The Smashing Pumpkins – Ugly Lyrics
| 22 years ago
self explanatory meaning here- feeling like a piece of shit and not good enough. however, this song is so well done that the ugly-feeling isnt all "bllllllaaaaaahgggggg i hate myself bllaaaghhhh die self die"---just simple sad. one of my favoite pumpkins songs |
The Smashing Pumpkins – Ugly Lyrics
| 22 years ago
self explanatory meaning here- feeling like a piece of shit and not good enough. however, this song is so well done that the ugly-feeling isnt all "bllllllaaaaaahgggggg i hate myself bllaaaghhhh die self die"---just simple sad. one of my favoite pumpkins songs |
Modest Mouse – You're the Good Things Lyrics
| 22 years ago
i also enjoy this song. it's kind of sad thinking that you could be this person who is all the good things at all the bad times, and really there is nothing you can do to change yourself or the times. |
Tool – H. Lyrics
| 22 years ago
but then again, also it oculd be wanting to disclose something from a not-so-cheery past with someone, but your judgement says not to. (snake behind me hisses-->open up my heart again) |
Tool – H. Lyrics
| 22 years ago
to me it's about loving someone you dont necesarily want to, but you love them nonetheless and it kills you to think of separation even if it might be better... deciding what to do about it; perhaps seeing you relationship is leading nowhere but not wanting to accept that. |
Bright Eyes – The Center of the World Lyrics
| 22 years ago
the girl in the first verse is the only thing that matters in his life, but when she left him he was turned into sand, only to realize he was the same as every other guy who had been dumped. |
Bright Eyes – The Center of the World Lyrics
| 22 years ago
i see the first verse happening as he sings it; a girl by a well and myself approaching and her turning me into sand, and then the wind and sea and everything. i think this about how the pain one experiences in a relationship isn't different or unique, everyone has the same damn thing happen to them.
i assume every grain of sand is a boy who is now a grain of sand(meaningless, one in many, longing to belong somewhere)
while in the relationship, it was sweet. (the girls found them honey) the men cutting marble sybolizes that the boys could tell that no matter how much they loved thier girls, the relationship would end and there would be nothing left of them. the preists are dressing children because of the upcoming 'funerals'.
the next portion is about life after their breakups (symbolized as funerals) everything is just dull and meaningless.
two pills just werent enough(trying to forget pain through drugs, maybe connor is referring to pills he takes for his depression >all these pills that i take to try and balance my brain from when the curious girl... song |
Bright Eyes – Something Vague Lyrics
| 22 years ago
haligh, haligh, a lie, haligh is a damn good one, or a perfect sonnet, but all bright eyes songs are amazing. go buy 'fevers and mirrors'. it's all amazing |
Sublime – Trenchtown Rock Lyrics
| 22 years ago
this is a bob marley cover i think that kicks ass. i love this song so damn much, i cant belive there are no comments on it yet. |
Sublime – Waiting For My Ruca Lyrics
| 22 years ago
i love this song. it doesnt require any formal instrument, so its good to play on a wall when youre drunk and dance to,. heh heh |
Sublime – Saw Red Lyrics
| 22 years ago
amen lindsay. hee hee. however, i like it better with gwen-it's back before she got stupid and ghetto and icky. it just reminds me that she used to be cool. sublime used to open for no doubt. |
Sublime – Seed Lyrics
| 22 years ago
it's about the bad things that come with sex-like pregnancy and diseases. even the boredom of monogamy. (You get old believe me when I say
It's the same shit everyday ) |
Sublime – Date Rape Lyrics
| 22 years ago
amen. people need to make light of bad situations anyways. but whogives a shit? this song kiks ass |
Sublime – Caress Me Down Lyrics
| 22 years ago
ok- heres a link to lyrics on the stand by your van version i'd cut and paste but my computer is stupid and wont let me. |
Sublime – Krs-one Lyrics
| 22 years ago
yes..please post tabs. i been lokking for them but i keep finding incorrect ones tha sound nothing like the song. |
Sublime – Badfish Lyrics
| 22 years ago
i thought it was "no troubles with jah" long beach dub all stars usually mention jah-isnt he the rastafarian god? either way, this song is so damn good. but i dont think it's about anything. i just like it |
The Smashing Pumpkins – Annie-Dog Lyrics
| 23 years ago
reminds me of a drug addict in some ways, but overall a girl who has no home. she has stories about where she's been what she's done, and somehow ends up with a boy who knows hes not supposed to hang around her, (is it wrong to be swallowed how) boy finds girl's odd habits intriguing, but the girl is still nuts. the prostitute thing defintaly makes alot of sense. |
AFI – Malleus Maleficarum Lyrics
| 23 years ago
malleus malificarum means "hammer of the witches" i think this song is a definate "fuck you" song. a good anthem for individualists. i am what i am with all my scars and i wont pretend to be you, and if you dont like it, go fuck a cow.has specific meaning for mebecause i have scars al over my body from a bout with cutting a while ago. |
AFI – The Despair Factor Lyrics
| 23 years ago
who cares what is means? this is, according to me, the best AFI song(or at least one of them) they jump musical styles seamlessly. and the somehow i ended up here in between.. make me sit up and listen in. it's so captivating. i used to print lines from thios song on my wrist. |
AFI – The Days Of The Phoenix Lyrics
| 23 years ago
heh song. i see a chick on one of those velvet renesance beds with big dripping candles all around. reminds me of some love affair that went wrong back in the renesance days. |
AFI – Clove Smoke Catharsis Lyrics
| 23 years ago
smoking a clove ciggarette. i know it has deeper interpretations, but hey. if only pure sweetness was offered why's a btter tatse left in my mouth? pretty obvious. cloves tatse so sweet until they're gone and you get a bitter taste on the back of your tounge. when you hold a hit in too long, your lungs bleed. it's one of my fave AFI songs, i always sing the chorus and woah oh oh part after i finish a clove |
Deftones – Digital Bath Lyrics
| 23 years ago
amen-all deftones is good soundtrack for sex. i always put on white pony while making myself a happier person. |
Deftones – No Ordinary Love (Sade cover) Lyrics
| 23 years ago
i accidentaly downloaded this song. (audiogalaxy had it labeled as a massive attack song for some reason) someone tol;d me it was deftones and i was like, what the fuck it's sade! i never thought deftones would cover a sade song, but whatever. |
Deftones – Back to School (Mini Maggit) Lyrics
| 23 years ago
Nothingface-about how other bands think thyere in the sAme catEGory as deftones-my friend and i think defotnes music is so original and so many bands try to rip them off that deftones will be a new category of music and kids will someday running around saying "i'm a deftone!" instead of "i'm a punk!" stupid caffeine induced idea, but thats what i thought of. whatever |
Deftones – Mascara Lyrics
| 23 years ago
the first line makes me think of sex.the rest of the song- i agree with everything everyone has laready put up here, especially *iris* |
Massive Attack – Teardrop Lyrics
| 23 years ago
this song imeans life is useless. the singing fetus in the video only backs this up. a teardrop will do nothing to put out a fire. re read the lyrics with that in mind. it wou ld take me too long to explain how every line backs this up. |
Pixies – Hey Lyrics
| 23 years ago
general theme is sex. feeling chained to someone because they'll screw you, maybe finding someone you can actually love but all the other sex getting in the way, being diverted from one whore to the next. too much sex messes with your head, especially if lots of different people. you dont know which one to be chained to. "mary ain't you tired of this": asking arent you tired of the same old thing-empty sex with no feeling. but the hey been trying to meet you makes me think of hitting on people. also-the second verse thing shows men arent as chained to partners as the ladies are, and sometimes women succumb to sex just because they adore their man. musically- i like the guitar part; it has a pained sound. |
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