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Murder by Death – Comin' Home Lyrics 15 years ago
Great analysis, but I don't think the anti-hero's name is Ennio Morricone. Ennio Morricone is an Italian composer who is famous for writing the music for a lot of old Spaghetti Westerns--The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, Once Upon a Time in the West, etc.

Murder by Death – Spring Break 1899 Lyrics 15 years ago
Does anyone have any idea what the title means?

The Decemberists – The Soldiering Life Lyrics 15 years ago
He was the Secretary of Good Music for the President of Awesometown's cabinet, I heard.

But really. This song is awesome. So is Colin Meloy.

Man Man – Whalebones Lyrics 17 years ago
I just had the same experience as you, fistfuloflove. I don't think I listened to the lyrics before. It makes the music so much more meaningful.

Whalebones were used in corsets, were they not? Which makes sense of the line, "He wears her close to the bone as though she were his own skin". He wears her like a corset.. which is restricting? I'm probably not right..

Man Man – Rabbit Habits Lyrics 17 years ago
Oppenheimer talking about the boom: "If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the mighty one. Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."

Man Man – Rabbit Habits Lyrics 17 years ago
Oppenheimer, boom, and Enola Gay = atomic bomb. Maybe those are references to "the end was coming soon".

Man Man – Doo Right Lyrics 17 years ago
I don't hear "What I been through..." I hear "What happened to..." Is it just me, or does anyone else hear this? Anyway, I love this song. Does anyone know what he means by breathing underwater? I know water symbolizes emotion/the unconscious, but I'm still not sure.

Scissor Sisters – I Don't Feel Like Dancin' Lyrics 17 years ago
"soft shoe gentle sway"

I definitely hear "soft shoe's devil suede".

Anyway I love this song. It is so addicting. It puts a bounce in my step.

Scissor Sisters – I Don't Feel Like Dancin' Lyrics 17 years ago
"soft shoe gentle sway"

I definitely hear "soft shoe's devil suede".

Anyway I love this song. It is so addicting. It puts a bounce in my step.

Mindless Self Indulgence – Panty Shot Lyrics 17 years ago
I'm so happy, I torrented a beautifully clear version of this song :D It's the same version from the video on youtube, oh god it's beautiful

Mindless Self Indulgence – Last Gay Song Lyrics 17 years ago
If I were a guy, this song alone would turn me gay.

Mindless Self Indulgence – Dickface Lyrics 17 years ago
this song is fucking amazing, soooo amazing

Murder by Death – Dead Men and Sinners Lyrics 18 years ago
Best. Fucking. Pirate. Song. EVER.

Otep – Buried Alive Lyrics 19 years ago
This song is absolutely brilliant. The mood, the lyrics, the vocals, instruments... It's what got me hooked on Otep. Fantastic.

Tool – Intension Lyrics 19 years ago
nonetospeakof's interpretation-

Very in depth. It definately does fit in with everything, and I really like the prism comparison. We're all atoms, and as we live, we wreak havoc, and when we die, we return to the earth, the whole.

Blindrider's interpretation is ironic and clever. Yep, Tool has made tools of their fans.

Tool – Right in Two Lyrics 19 years ago
Too much hostility here and on the other songs since 10,000 Days leaked. If TREXOR doesn't like the album, well, too bad for him. If he wants to add a comment to the song, he has all the right in the world to, even if it's derogatory. These aren't meant to be places where we can uniformly praise all that is Tool. It's for interpretations.

Now, if you choose to respond to TREXOR, you're egging him on and you're making yourself look petty and ignorant (ie Dustpan). And you're only adding to the hostility and detracting from what this site is for. We all have our opinions, so just let it be.

Tool – Right in Two Lyrics 19 years ago
Salivaltow has a great point, actually.

Quite a few years ago, there were these wars. They were called the Crusades. Ring a bell? I don't think you realize that the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim god is the same, only with different beliefs around it. Christianity sprung from Judaism, and Islam sprung from Judaism as well. The Crusades were the wars fought over the Holy Land between the Christian Europe and the Muslim Middle East/North Africa. The Holy Land was Jerusalem (where Jesus was crucified), but for about a hundred years, the Christians conquered pretty much the entire eastern Mediterranean coast in the name of the Crusades.

Just a bit of history.

All in all, I agree with Salivaltow as a possible interpretation and the other ideas about angels, man fighting man, etc. Though it mentions "angels on the sidelines", it isn't necessarily religious. It might just be people looking in from the outside.

Tool – Intension Lyrics 19 years ago
The way I see it, this song is about our progression as mankind, and as a civilzation. We were pure when we began, natural and still animalistic to all extents.

"Here we place a stone" might mean either constructing a building, one of the building blocks of civilzation, or it might mean voting, which is an even further step: government. Ancient Athenians used different colored stones in vases to signify votes.

The song progresses on from a tribal, entrancing beat, to bass & guitar, and then to the synth, and back again. The spark progresses to a flame and to a fire.
We go from pure, to "taking whatever we desire", be it from the earth, or from brother civilizations. We go from nomads, hunters & gatherers, to where we are now.

The song details how we are pure when we begin, and we will leave as we come in: pure. The human race is going to die out as we came in, as a pack of animals. Once the Earth turns to a sapped wasteland, we'll return to the wild, with no civilized means, and we'll be pure again.

It's only my interpretation, add to it/correct as you will.

Kickass song, by the way.

Nickel Creek – When in Rome Lyrics 19 years ago
This song is amazing. I think I first saw it on launch... The song, lyrics, video, EVERYTHING blew me away. It's just... such a fantastic song. Absolutely wonderful. Bluegrass/folk like this is amazing.

Pantera – Cemetery Gates Lyrics 19 years ago
I don't really care to go through and read all four pages of the comments to see if this has been touched upon before, but to me, this song is about a man whose girlfriend dies... by suicide or accident or naturally is irrelevent. She dies, and he passes through the cemetery gates, killing himself to be with her again. My two cents.

By the way, the typo in the title is horrendous.

Queen – You're My Best Friend Lyrics 19 years ago
Freddie Mercury is the love of my life, my hero, my savior. Just thought I'd mention that.

I love this song to death. Possibly my favorite Queen song, and that's saying something. It's such a cute song, and it's lovely. I don't care if it's trite or unoriginal. I think there's a point where cliches become uncliche. This takes love and all the love songs out there and wraps the essence of love into one lovely, happy song. :)

*sigh* I love Queen.

Mindless Self Indulgence – Stupid MF Lyrics 19 years ago
Accessible? Hah, no, the lyrics are:

"Is this easy enough for you? Does everybody understand? Anyone still following me? Is this easy enough for yoU? Does everybody understand? Anyone still- still-"

That's definately what I hear.

Anyway, this song is fuckin awesome. There's so many people I think need to listen to this song.. the dipshits.

Mindless Self Indulgence – What Do They Know? Lyrics 19 years ago
This song is sexy. "With no consequences, I'd do it again. Hard up, hunt me down, down, down.." Sexy.

Mindless Self Indulgence – Faggot Lyrics 19 years ago
I really like this song.. Way neat-o. What I get from this song is that he was raped/molested by a guy, and as much as he hates himself for it, he enjoyed it. He wants more but he can't have more, and he feels he can't be homosexual (or bisexual, whatever..).

Whatever it means, damn awesome song.

Tool – No Quarter (Led Zeppelin cover) Lyrics 19 years ago
"It's gettin' colder" gave me the chills. Amazing. It makes me want to curl up and shake and cry and then, as peacefully and calmly as I can, die. And rot too. Just leave my body behind; forget it. Let the maggots eat my corpse as the guitar grinds through the dead walls.

This is a musical masterpiece, along with Led Zeppelin's version, in my opinion. They're kind of different to compare. Just my opinion. =)

Tool – No Quarter (Led Zeppelin cover) Lyrics 19 years ago
"It's gettin' colder" gave me the chills. Amazing. It makes me want to curl up and shake and cry and then, as peacefully and calmly as I can, die. And rot too. Just leave my body behind; forget it. Let the maggots eat my corpse as the guitar grinds through the dead walls.

This is a musical masterpiece, along with Led Zeppelin's version, in my opinion. They're kind of different to compare. Just my opinion. =)

Queen – Somebody To Love Lyrics 19 years ago
This song is spectacular. I love Queen. I love love love Freddie Mercury. And John Deacon. And Brian May. And Roger Taylor. All of them. Queen is sanity. They keep me alive. They're the reason I'm still here and sane and happy. Listening to Queen is my therapy.

I almost broke down into tears, once, when I remembered Freddie Mercury had died. :( Seriously. It made me really fuckin sad. If Freddie Mercury were alive, I'd be writing him fan-mail right now, and if I met him, the only thing I could probably do would be to latch onto him and sob into his shoulder. :( Freddie Mercury fuckin rocks. YAY!

Three cheers for Queeeeeeeen!

Queen – Radio Ga Ga Lyrics 19 years ago
Once I almost cried because I remembered that Freddie Mercury had died. :'( I think I was in denial.

Queen is love. Queen is why I am still sane.

Looooooove. :)

Chevelle – Emotional Drought Lyrics 19 years ago
What makes ME mad is that people always compare Chevelle and Pete to Maynard James Keenan. Firstly, I honestly see no resemblance between the two, and secondly, Chevelle could NEVER compare to Tool in my opinion. It's just unconceivable. Sure, Chevelle is a great band and they have great music, but no Tool, not now, not ever.

And I agree with what herefromvenus is saying.

Chevelle – Closure Lyrics 19 years ago
This song means so much to me. It has always been my favorite Chevelle song and it's what got me hooked on them. I can recite every single lyric to this song... I just pulled out WWN and I haven't listened to it in so long... several months maybe. I instantly put on this song and I could still sing every last word. Absolutely magnificent song.

To me, it really relates to my life right now. It's like a conversation to myself, and like I'm telling me all these things... It's all jumbled up with the confusion inside of me with recent events. I've got to trust myself to make the right decisions and conclusions with what's going on in my life right now, and I'm going through a rebirth of my identity... I'm branching myself out to so many different things, and there are many things that I feel have a great chance of going wrong, and I should have seen it coming.. I thought I'd be completely fixed, but I'm not. I'm still holding onto my past, and though I shouldn't just forget it, I'm holding on too tightly, so now I'm letting go.

Also, the line "like a leech" really hits home here.

Amazin song. Chevelle rocks.

The Used – Sometimes I Just Go For It Lyrics 19 years ago
Abso-fucking-lutely gorgeous... It's the kind of beautiful where you want to cry, but you're in shock... Or you want to faint and hurl and scream at the same time... And then it gets intense and each pound of the keys keeps you notched into your seat, and then back to wanting to cry with relief. This is talent, my friends. Amazing shit. I love how you can almost hear a heavy metallic undertone to the notes... Very interesting.

And I really don't believe that he didn't just play it... I seriously don't believe that. It's just way too gorgeous. I'm not saying you guys are liars, I am just in denial. Just sitting down and playing this? Mannnnn *goes into a coma from the feeble attempt at fathoming the kind of talent that would take* ...

LOVE it.

The Used – Say Days Ago Lyrics 19 years ago
it reminds me of overcoming an eating disorder... but then again, I see that in a love of the songs on this album. Perhaps it's just a reflection on my current thinking state, but I dunno. I see it in nearly all the songs. Bulimia and anorexia and perhaps EDNOS. Anybody know if Bert has ever struggled with an ED?

Metallica – Where The Wild Things Are Lyrics 19 years ago
Hand puppets storm the beach
Fire trucks trapped out of reach
All clowns reinforce the rear
Slingshots fire into the air
Stuffed bears hold the hill till death
Crossfire from marionettes
We shall never surrender!

I never noticed this part before, but it's fucking awesome! I love this song, and I used to have the book that m3tall1ca was talking about... I don't know what happened to it, though. There was another one with the same little boy, only it was about him flying out of his bed naked and baking a giant cake with giant ingrediants. Ahem, anyway: absolutely awesome book, even better Metallica song. The raw imagery in the lyrics is outstanding, and that guitar solo is just so raw as well. It's fucking awesome.

Tool – H. Lyrics 19 years ago
I absolutely love this song. It might be my favorite Tool song. Absolutely fucking delicious. It's very calming and it helps me relax... I just love it so god damn much.

I don't mind.


Tool – Part of Me Lyrics 19 years ago
First of all, I don't give a damn what MJK wrote this about. It's how WE interpret it in our OWN PERSONAL way that matters. So, even if Maynard did write it about his penis, it still seems to me like he's referring to his friends... We're a part of him because Tool wouldn't be anything if it didn't have fans. And I think he's saying we're all mindless droning TOOLS because we think it's about his penis, and we've become such TOOLS that if Maynard served us a platter of his shit on CD, we'd eat it right up. :)

Anyway, that's how I like to see it. I'm sure it's got holes in it though; there's no reason to point them out to me. H's explanation was pretty valid too.


Murder by Death – A Caucus Race Lyrics 19 years ago
I love this song. It's beautiful and melancholy. I think it's about greed.

Regina Spektor – Us Lyrics 19 years ago
Does it matter what religion one is to write a song? No, it doesn't. I've written many times about God-- when I don't even believe in him.

Regina Spektor – December Lyrics 19 years ago
I think it might be about God... God and someone, a human, or very many of them, are conversing, and the human/s is/are saying that they don't believe in God. I don't understand much of the first verse, except that she mentions Sunday, and "rumours that are completely unsubstantiated" might mean athiests who claim that there's no proof of God's existence.

The second verse is God trying to talk to the human. He's telling the human and all of human race to apologize for all the war and hate they brought to the world, along with all the sin and stuff. He's asking how they don't see all his love for them and the world.

The last verse should be pretty clear given this explanation. The humans are talking again, and they're saying that they're not giving up their standpoint that God doesn't exist. They don't believe in him and his power.

I do like this song. It's got really interesting lyrics. I'm an athiest though, and I don't believe in God and his wrecking crew, either. :)

Regina Spektor – Consequence of Sounds Lyrics 19 years ago
I have no idea what this song is about.... It reminds me so much of Jack Johnson though, the fourth verse especially. When she's more talking, and not really singing, I love how you can occasionally hear hints of her beautiful beautiful voice.

The Killers – Jenny Was a Friend of Mine Lyrics 19 years ago
Has anyone thought that maybe by the line "She couldn't scream while I held her close" meant that when he found Jenny again, he was only holding her comfortingly in her last moments? I like to think that she "couldn't scream when he held her close" because she didn't want to make him feel bad about her death or worry about her. But I"m a romanticizer, so maybe that's just me.

Murder by Death – Canyon Inn, Room 16 Lyrics 19 years ago
This is an absolutely gorgeous song. Sometimes its difficult to listen to the lyrics, though, because his voice just blends so much with the beautiful music.

It makes me want to cry. It makes me weak, and it makes me want to give in to your gentle force. Gorgeous.

Coldplay – Fix You Lyrics 19 years ago
(whoops, typo. I meant to put "2000 miles away, exactly")

Coldplay – Fix You Lyrics 19 years ago
"Fix You" reminds me of both me and my current crush. I've been helping him, as a good friend, to understand HIS crush, who is coincidentally a good friend, but she has hurt him in too many ways... I've been trying to help him fix this problem of his, but in doing so, I've grown to.. maybe even love him.

I just want to hold him and let him know it'll be okay, but at the same time, I want him to let me know that it will be okay, since I'm moving out of state in a week. ( miles away.) I'm going to let him know how I feel before I go, though. We both need to be fixed.

This song makes me feel weak... limp... relaxed, but like I can't do anything. Like someone needs to hold me up. It makes me shake. It makes me want to love.

Tears are streaming down my face.

Rasputina – Signs of the Zodiac Lyrics 20 years ago
i love this song, it was the first rasputina song i heard. I love that. "Do you believe in the Signs of the Zodiac?"

The White Stripes – Blue Orchid Lyrics 20 years ago
Confused_sod, I thought it was about the Adam and Eve incident also, but in a different light.

From Eve disobeying God, she got a reaction. She turned the metaphorical orchid from white to blue. White represents purity and blue represents knowledge. When Eve ate the apple, she gained knowledge.

Some knowledge is better than none, and God knows all just from being God, hence the lyric "I get the truth from showing up".

In the third stanza, God is simply asking "How dare you?" Also, by "How old are you now, anyway?" He's asking why she was so immature to give into simple temptation.

Eve was given a flower, the Garden of Eden, but that wasn't good enough for her. "Her lip tastes sour" because she's remoseful and spiteful since God banished them from the Garden, since she thought he was just being mean, hence the line "you thik that it's me just teasing you."

"Bet behind me!" God is telling her, and Satan, to get below him and obey him, because he's God, and they're not.

In the video, there are snakes that turn out of the cane she's holding. I think that might mean that it surprised her and tempted her in a subtle fashion, but I'm not sure.

Anyhoo, that's how I like to think of the song. Really, it doesn't matter how the artists wrote it to mean, it just matters how the listener interprets it. :) So enjoy the music how you like.

Mwah, I hope that was insightful.

The Mars Volta – L'Via L'Viaquez Lyrics 20 years ago
jreniel, you're my effin' hero. Thank you so much for this translation. I could understand what most of it said, but you really straightened out the minor details of making the translation coherent in English.

The Used – Sound Effects And Overdramatics Lyrics 20 years ago
Oh, and TheTorrentsOfSpring, I believe you were a tad excited when you wrote that comment. Blue is an adjective, hun.

The Used – Sound Effects And Overdramatics Lyrics 20 years ago
It sounds like Sean Ingram is screaming "This is blue", not "this is not" or "this is you". It would make sense with the song, since it is about crystal meth, AKA blue.

Tool – (-) Ions Lyrics 20 years ago
reminds me of a thunderstorm

The Dresden Dolls – Bad Habit Lyrics 20 years ago
My favorite Dresden Dolls song. And of course its not directly about slitting one's wrists or attempting suicide, its a broad, general account of self-mutilation.

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