening your eyes and realising there has been alot going on around u that perhaps u didnt notice b4. mayb blinded by love? and at the end it says "we'll be alright" so mayb upon seeing all thats wrong around ur r/s u realise wat u have isnt really that bad. thats jst my interpretation. |
John Lennon – #9 Dream Lyrics | 19 years ago |
wats with all these songs sounding so peaceful yet eerie. it puts u in a trance. i like the magical way it sounds thru Two spirits dancing so strange Ah! böwakawa poussé, poussé ....odd but nice... any1 get me? |
John Lennon – Mind Games Lyrics | 19 years ago |
Absolute elsewhere in the stones of your mind so lovely. it reminds me of wen nothing matters coz ur jst thinking about the future or ur own dreams. Somehow this song manages that on a universal level. Faith in the future...for and from the world. lovely. |
John Lennon – Love Lyrics | 19 years ago |
haha i think he's talking about the opposite of free love. He's talking about the untouchable bond between two ppl and how all they need is the love from one another. |
Placebo – Every You Every Me Lyrics | 19 years ago |
Like the naked leads the blind. I know I'm selfish, I'm unkind. Sucker love I always find, Someone to bruise and leave behind. These lines describe the way i just to be so brillantly and matter-of-factly. Its great to kno so many people have taken an interest in a song n band i hav loved 4 a long time. |
Placebo – You Don't Care About Us Lyrics | 19 years ago |
so few comments. dissapointing. One of my fav Placebo songs. You guys hav got the meaning pretty much down straight so just thought id add to say i luv it very honest very real. |
My Chemical Romance – Astro Zombies (Misfits cover) Lyrics | 19 years ago |
i havent even heard this particular song but there were so few comments it looked sad.... i thought i should make one jst so ppl feel more loved :) hehe xoxo |
The Smashing Pumpkins – Where's Vince Lyrics | 19 years ago |
haha HAHAHAHA vince is the guy im seeing. This is the funniest song coz its just like us. I never know where he is, emotionally and physically....haha great song. |
Jack Johnson – Fortunate Fool Lyrics | 19 years ago |
To me i dont see this being about someone who is vain or stupid or whatever. When i hear it its about this girl who is just amazingly, blissfully happy. She is content with her life and doesnt question things. People dont want to burst her bubble and bring her down. He is breathtaken it how wonderful she sees life and by the fact that she doesnt let herself worry. She has a good life and is fortunate, but not stupid just a little naive but not in a bad way. But i mean the meaning of a song is interpreted differently by everyone who hears it regardless of what the artists original meaning was... right? |
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