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Bob Dylan – Percy's Song Lyrics 15 years ago
This is also one of my favorite songs of Dylan's and was unfortunately rarely played live (although it was on occasion). The content of the song is rather explicit, but looking at it in a greater context gives the song an entirely new meaning.

I first heard this song from a Dylan boxset where it was juxtaposed with "Lonesome Death of Hattie Carrol" wherein a socialite commits an intentional murder and is receives virtually nothing more than a slap on the wrist. In contrast, Percy's Song is about the unintentional killing by a common person. It furthers Dylan's message of social inequality between the wealthy and lower to middle class common folk. Further, the judge in the song uses bureaucratic red-tape to end the argument to say that even if he wanted to, he couldn't change it because there is a 'process', and this process is more important than individual fairness, which Dylan uses to point out the negative repercussions of utilitarianism, and the helplessness of falling victim to it's system of "justice". Dylan uses this song to point out that the goal of the criminal judicial system is ultimately to discourage bad behavior and reform offenders, not simply to sadistically punish. In giving a sentence of 99 years for a "true" accident that may not have been avoidable (as we do not have any of the facts to that point, though it seems implied to have been unavoidable), the sentence does nothing to deter general negative behavior or specifically bad driving, but rather is grossly inconsistent with the offense (as we understand it to be). When Dylan begins to play his guitar at the end, it's not merely for Percy, but rather for all people.

It is worth noting that the judicial system is regularly accused of scapegoating people to obtain a sense of justice. In this particular example, it seems clear that Percy was responsible for these deaths, accidental or not, so to say he was scapegoated may be exaggerated, however simply because four people die does not mean that someone must go to jail. Ultimately, circumstances should dictate any judicial sentence and there should not be any kind of hard and fast rule that if X kills A-D, then X gets Y years in prison, all contributing factors aside which seems to have been the analysis that happened as the judge explained.

The Streets – Empty Cans Lyrics 16 years ago
I had never thought about how this song ties back into "It's Too Late". I believe that overall the mention of picking up the pace to run references moving forward and is more symbolic and is most definitely not about returning the DVD (or else his late fee is going to soak up a lot of that squid chunk). I like the idea that it could tie in to the same theme with It's Too Late though where again the idea of moving forward was present, but was phrased in terms of physical lateness

Overall, I think it is primarily a metaphor for getting on with life and not wasting away in misery the way he was in part 1 of the song

The National – Mr. November Lyrics 16 years ago
Interestingly, I saw The National play a benefit for Barack Obama recently and they amended the words to "The Liars are coming and I don't know what to do..."

Test Icicles – Circle. Square. Triangle Lyrics 16 years ago
sorry for the stupid question, but how do you pronounce their name?

Destroyer – Rubies Lyrics 17 years ago
"Don't worry about her, She's been known to appreciate the elegance of an empty room"

I absolutely love the imagery in Dan's music....particularly the line above...I'd caught most of the references mention except the Led Zep & Beatles..

This song is so epic though...

Kate Nash – Nicest Thing Lyrics 17 years ago
she's trying WAY too hard on this version on the album. the first version from her myspace page over two years ago was perfect, albeit in mono rather than stereo. i wish that a is for asthma would have gotten recorded on here as well though.

The Modern Lovers – Dignified and Old Lyrics 18 years ago
well...i'll just be the first to comment that I absolutely love this song.

I presume it's merely about his isolating himself & thinking about how things used to be and how he's doing it because he thinks it makes him a better person, but this is like the sad realization that it hasn't and he's left with no one.

Saul Williams – 1987 Lyrics 18 years ago
Last night Saul talked to us about the history of this track...that there were loads of songs about wearing adidas & puma but nothing about wearing he wanted to put that was about the cats wearing the same sort of clean look...but just a little different..clean but not flashy...they'd have the gold chains, but they wear them under their shirts....anyway, he recited this last night & it was ill ill ill.

Yeah Yeah Yeahs – Our Time Lyrics 18 years ago
I love the Crimson & Clover reference

Belle & Sebastian – Mandingo Cliche Lyrics 19 years ago
"It was confessional, yet dishonest. Jane pretends to be horrified by the sexuality that she in fact fetishizes. She subsumes herself to the myth of black male potency, but then doesn't follow through. She thinks she 'respects Afro-Americans,' she thinks they're 'cool,' and 'exotic,' what a notch he 'd make in her belt, but, of course, it all comes down to mandingo cliché, and he calls her on it. In classic racist tradition she demonizes, then runs for cover. But then, how could she behave otherwise? She's just a spoiled suburban white girl with a Benneton rainbow complex. It's just my opinion, and what do I know..."

I absolutely love Catherine's voice on this track...the song cuts off the last bit of what she said which was "but I think it's a callow piece of writing."

I really liked Storytelling...and the score by B&S is some of their finest songs b/w Storytelling & Fuck this shit.

The Streets – Memento Mori Lyrics 19 years ago
i cannot get this song out of my head. it's frustrating as all hell.

it reminds me a bit of kanye in how he's still a bit insecure in his wealth. it's still a far cry from having to steal a bit of ice cream in spain which wasn't so long ago. i hope his telling us about his having money is just a one-timer though.

The Streets – Get Out Of My House Lyrics 19 years ago
I love that the girl is actually named c-mone (

comicalmischief mate, you've obviously never been to england...she sounds kind of typical really...just like a friend of mine Nishma

The Streets – Never Went to Church Lyrics 19 years ago
I like that there is often no deeper meaning to Mike's songs. Not because they're topical fluff like 99% of American Hip-Hop, but because the music tells a story.

Mike did some dangerous stuff on this album...he opened a window into his heart, mind & soul. This is never more apparent than on tracks like this one, When you wasn't famous & pranging out...where he speaks of his drug addiction & you can't help but feel it has so much to do with his not really having dealt with his father's death which coincided with the release of AGDCFF so he had acclaim to turn to and everyone was just giving him stuff...drugs & sex specifically.

I like his philosophy though as it connects to 2 nations about how in the UK stars get paper sweeped, so he might as well tell the true story so all the papers can do is be redundant. Even still, his honesty is inspiring.

The Streets – When You Wasn't Famous Lyrics 19 years ago
The album is finally starting to grow on me a bit...the last one had a warm up time too...but I feel it's definitely the weakest of the 3, but I do really like:

* Hardest way...
* Pranging Out
* 2 Nations
* Never went to Church
* Memento Mori
* All Goes out thte window

but the others like War of Sexes, Con Honest John (a rip-off of the show "Hustle"), & Hotel Expressionism are just crap

They Might Be Giants – We Want A Rock Lyrics 19 years ago
interesting theory on the KKK, but...

I'm not sure this theory aligns with these lyrics

"they want to stop the ones who want a rock to wind a string around"...if the people who want the rock to wind the string around (OWWRTWSA) are the KKK, wouldn't it be the OWWRTWSA being the ones burning down the playhouses?

I do think there is something in the hiding in the churches though...I hadn't given it much thought before.

Sarah McLachlan – Fallen Lyrics 19 years ago
This song did a lot for me when it first hit the box.

I had just moved to London trying to find more about my life, more about the world, I was searching, but for nothin in particular - I just knew that my world was too small for me.

I left behind the girl that I love(d) - and it was UNBEARABLE - and I felt like Sarah - getting caught up in my grand schemes and disillusionment and all the world had to offer, and I would quitely hum to myself "I messed up - better I should Know." My gf had told me before I left that it wouldn't last - but I got there & we started planning weddings bells - and didn't...and she was like "I told you so" but she didn't need to

It's still a cross I bear

Bob Dylan – Tangled Up in Blue Lyrics 19 years ago
there are SO many versions of this song - this my 2d favorite to the one posted.

the only thing i hate about this song is how he CONSTANTLY switches tense...between HIM and ME

I think this invalidates the theory that the song was written about him being a murderer. That and the absurdity of the theory.

Early one morning the sun was shinin'
An' he was layin' in bed
Wonderin' if she'd changed at all
If her hair was still red.
Her folks they said that our lives together
Sure was gonna be rough
They never did like mama's homemade dress
Papa's bankbook wasn't big enough.
He was standin' at the side of the road
Rain fallin' on his shoes
Heading out for the old east coast
Radio blastin' the news straight on thru
Tangled up in blue.

She was married when they first met
To a man four times her age
He left her penniless in a state of regret
It was time to bust out of the cage.
An' they drove that car as far as they could
Abandoned it out west
Splitting up on a dark sad night
Both agreein' it was best.
She turned around to look at him
As i was walkin' away
Sayin' "I wish i could tell you all the things
That i never learned how to say''
He said "That's alright, baby, i love you too''
But we were tangled up in Blue.

He had a steady job an' a pretty face
An' everything seemed to fit
One day he could feel the waste
He put it all down an' split
An' he drifted down to New Orleans
Where they treated him like a boy
He nearly went mad in Baton Rouge
He nearly drowned in Delacroix.
But all the while he was alone
The past was close behind
He had one too many lovers and
None of them were too refined all except for you
But you were tangled up in blue.

She was workin' in the blindin' light
An' i stopped in for a drink
I just kept lookin' at her face so white
I didn't know what to think.
Later on when the crowd thinned out
I was gettin' ready to leave
She was standin' there right beside my chair
Sayin' "What's that you got up your sleeve?''
I said "Nothin' baby, an' that's for sure''
She leaned down into my face
I could feel the heat an' the pulse of her
As she bent down to tie the laces of my shoe
Tangled up in blue.

I lived with them on Montague Street
In a basement down the stairs
There was snow all winter an' no heat
Revolution was in the air.
An' one day all of his slaves ran free
Something inside of him died
The only thing i could do was be me
An' get on the train an' ride.
An' when it all came crashin' down
I was already south
I didn't know whether the world was flat or round
I had the worst taste in my mouth that i ever knew
Tangled up in blue.

So now i'm goin' on back again
Maybe tomorrow or maybe next year
I gotta find someone among the women an' men
Whose destiny is unclear.
Some are masters of illusion
Some are ministers of the trade
All of the strong delusion
All of their bed are unmade.
Me i'm still headin' towards the sun
Tryin' to stay out of the joint
We always did love the very same one
We just saw her from a different point of view
Tangled up in blue.

Adam Kay – London Underground Lyrics 19 years ago
i love this song. i hate the tube & ganked one of the divers caps last year in St. John's Wood.

the worst is when it goes down when you are on it...having to take a bus halfway to heathrow, but that's not their fault.

I stick to the buses, but I was one of the pricks who used my tube pass for 6 months worth of bus fare.

The Streets – Blinded by the Lights Lyrics 19 years ago
i don't like the video...this one would have been better without it, but the video would have been so easy to make...but maybe it'd have had to have been too strange. But a reception? That's just ridiculous.

the visual imagery is so obvious ... the noise mimics the lights and what it sounds like when you're all F'd up like's so intense and things change without your noticing...I've not made it to Fabric yet, but I can imagine this song at any assortment of similar clubs...

great song...i could never say it is the best on the album because every song (save the gambling song) leans so heavily on each of the others...and surely Armageddon you have never listened to the rest of the album if you're guessing Dan & Simone are his friends.

Moving Units – Available Lyrics 19 years ago
this song just makes me want to dance. i love it.

The Weakerthans – Anchorless Lyrics 19 years ago
of the propagandhi songs to bring with him, i wish he would have used "gifts"

The Weakerthans – None Of The Above Lyrics 19 years ago
i think you forgot one little part, which to me is the most powerful part.

"tell me why i have to miss you" just before
"tell me why we sound so lame"

i really dig weakerthans...i discovered them by seeing "anchorless" being a song of theirs & i wondered if it were a cover of the propagandhi song...later to discover the guy who sang "gifts" and "anchorless" and a fwe others was the singer of this band.

i love propagandhi too...i wish weakerthans would do "gifts"

Green Day – Tired of Waiting for You (Kinks cover) Lyrics 19 years ago
where else has this song been recorded? I first heard GD cover it back in '98 (I think - around then, at least, because it was before I went to college). It was studio too & not live. I thought maybe it was on a comp, which I've been looking for.

Death Cab for Cutie – For What Reason Lyrics 19 years ago
and for suggesting artists...if you like Postal Service, try The Metric Mile ( - How to Beat the SAT

Propagandhi – Showdown Lyrics 19 years ago
"A song for all of those who've shot and missed"

I love that line.

I, too, enjoy the dualism of this song...two different types of between man and woman, the other between man and his government.

Ani DiFranco – Adam and Eve Lyrics 19 years ago
this song makes me feel terrible about being a guy.

i've often wondered if i've ever left a woman like that...not by having sex and saying see you later...but treating them like they meant nothing to me - I really hope not.

i think this song is about a girl finally getting the guy she's always wanted only to realize that she means nothing but sex to him.

he feels dirty & she knows it & she kind of feels bad for making him stoop to her level & get dirty & she thinks it's her own fault that he's dirty now.

i think his ignorance is of pain and suffering. that's what is blissful - he doesn't really have to experience the shit she does. He gets to F&R back to his nice suburban home.

Ani DiFranco – Gravel Lyrics 19 years ago
it seems you had it more right the first time...i think she was speaking in metaphor. that she didn't really shoot him, but the verbal assault should have done the same damage.

i'm a guy, so this all applies a little differently to me...i used to think of this song as a description of one of my relationship with God. I was kind of like "where the hell have you been" and God was like "look, I can't give you all my time" and so we struggled and he won and I said ok, what-the-hell ever it makes me happy to believe you even if I don't. i know that isn't why she wrote the song..but that's what it meant to me.

Bob Dylan – The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll Lyrics 20 years ago
Yeah - Wikipedia has a good article on it too. The real guy, Zantzinger, has gotten into loads of trouble in recent years and is serving more time now then he did when he killed her...but it seems like Mr. Z is so hated just for being mean cause some reports say he didn't hit her & others say if he did it wasn't near hard enough to kill the lady...that she was literally scared to death by him & died of a heart condition.

i love the juxtaposition of this song with Percy's song on biograph, even though bobby probably wasn't responsible for that

Nine Inch Nails – Big Man with a Gun Lyrics 20 years ago
i never really even noticed it being about an actual gun at all...but the rape theory combining the use of a gun & sex is interesting.

Nine Inch Nails – Reptile Lyrics 20 years ago
I'm glad Numpty is here to give a proper analysis of TDS because I hadn't looked at the album as such a story before...good work on opening my eyes mate

Saturday Looks Good to Me – Lift Me Up Lyrics 20 years ago
she seems SO cute...i have no clue what she looks like, but the girls personality is GREAT.

no clue what it means though - past the simple average struggle of emotions b/w man & woman - but i enjoy it

Chromeo – Needy Girl Lyrics 20 years ago
i think perhaps it is "but you still call me for some TLC" - I'm not so much sure that "skielsi" is a least not in the english language

nevertheless...another great song - the one that got me, and everyone, hooked into Chromeo.

I suggest Me/My Man too -
This is new (sound)
we came to get (down)
our name is Chro(meo)
and we are in (control)

Chromeo – Mercury Tears Lyrics 20 years ago
I love this song...insofar as meaning goes, I presume that it's merely his recognition that the world is so big and scary that it makes him feel lonely and disconnected but because he feels kind of disconnected he doesn't want to be around anyone...GREAT SONG

Lagwagon – Know It All Lyrics 20 years ago
it really is something of a struggle. everyone wants to feel special and like music nobody else knows about...but that's just egotism & nothing to do with the band.

i don't think you can say that b/c they have made some $ they are now sold out. there is no A thus B relative operations going on here.

I agree that I hate when a band "sells out" insofar as they only get a say in the songs they produce...rather than getting people to sale the music the make...these things (unfortunately) are fundamnetally different once crapTV comes into the scene. But artists are going to adapt to fans...nobody goes into the music biz to play things nobody else wants to hear...they want the fame/fortune.

the problem is when corp execs are saying "i need more cow bell" cos that's what is selling right now. how great would punk, and alas all music be, if the artists had excessive sums of money to make the music they wanted to?!?

this song just says don't be as much of a mindless bog because a band becomes popular thus you don't like them as other people who only like them because other people do too. I think this is a "think for yourself" song & don't be a pawn of the corporate media...just in reverse (hating rather than loving).

Sicko – 80 Dollars Lyrics 20 years ago
anyone know of any compillation albums this has been on - i have a tape that it's on & i want to find the cd so i can preserve it a little better

Bratmobile – Richard Lyrics 20 years ago
i love this song...i of course flip its meaning..i thought the words were a little different, but the meaning is just as well - i thought it said "i thought you were the best - i was filled with disgust"

a gf of mine really got me in bratmobile & i just love their music...anyone know a compillation that their cover of "where eagles dare" was on?

Green Day – Going to Pasalacqua Lyrics 20 years ago
oh yeah - they used to start every performance with this song - i wonder why?!?

Green Day – Going to Pasalacqua Lyrics 20 years ago
it sounds like you guys think he's mad about it...well, i guess he kind of is, but not really.

He's an idealist-think about the early albums - he was always a very idealistic writer on these. He gives his heart away time and time again and nothing is working out for him...he's getting nowhere. but he doesn't quit matter how much he wants to. he doesn't want to get his heart broken, but he knows that if he shuts the door he's fucked and he doesn't know how to do anything but trust...he can't edge into it really.

God - don't you love it when you lie in bed at the start of a new relationship and you're just always thinking about her...I remember my ex, she popped into my head while I was taking an exam...Probability and Statistics...and it just made me smile.

as an idealist he's always thinking...this is the one...i'll spend the REST OF MY LIFE with he gets up, dusts off, & loves...

Green Day – One of My Lies Lyrics 20 years ago
it's like when you realize for the first time that your father isn't invincible, but probably more closer to the point...when you realize for the first time that everyone is dispensible in the end...we die, someone else moves into our homes and throws our stuff in the garbage...and that there are limitations to life...and he realizes that his youthful arrogance and egotism is futile, but what's's false

and bj realizes all this shit & realizes that ist just him, but everyone...everyone is a nobody and so he wants them to know it....but bj is screwing up....because he's being like an anti-holden caulfield, rather than just letting everyone reach for the golden ring & fail...he's pissed off & telling them how they can't reach for it because they'll fail

But this along with Going to Pasalaqua and One for the Razorbacks are probably my favorite songs of GD

Green Day – Who Wrote Holden Caulfield? Lyrics 20 years ago
i'm not sure if it's still around anymore, but I used to write a good deal on CITR in a Salinger Campfire called, but it may be down now. If you're interested try a search of my name & killdevilhill

WWHC is BJ acting like a paranoid kid - doing as EVERYONE does once they read CITR which is thinking it is about them or, at the very least, relating the story to himself. He's not lazy per se, just unmotivated because everything seems so damn pointless - but moreover, he's without direction. Some people ask what makes CITR such a great book & it's the fact that almost every kid can relate to it - this song is evi that bj does too

Fifteen – Liberation 2 Lyrics 20 years ago
Yeah - this makes for a great self-actualization song...

cos it would only prove our cowardice and show we mistakenly thought we were all alone even though there's 5B in this world....great line.

Ani DiFranco – You Had Time Lyrics 20 years ago
the juxtaposition of 'it's FUCKING beautiful' and 'she's got so muc TACT' is ironic to me.

Anyway - this song is a great song from a great film. great songs make you empathize with the writer/singer & this one does just that..."what did you do out there...what did you said you needed time, you had time" i like that a lot. it says ''you wanted this time apart to think through things...well, what have you come up you want to be with me or you love me or not...or is love enough?"

The Streets – Don't Mug Yourself Lyrics 20 years ago
the beat's of a rare outkast's "hey ya" and also Mike's "Fit, but you know it." As soon as you hear it, you know what's coming and you involuntarily become a little pumped up & eager to hear the thing...

it gets you excited everytime you hear the intro to this song

yeah - but Mike uses a lot of new slang that he tries to before OPM nobody said fit or mug - but i love it...its witty

The Streets – Not Addicted Lyrics 20 years ago
i just don't like how this song has no significant relation to anything else, whereas "soaked by the ale" did & would flowed with the album so much better - this one seemed misplaced & no other song even references it

The Postal Service – Nothing Better Lyrics 20 years ago
This song holds a lot of meaning to me as well.

I was in love with this girl - and I moved away to England for a little while and just before I returned she didn't feel the same way anymore - and a few weeks earlier we'd been talking about marriage & that's all I could think about & all I wanted...just to get married to her & be contented & happy with my life & quit the GAME that is relationships...

And so of course I ignored all the bad shit we had gone through & it never occurred to me when I was thinking how much I loved her and I wanted to do ANYTHING to keep her from leaving me (let's just say I was seriously in a state of extreme emotional distress)

She wanted to leave & i wanted to get was so damn hard & still is.

and who cares if they make money - don't you want others to have good taste & not hear things like nelly on the radio?

also go to and DL their music....they are in this same vein & VERY GOOD.

Also check out LOOPER...they started all of this so give them some damn credit...when the guy from Belle and Sebastian started Looper it was highly experimental...any now it's common place...check them out...

The Streets – Empty Cans Lyrics 20 years ago
At the beginning of the second part of this song, there is a moment when the first piano key comes in...and you just know that shit it looking up, despite it all still seeming pretty grim.

The line "The end of the something i did not want to end, Begining of hard times to come. But something that was not meant to be is done, And this is the start of what was" carries with it such a strong's like a get yr ass up, dust yr self off & start again. It gives me cold chills when I hear this line & even now as I write about it.

This song shows that you have a choice in can dwell in your own misery...or you can do something about it...he could have stayed f-ed off & foregone his friends on his wrongful suspicions that they were all out to get him...or he could move on and begin what was meant to be his life

The Streets – Dry Your Eyes Lyrics 20 years ago
I don't think anybody could hear this song who experienced this kind of pain & genuinely like it...for me it represents one of the most dispariging discouraging depressing times in my life...I'd just moved back from London, UK to KY when my gf of 2 yrs severed & shattered my heart. I went in to hear the album at a music shop cause I'd gone to see The Streets about a month earlier at Brixton Academy & everyone was crying to this song but I didn't quite GET IT's hard to understand lyrics at a concert, you know.

I cried then in the store - and I want to cry everytime I hear it now.

I was much like Mike on the next track when he's got the f***-all atitude about him. I have very much a love/hate relationship to this song. I'm only slowly moving itto the happier 2d part a year later.

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