Switchfoot – Stars Lyrics | 19 years ago |
fantastic song. i'm not that big into christian rock and all that but i think the beauty of this song is that u can relate to it even if ure not a christian. i really like the first 2 verses about maybe i'm the problem and i'm the chance of rain. awesome song. |
Lou Barlow – Legendary Lyrics | 19 years ago |
this song just gets better and better with every time i hear it. it has this melancholic mellow yet somewhat powerful feel to it... "Smiling through denial, my specialty I thought that was a good thing for awhile" i think i'm in love with this song. |
Travis – Writing to Reach You Lyrics | 20 years ago |
yeah i think it's "whatever's in my mind wont go away" too. but nonetheless, it can still be interpreted in the same way.. i can relate to this song in the sense that i keep a diary (and now a blog) and sometimes i write abt someone i like.. it's literally like i'm writing to reach u but still, i cant reach u.. brilliant song thou.. |
Coldplay – Speed of Sound Lyrics | 20 years ago |
coldplay's done it again! i'm in love with something again!! |
Coldplay – Fix You Lyrics | 20 years ago |
by the way, a little part of me melts every time i hear this song.. i love it totally. chris martin definitely has one of the best voices around - there's something in his voice that just gets to me. |
Coldplay – Fix You Lyrics | 20 years ago |
i love this song! it's my one of my absolute faves from coldplay together with "yellow" and "the scientist".. i think the song is more about someone trying very hard to do things right in his life but somehow he can never be good enough (or so he feels). he settles for the second best. [When you try your best, but you dont succeed; When you get what you want, but not what you need] he gets so tired of everything and feels in despair because it seems like everything he has done was in vain and sometimes he feels like giving up. but at the same time, he really hopes for someone or something to save him from giving up totally, or to guide him to somewhere where everything seems more familiar (hence the reference about lights will guide you home), and for someone to tell him that he can put everything right again.. but that being said, i don't quite understand the "and ignite your bones" part.. is it some reference to being reborn, and hence everything seems right again? |
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