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Red Stars Theory – September Lyrics 16 years ago
And when I said pretty sure I meant absolutely positive.

Pinback – Hurley Lyrics 16 years ago
NO! None of Pinback's songs are about anyone from Lost, all the songs you're using as evidence came out before Lost ever aired. So not only is it impossible but if you would actually listen to the lyrics you'd see it has nothing to do with a television character who's stranded on an island AT ALL.

The song is pretty clearly about a snowball fight if you would just read what others have said/think about it/and then read the lyrics. And the third poster's comment about where the title comes is actually feasible, unlike yours. Please stop.

Pinback – Rousseau Lyrics 16 years ago
Yeah it totally is about a character on Lost, crazy how Pinback wrote a song about that character 6 years before the show first aired. WHAT A COINCIDENCE.

Also, Hurley came out in: 1998
And Penelope in: 2002
Lost first aired: 2004

Get a better theory.

Anyway, really cool song, I was wondering where the samples are from and after some research found out it's from Dark Star, also apparently where they got their name from.

Pinback – Good to Sea Lyrics 17 years ago
If this doesn't get Pinback the attention they deserve I don't know what will, great song.

Red Stars Theory – September Lyrics 17 years ago
I'm pretty sure it's "investigator"

of Montreal – Vegan in Furs Lyrics 17 years ago
Yes, you've all cracked the code, it's a reference to the VU song, but more importantly is how fun loving nun has completely missed the message behind songs such as this, and Art Snob Solutions. Kevin Barnes doesn't like people who think they're more, "deep" as you put it, than other people.

I think he makes it very clear with lines like...

"Yeah and we both despise all of the academic swine
Who made the author of "Discus Ulysses" benign"

that he hates people who think they're smarter than others and/or people that regularly critique works just so they have an opportunity to flaunt their mental prowess.

of Montreal – Spike the Senses Lyrics 17 years ago
Of course you'd have to be a fool to actually believe that.

Modest Mouse – Dashboard Lyrics 17 years ago
Who said he stopped drinking?

Modest Mouse – Needle Point Lyrics 17 years ago
Although after even more listens, the rather relaxed feeling of the song and the vocals make me think it is indeed about heroin. Heroin is a better drug anyway, so I'll just convince myself that's what it's about.

Modest Mouse – Needle Point Lyrics 18 years ago
It can be found here:

And I think if anything Isaac is singing about shooting up anything it's probably meth, as that seems to be a drug he used a lot, and meth definitely makes you twitch.

Heavy Vegetable – Sad Mud Song Lyrics 18 years ago
Great great song, it seems to be about mud and being sad.

The Silver Jews – Smith & Jones Forever Lyrics 18 years ago
You've said, "evokes" entirely too many times.

But, yeah, it's a great song, and I agree with your interpretation.

Starlight Mints – Submarine Number 3 Lyrics 18 years ago
The right lyrics are definitely fakefrench's posted ones, don't know where the original poster came up with those...

Also, I don't think having their website domain the same as their band name is redundant... at all. You should probably look up that definition.

Pinback – The Yellow Ones Lyrics 18 years ago
Generally when you get high on something intravenously the idea is to inject the drug into your veins, and not draw blood out.

So vein empty doesn't make much sense unless he's talking about donating blood, which is very thoughtful of him, but I think it just means nothing.

Islands – Rough Gem Lyrics 18 years ago
Gooood song that grows on you.

Uh, about being a diamond.

Why? – Crushed Bones Lyrics 18 years ago
I'm pretty sure, "And your eyes are slits and bags of fat"

should be "And your eyes are slits in bags of fat"

And I'm also pretty sure, "Till the constables got pitbulls with their car phones all stepped on"

should be, "Till the constables got pitbulls with their paw bones all stepped on"

The Decemberists – California One/Youth and Beauty Brigade Lyrics 19 years ago
I'm pretty positive it's, "multnomah county library". Which is the county in Oregon that Portland is within.

of Montreal – Lysergic Bliss Lyrics 19 years ago
What a weird and amazing song. It's got an incredibly happy feel to it, and is obviously about the euphoria experienced from LSD.

"Okay children, remember you're breathing 1 2 3 4"


Built to Spill – Randy Described Eternity Lyrics 19 years ago
An amazing song and a great way to describe eternity, thanks Randy.

Built to Spill – Out of Site Lyrics 19 years ago
I do, it's one of my favourite Built to Spill songs.

Modest Mouse – The Good Times Are Killing Me Lyrics 19 years ago
I can guarantee you that you've done "drugs" before. Try being less vague.

Besides, it's obvious that this song is not about something harmless like pot, it's about much more addictive drugs like meth and coke.

Modest Mouse – The Good Times Are Killing Me Lyrics 19 years ago
"they only reason it lost it's spark is BECAUSE he did LSD, he got fucked in the head from that stuff, he knows it too"

Fucked in the head from LSD use? Haha. Stop believing everything DARE told you and get educated fast!

LSD can bring out psychosis in people with underlying mental problems such as schizophrenia, but I don't think Isaac is displaying any evidence of psychosis. If anything he should be worried about his alcohol consumption and meth use.

Hoobastank – The Reason Lyrics 19 years ago
It's quite a boring song. Generic, just like every other new processed rock band out nowadays.

Led Zeppelin – Stairway to Heaven Lyrics 19 years ago
This is a great song, I don't understand how anyone could deny that. It flows well and just generally sounds nice.

Modest Mouse – Talking Shit About a Pretty Sunset Lyrics 20 years ago
I was wrong about his use of meth, he has admitted to using speed before, but I don't think that would affect his creativity at all.

Modest Mouse – Talking Shit About a Pretty Sunset Lyrics 20 years ago
"especially considering he writes most of his lyrics for Modest Mouse while he's on uppers like LSD or meth. You could probably only get his same profound thoughts in an altered state of mind. But he does write it out awfully well. "

Um, LSD is not an "upper". It's a hallucinogen, and yes I think he has mentioned using LSD before, or everyone just assumes he does. However I don't recall him ever saying he has used a trashy horrible drug such as meth, which is indeed an upper.

The only original ideas you would get on meth is that the police are on your roof and you have 10 seconds to throw away everything you own.

Modest Mouse – Float On Lyrics 20 years ago
A person with the name capriciouspoet is telling people who have posted here to stop being pretentious. How ironic.

Modest Mouse – Float On Lyrics 20 years ago
Dr. Farkio: I don't know what you think emo is, but from all the definitions I've ever heard Modest Mouse fits into none of them. I've never once heard Isaac sing about some girl breaking his heart.

I think the word you're looking for is introspective.

Modest Mouse – Teeth Like God's Shoeshine Lyrics 20 years ago
I can answer that, because those people are stupid. They think that because they've heard Float On and like it that they are huge Modest Mouse fans. There's only one problem with that logic, Float On is unlike any other previous song by Modest Mouse.

Modest Mouse – Blame It on the Tetons Lyrics 20 years ago
The Tetons are a mountain range in northeaster Wyoming.

Modest Mouse – The Good Times Are Killing Me Lyrics 20 years ago
I think this song is about drugs, and how using them were the "good times" and then he found out that all that drug usage was killing him. Hence, "The good times are killing me".

He also says something which suggests addiction, to most likely coke or methamphetamines, when he says this:

"Have one, have twenty more "one more"s and oh it does not relent "

I think he's talking about saying this is his last time snorting coke or whatever it may be. He says it's one more time, but it's not which is why he says have "have twenty more "one mores"".

That's just my view, I'm not positive though.

Modest Mouse – Ocean Breathes Salty Lyrics 20 years ago
This is definitely my favourite song off their new album.

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