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Family of the Year – Hero Lyrics 9 years ago
This song is on the soundtrack for the the movie Boyhood and is used to really awesome effect in the film.

Andrew Bird – Pulaski at Night Lyrics 10 years ago
Awesome song. My simplistic interpretation is that even though someone can try to communicate the feeling of a place or a thing in their life through their artistry or even by buying things, it's nothing like actually being there with them.

Vampire Weekend – Finger Back Lyrics 10 years ago
I like your comment and would love to add a couple of things to it.

Firstly, I believe that the Jerusalem being "you know - the one at W. 103rd and Broadway?" is important, because he's clarifying (and also providing some verbal irony) the fact that it's not really Jerusalem he's talking about. This is important, because there's a theme of fake things versus real life occurring in this little spoken verse.

After he acknowledges this fact he continues to say that this (presumably American) Orthodox Jewish girl found herself falling in love with someone who historically people of her culture are supposed to hate.

Then, by saying:

"And why not?
Should she have averted her eyes and
Just stared at the laminated poster of the dome of the rock?"

He's basically prodding the audience and asking not only what's wrong with this scenario, but why should anyone choose tradition or historical prejudice over here and now?

The restaurant is called Jerusalem, but it isn't Jerusalem...the picture of the dome of the rock is laminated to stand up to time, but it's just a picture. Is she supposed to continue to live her life based on images, imitations and interpretations of her historical homeland? Or choose to live a new life by her own moral compass?

She can start a new life and step outside of her historical background by simply embracing those around her. Maybe it's not being a good girl (from the Orthodox perspective), but what does the tradition really offer her in today's society? Laminated pictures of her supposed homeland that's thousands of miles away?

It is an obvious choice.

Arcade Fire – It's Never Over (Oh Orpheus) Lyrics 10 years ago
I can't help but think of Jeff Buckley's excellent Lover, You Should Have Come Over when I hear this song. Especially the lines:

It's never over, my kingdom for a kiss upon her shoulder
It's never over, all my riches for her smiles when i slept so soft against her
It's never over, all my blood for the sweetness of her laughter
It's never over, she's the tear that hangs inside my soul forever

The idea that even though your lover has passed, you wish more than anything that you could keep the whole thing going. This is the exact same feeling Orpheus has as he hopes to bring Eurydices into the overworld...the idea that he can resist love's drawl long enough to survive the journey....but he can't. He would give anything to see her face again that moment....and the suspense is killing him.

Maybe I'm wrong...but that's where I'm at with this song.

Arcade Fire – Joan of Arc Lyrics 10 years ago
According to Goolge Translate, the translation of the french part of the song is:

You say that you are my judge
But I do not believe you
So you're saying I'm a saint
But it is not me
I hear voices
But it is not me
I'm not Joan of Arc

Those translations tend to be very literal, but I think the sense of what the female part sings in this song is important to its meaning.

I picture the main singer of the song as picturing a bullied, screwed up girl as his "Joan of Arc" and someone he can follow. He always felt alone and so he pursues a relationship with her.

However, as with most of the things he perceives, it is only a reflection of his own desires. He is looking for a leader because he is lost, but she is no more a leader than he is.

Instead of seeing a screwed up young woman with her own problems, he idolizes and judges her to be his reason for existence. When he makes his feelings known, she professes that she is not what he thinks she is and if he is going to judge he better "hit his mark".

Maybe the translation is skewing my interpretation but I think it is a unique take on a common modern love story. It reminds me of a line from the Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind:

Clementine: Too many guys think I'm a concept, or I complete them, or I'm gonna make them alive. But I'm just a fucked-up girl who's lookin' for my own peace of mind; don't assign me yours.

TV on the Radio – Staring At The Sun Lyrics 11 years ago
This is clearly related and I'm not sure how it wasn't upvoted until my vote. The poem is unbelievably stirring and the song captures the feeling of it very well. I feel like the entire composition of the song is meant the convey the feeling of the poem.

Grizzly Bear – Half Gate Lyrics 11 years ago
I think the subject of the song is, at first, simply talking about the aftermath of cheating on someone they love. Not only have they cheated, but it has changed the other person to the point where the relationship (and perhaps the other person) is unrecoverable or unrecognizable.

While both know this to be true, they still attempt to cling to the relationship hoping it can continue to bear a resemblance to what it was in the past. At the same time, the subject knows that is a delusion.

That being said, there's more than the simply the betrayal being portrayed.

The subject of the song knows that he is flawed, and moreover he knows that he would have never been enough for the person he is in love with. While he always had attempted to be the ideal mate for his significant other, he can never be anything more than he's already been previously.

In addition, the subject wonders whether or not the other person in the relationship could ever have been satisfied, or whether the only thing destroyed in the betrayal was naivety. He begins to wonder if the other person was delusional at the start and if the only thing lost was their delusion.

That being said, the delusion itself is somehow beautiful. It is beautiful enough that the subject of the song continues to wish throughout that "in some great beyond" the person he loves (even with the delusions) is "still there still as you were".

The song is not simply about the subject's supposed betrayal of their significant other. It's about the reality of two separate people trying to share their experiences and their perspectives with each other, and knowing that, in the end, no matter how close they grow, that they live (and die) alone.

It's about wanting the innocence back that you never had in the first place.

It's also an unbelievably beautiful song.

Andrew Bird – The Privateers Lyrics 11 years ago
Maybe I'm wrong here, but the whole thing seems pretty obvious from the lyrics. Privateer and the earlier song which it references (The Confession) seem to talk about over-commercialization and being unable to go two feet without being offered something by someone. I believe that Andrew may be adding overzealous religious people in with the rest of the people who constantly offer you things as you walk, browse or drive around anywhere.

The term privateer seems to fit right in with the lyrical interpretation. While it has an old use (fitting in with the ships in the song), I believe Bird is saying here that those who seek to constantly gain commercial ownership over you as you go on your journey through life are little more than pirates and thieves...and their confession draws more near the more you question them about it.

Metric – Artificial Nocturne Lyrics 12 years ago
The way I interpret the song is that the subject of the song can no longer tolerate (or fake) living in a world that conflicts so deeply with their desires and beliefs.

When they are dreaming, they are at peace because they can create all that they believe and set themselves free.

The subject also believes they have found a way to escape the waking world and live completely immersed in dreams (hiding out in the back forever).

They also believe that when they escape into a false night, they will be free from all the injustices and the inadequacies of reality. They have "an outsider's escape from a broken heart." It also sounds like they plan on taking someone with them, or, perhaps, that person is already dead.

It reminds me of two things: the heartbreaking feeling of awaking to a world that differs negatively from a beautiful dream and the movie Inception.

Arcade Fire – Deep Blue Lyrics 14 years ago
Reminds me of the book I just finished reading "God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater" by Kurt Vonnegut. The people who used to work with their hands are thrown into uselessness by machinery. This is the second part of that, where the people that used to work with their mind are being thrown into uselessness by computers. Even intelligence won't save you from being obsolete anymore. Pretty soon everyone will have nothing to offer.

Arcade Fire – Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains) Lyrics 14 years ago
I think this album's sequencing is perfect. After exploring the flatlands of the suburbs (seeing how your childhood has been whitewashed over) and seeing the mountains beyond mountains of dead malls in the suburbs. The cities, the places where civilization started and where the people and culture are still actually abuzz, call out to your soul.

This album perfectly expresses what the suburbs are in mood and tone, how meaningless, duplicated, shallow and ultimately uniform they all are.

Every town has to have the same thing as every other town, leading to each town changing into being exactly the same thing. A pile of "dead shopping malls" that nobody is actually from, because it doesn't have any characteristics to call its own.

This song also explores how the whole world seems to be getting taken over by the unplanned, sprawling suburbs to the point where it will soon be inescapable.

Which is another central theme of the album, in my opinion, the fact that our lifestyle choices and civilization seem to be on the verge of wiping anything that's beautiful from the planet.

Makes me want to move to the city.

Arcade Fire – Sprawl I (Flatland) Lyrics 14 years ago
I think this has a lot to do with the main theme of the album. Which is basically that a few members of the band attempted to retrace their roots in the suburbs where they grew up and found that their childhood had been whitewashed over.

The "towns they built to change" are the suburbs, the sprawling, ever evolving beasts that they built in order to attract people away from big, scary cities.

In the end you aren't really from anywhere. If you go long enough without visiting your suburbian hometown, you'll notice all the places where your memories and your childhood took place are gone. Replaced by another Target, Walmart or "dead shopping mall".

Sun Kil Moon – Glenn Tipton Lyrics 15 years ago
At first I thought of the last part of the lyrics in a literal sense, until I heard the part about finding her letters and feeling hurt. I don't think a serial killer has this type of sentiment for the people they kill. Psychopaths tend not to feel hurt or remorse or loss the way normal people do, and it's doubtful that they'd bother going through the victim's belongings afterwards anyway. The sentiment of a serial killer doesn't really seem to match up with the rest of the song either, because earlier he's talking about how the years pass quickly and he feels bad that a woman at a coffee shop died. I very much doubt that a serial killer would have this kind of emotional response either. Another thing is not wanting to hear her name or never breathing her name implies remorse as well. Remorse serial killers tend not to feel about their victims, they usually have a sense of accomplishment about their deeds. So if the person isn't a psychopath they most likely aren't a real serial killer, and if they aren't a serial killer then it probably relates to love lost. The first love of the narrator's life being killed. This could be either figuratively or literally, I think it's probably figurative.

Andrew Bird – This Is Not a Song About a Train Lyrics 17 years ago
It's about a train.

Andrew Bird – Fiery Crash Lyrics 17 years ago
This is most obviously about being in an airport. I think it's kind of about two things though. First and foremost it's about being superstitious or wary about flying in general and second it's about worrying about the little things in life without taking into account your mortality, the fact that you aren't here forever and you should probably enjoy what time you have on the Earth, Lou Dobbs on every monitor screen getting you angry or not.

The Libertines – The Good Old Days Lyrics 17 years ago
To me this is about people who have given up on modern life and see instead a call for the "good old days" or the times when things were simpler, easier, the music was better or love was more pleasant. I think the song is an answer to someone like that, telling them that if they've lost their faith in love and music, if they are calling for these "good old days" then the end won't be long, they'll be doomed to see everything as worse than before. I think it's an important song and a good one. The idea that there "weren't no good old days" is also important. To remember that in times where some things might have been better there were other problems, and that we have no more problems now than we had in the past. It's a call for people to live in the moment and quit looking into the past in reminiscence, and instead make today what you can. Because the past, "the good old days" aren't as good as you dream they were.

The Smiths – You Just Haven't Earned It Yet, Baby Lyrics 17 years ago
To me this song is about expecting to be loved and revered without really putting any work in. It's about how you expect to get things "just because" but the fact is that true love, admiration, respect and caring are earned by frustration and triumph, by falling and getting up again and again until something works out. It's almost like if someone has no talents or personality but still wonders why they have no true friends and why they aren't respected or admired.

If this was about the drummer of the band, that definitely makes sense. Because Morrissey and Marr "earned" their respect through hard work and songwriting while the rest of the group mainly showed up for gigs and the moments in the studio where the tracks had to be laid down. The fact that Morrissey believes success should be earned is evident in the fact too that he doesn't want to get back together with the Smiths, because he feels like they would be essentially hijacking some of the fame and image he's worked hard to maintain over the years, while they have done nothing to deserve to once again be in the limelight.

Ben Folds Five – Mess Lyrics 17 years ago
People have things to say about the believe in God part. It's not really about if he believes in God he could be saved, it's about he can't delude himself into feeling he could be saved. Not believing in love makes him act the same way regardless of situation, so he can't be tamed or changed...

It's not about not having these beliefs that's ruining him, it's about how he doesn't have these delusions to fall back on anymore, and so he doesn't have a simple answer.

Ben Folds Five – Mess Lyrics 17 years ago
To me this song is about a person who has given up believing not only in God (which is a common and somewhat logical occurrence), but also in love, possibly due to past experiences. For this reason he feels jaded, while his partner feels the "pure love" feelings, he manages to just screw the situation up beyond repair without thinking about it because he doesn't believe in love anymore. His dark side, the fact that he doesn't really believe in anything and that he has acknowledged that he'll be alone forever were out in the open before, but now he's willing to pretend for another girl he has met that he doesn't have these feelings. He acts in a manner that expresses the fact that he doesn't believe in love or God without bearing it to the world anymore, and hides away that part of himself from the outside world as it only helps to screw things up. Instead he'll pretend and kill off that part of himself, keep it to himself in order to keep company with his latest love interest and "be for her what I could never be for you." Very touching to me, and only my interpretation. It's about being jaded without being old and wrinkled, and knowing love to be a child's dream while still finding yourself in the middle of "romantic" situations.

Green Day – Holiday Lyrics 17 years ago
I'm so tired of people pretending like you aren't supposed to make political songs. That's one of the functions of an artist, and it's not just "politics." When you have people dying for a cause, I believe everyone in the country has the right to an opinion on whether it's just or not, regardless of their own personal qualifications to be a political leader. We aren't all in a position to lead, but we can have an opinion, because having an opinion and having a say are crucial to this thing we are supposed to have called "democracy." If the only people allowed to vote, or have a say, or run for office are those deemed "fit to lead," welcome to an aristocracy. I'm sick of the right wing approach of personal attacks instead of an argument or confrontation with ideas. If you have an argument, make your point known, if all you want to do is nitpick about the person making the comment, then go eff yourself because you add nothing of value to the conversation.

Green Day – Holiday Lyrics 17 years ago
I'm so tired of people pretending like you aren't supposed to make political songs. That's one of the functions of an artist, and it's not just "politics." When you have people dying for a cause, I believe everyone in the country has the right to an opinion on whether it's just or not, regardless of their own personal qualifications to be a political leader. We aren't all in a position to lead, but we can have an opinion, because having an opinion and having a say are crucial to this thing we are supposed to have called "democracy." If the only people allowed to vote, or have a say, or run for office are those deemed "fit to lead," welcome to an aristocracy. I'm sick of the right wing approach of personal attacks instead of an argument or confrontation with ideas. If you have an argument, make your point known, if all you want to do is nitpick about the person making the comment, then go eff yourself because you add nothing of value to the conversation.

Elliott Smith – Son of Sam Lyrics 17 years ago
"i may talk in my sleep tonight cause i don't know what i am
i'm a little like you, more like son of sam"

I've always taken this to mean that although he's surrounded by a certain type of people: people that might be happy and uplifting and fulfilled, people that have certain nice tendencies or positive qualities and people might have become convinced that he also this type of person deep down inside he's more disturbed and separated from the pack. He's more like Son of Sam cuz he looks around and disagrees with all of it, or can't feel the same way about everything that everyone else does. He feels parts of why people are like they are, but deep inside he's really playing a role and he's not like them. Absolutely awesome song.

Neil Young – Don't Let It Bring You Down Lyrics 18 years ago
To me this song has always talked about how you can't become overcome with sadness at the cruelty of the world that you don't control or have a part in and can never hope to change. It says to me that you have to move on with your life in order to do something positive and affect what you might, but attempt to let things you can't control not cripple you with sadness.

Elliott Smith – Everything Means Nothing to Me Lyrics 18 years ago
It's hard to care about anything sometimes at the depths of depression because it seems like nothing you do or value means anything at all. It's apathy, and when you start to lose all meaning in everything you start to feel like the hollow shell of a person instead. Nothing holds any meaning, nothing you do matters. It's nihilism, apathy and loneliness. The feeling that nothing you will ever do will fix anything and so everything is meaningless.

Elliott Smith – Coming Up Roses Lyrics 18 years ago
"the things you tell yourself
they'll kill you in time"

To me this is quite simply about depression. Your mental dialog will eventually let you kill or harm yourself. Obviously I can relate to this.

Elliott Smith – I Didn't Understand Lyrics 18 years ago
I don't really understand the "along" thing, it sounds like "alone" and "alone" makes much more sense. I don't know how you leave someone "along" but that's what all the websites have listed. Whatever.

The Kooks – I Want You Back Lyrics 18 years ago
Jeeze I wish I could go back to the time before these songs had meaning to me. Pretty much a general "I miss you" song. Wish I had no one to miss.

About wanting the past back. I want to skip before that time I loved that girl for all

There's also a little bit about how girls make you be the way you end up....which I believe is true. Innocence seeks out cruelty, becomes corrupted and then continues the cycle.

Fall Out Boy – Sugar, We're Goin Down Lyrics 18 years ago

The Doors – The Crystal Ship Lyrics 18 years ago
this song always reminds me of a girl I used to date...

Unbelievably nice sounding.

Hasn't anyone wanted one more kiss before their girl fell asleep?

Elliott Smith – Pictures of Me Lyrics 18 years ago
If his interpretation holds, I think it has a lot to do with the idea that "what you hate in other people you see in yourself." And I think that idea is at least partially true. You see other people doing things, committing supposed "sins" and acting out, and as you hate these things you know in yourself the potential to do the same things given certain circumstances. A person that sees themselves above everyone else don't want these pictures of him, another human, to be seen. He wants people to change their ways and act differently, because all humans are a reflection of him.

I always took it as someone's behavior being misconstrued to the point where people had an image of them as something they weren't deep down inside. Always seemed to me to be like a "you don't really know me, shut your mouth about me" type of thing. Which I can also relate to. But I think Elliot's explanation actually makes the song more interesting, because other people basically are pictures of you, if you think about it.

Elliott Smith – Son of Sam Lyrics 18 years ago
I think it's at least half important that he relates himself to son of sam at the end. It might be how he is a serial killer of his own relationships due to his childhood, or how he battles with the thoughts of evil urges, but Chiva, creativity, keeps him from getting too out of control and literally becoming a Son of Sam type figure. I think everyone has days where they think they are a lot more of a danger to others than they are because of some sick, twisted thoughts.

Elliott Smith – I Didn't Understand Lyrics 18 years ago
thought you'd be looking for the next in line to love then ignore
put out and put away
and so you'd soon be leaving me along like i'm supposed to be tonight,
tomorrow and everyday
there's nothing here that you'll miss

Can relate way too much to those lyrics.

Elliott Smith – Oh Well, Okay Lyrics 18 years ago
The lines "if you get a feeling next time you see me, do me a favor and let me know" always meant a lot to me. They, to me, were always talking about wondering how you come off to other people. I always have the thought that I'm giving off a different feeling than people are pretending I do, and this line reminds me of my inner wish that people would honestly tell me what they thought of me, so I'd be able to tell.

The Kooks – Ooh La Lyrics 18 years ago
I don't know what the significance of this is, or if the Joyce reference is referring to an old song of Irish background, but in Ulysses I regarded the following passage as being referenced in this song:


I'm a tiny tiny thing
Ever flying in the spring
Round and round a ringaring.
Long ago I was a king
Now I do this kind of thing
On the wing, on the wing!

pretty pretty pretty pretty petticoats.

Interesting? Eh?

Doves – One of These Days Lyrics 18 years ago
Maybe the lead singer dated the subject of the song too. I definitely did.

To me it's about a relationship in which the girl is more devote to her friends than the relationship itself. Meanwhile the guy in the relationship has no friends, is a relative isolate and due to this fact is seen to be strange and is eventually alienated. Meanwhile, the song's lyrics suggest that eventually all of the girl's friends with whom she is so close fade away one by one becoming nothing once again. He who is nothing, had nothing before and had nothing after already knows this problem too well as in the past he has had friends that drift away and realizes that in the end everyone is alone.

Radiohead – The National Anthem Lyrics 18 years ago
This song to me is talking about how people isolate themselves, even in groups. Everyone looking about to meet new people or have new experiences when the people and the experiences are all around them. But they all have a fear of rejection, a fear of socializing and in the end they are all trying to hold onto things. They are trying to hold down their girlfriend, they are trying to hold down the few ties they have left to humanity. They are trying to hold onto an image of what the world says they have to attain. I think my recent mental philosophy is invading the territory of this a little bit. However, that's what I get out of this song.

Andrew Bird – A Nervous Tic Motion of the Head to the Left Lyrics 18 years ago
Wow, I'm really not liking the theme that's starting to develop in this thread. The lyrics about being "what happens when two substances collide, and by all accounts you really should've died" doesn't sound to me at all to be about substance abuse. It talks earlier of asking a panel of experts on the history channel. You literally ARE what happens when two substances collide, egg and sperm. By all accounts you should've died because a million things can happen before a baby is born. The mother or the father could be infertile. The sperm or the egg could be defective. The sperm that created you could've not made it to the egg before another one did, resulting in death. It is talking, I think, about how there's a million amazing occurrences that occur that bring you into being. It's almost an expression of fate because the sheer number of possibilities that could've happened in that moment, and somehow you come out of it. The rest of the song could easily be about substance abuse, but the fact remains that this seems to be what this section is about, and it's a strong message. The rest of the song seems to be talking about those who abuse substances, or at very least don't see a point in life. Maybe as was said before, after surviving addiction they see this excerpt on the history channel and it's a lifechanging moment.

I think this song has a strong message about fate tucked deep down into the lyrics, and it basically is jumping out at you to say that the odds were against you even coming into existence. So maybe instead of thinking about what it's all good for or what you are doing here, you should actually do something with your time.

But I've been wrong before =P

Placebo – Every You Every Me Lyrics 18 years ago
Another obvious one. He's talking about being the type of person that will find someone to fuck and even as the other party becomes obsessed, he can get by without being scathed whatsoever. It's a song about being callous in affairs of love. That's why it was a fit for Cruel Intentions and that's all it means. Not that complicated folks. It's talking about using the opposite sex for whatever reason it might happen.

Elliott Smith – King's Crossing Lyrics 18 years ago
the king's crossing was the main attraction
dominoes are falling in a chain reaction
the scraping subject ruled by fear told me
whiskey works better than beer

THe first few lines talk of someone (maybe a fellow King's Crossing goer) who is scraping (fiending for heroin I guess it is although you can also inject coke) talking about how whiskey works better than beer, maybe in general, or maybe to kill the urge to get a fix.

the judge is on vinyl, decisions are final
and nobody gets a reprieve
and every wave is tidal
if you hang around
you're going to get wet

This has to do with when an album is released, you are immediately judged in the media as having released the best stuff of your career or of falling off. The decision remains final as well because it is fought out in the public circuit and written in stone in magazines. This is the part of being a commercial artist in which everything you do becomes critiqued.

i can't prepare for death any more than i already have
all you can do now is watch the shells
the game looks easy that's why it sells
frustrated fireworks inside your head
are going to stand and deliver talk instead
the method acting that pays my bills
keeps the fat man feeding in beverly hills

You might say that he has prepared for death in that he has fully extinguished his flame for continuing on a legacy as an artist at this point. The music he made on this album is probably evident of the fact that he was driven to create, however, his statement has already been made in full to an extent on previous work. Now that he has become somewhat commercial, his "method acting" or his artistry has become a part of the beverly hills machine and people are getting rich of of his continued misfortune or pain in his records.

i got a heavy metal mouth that hurls obscenity
and i get my check from the trash treasury
because i took my own insides out

He feels like he has nothing left to give the industry than he already has. In a way he feel like he's given his whole self to the world and he is now just an empty shell left with no insides that haven't been exposed.

it don't matter cause i have no sex life
all i want to do now is inject my ex wife
i've seen the movie
and i know what happens

This is talking about a return to his addiction obviously. He knows how this path of addiction ends, and it's a bad road to go down, but he cannot seem to find an alternative way to grip reality.

it's christmas time
and the needles on the tree
a skinny santa is bringing something to me
his voice is overwhelming
but his speech is slurred
and i only understand every other word

This is obviously another drug reference.

open your parachute and grab your gun
falling down like an omen, a setting sun
read the part and we turn out fine
it's a hell of a role if you can keep it alive

In these few lines he's talking about how the story always ends towards the positive, and often in life when we have problems we'll tell ourselves that things are going to get better: that good always wins or that the main character always ends up walking into the sunset with the pretty lady. However, in real life it's a lot harder to come to this conclusion, and in a way it's an illusion to tell yourself that. He is stating here that he's done with that, and good luck if you want to try it, keep up this illusion for as long as you can.

but i don't care if i fuck up
i'm going on a date
with a rich white lady
ain't life great?
give me one good reason not to do it

He's not talking about suicide in the last few lines here (as some have tried to persuade us), but instead about the escapism that comes with drug use and addiction.

this is the place where time reverses
dead men talk to all the pretty nurses
instruments shine on a silver tray
don't let me get carried away
don't let me get carried away
don't let me be carried away

This is almost like the ending scene of the movie he described earlier. Where the guy basically kills himself with drugs. He's talking here about being hospitalized for an overdose and (possibly) dying. Nothing suicidal here folks, other than the suicidal tendencies that come with addiction and depression.

Mos Def – New World Water Lyrics 18 years ago
I think srvhendrix is missing the point. New world water is a takeover from the regular style of water we have (or had) now. New World Water is when corporations come into a foreign country and force the country to privitize the water supply, making even rain water illegal (as they've done in countries in South America before rebellion forced them to give it back to the public). It is also talking about how the pollution has made it so that every public source of drinking water except the shit supplied to you by corporations is virtually undrinkable. They pollute your water, then sell it back to you. I think the pivotal lines in this song are, "There are places where TB is common as TV / Cause foreign-based companies go and get greedy / The type of cats who pollute the whole shore line / Have it purified, sell it for a dollar twenty-five"

Maroon 5 – This Love Lyrics 19 years ago
In case you morons really don't understand what this song means, yes of course it is sexual. He's talking about a girl who can't be satisfied, he even talks about fingering her in the third verse... And he's basically saying the situation is driving him crazy and he's thinking about saying screw it. People need to learn to interpret lyrics, this one is fucking straightforward...

Neil Young – Southern Man Lyrics 19 years ago
Other areas aren't immune to racism, but the South is by far the most racist part of the country. You bunch of dipshits still fly confederate flags over some of your stadiums, proud of a hate-fueled banner which was the symbol of a pathetic loss aren't ya guys?

Evanescence – My Immortal Lyrics 20 years ago
It probably is about someone's death but to me at first it seemed to be talking about a breakup of an almost codependent relationship. She helps him through all his problems, but really he doesn't care about her and isn't as attached to her as she is to him. So all along she'd really been alone because those hours invested were all really just spent on him and had nothing to do with her or them together as a couple.

Radiohead – Creep Lyrics 20 years ago
BTW, people that think they should play this in concert and don't respect the fact that they don't want to can lick goat nuts, cuz frankly, the artist keeps the fans going most of the time, not the other way around. There would be music whether your ass comes to the shows or not, so don't act like a band is a jukebox that is forced to play your piece of shit requests.

Radiohead – Creep Lyrics 20 years ago
Why the hell is this song on the top lyrics list? Radiohead has made a thousand songs better than this one and yet they are still haunted by this, their first, mediocre hit. This is like Blur with Song #2, a POS song they are doomed to be pigeonholed with until they are all dead.

Yeah Yeah Yeahs – Maps Lyrics 20 years ago
This song isn't that hard people, piece it together. The only thing that makes it as memorable or as good as it is is the sound and the harmony involved. The lyrics, frankly, nothing spectacular.

Dashboard Confessional – Hands Down Lyrics 20 years ago
First of all, this song is old, way way too old to be on the top list at this site. Second of all, the acoustic is better but let's face it, both suck balls. I'm so tired of guys pumped up on estrogen whining about being on their periods and finding shed ball hairs in the bathroom (see screaming infidelities)... I don't care if this guy writes his own songs, someone needs to take the pen out of his hand.

New Found Glory – All Downhill From Here Lyrics 20 years ago
Tired of bands like this, so so so so tired. I'm also tired of the wannabe punk ball lickers that admire them.

Britney Spears – Everytime Lyrics 20 years ago
Video shows a girl growing tired of the life around her. I didn't like Britney in the beginning but I'm actually starting to agree with some of her choices in musical direction. I don't think it's particularly about suicide, but the tendency to feel like you are walled in by your problems and perhaps think about suicide.

Blink-182 – I Miss You Lyrics 20 years ago
Blink has exhausted the comedy rock route and now wants to be a serious band wearing black eye makeup like Good Charlotte or something. Either way all these punk, poser, pretending to be skater dweebs trying to make TRL 60 days in a row can lick my ball sack because their emotional tunes have no real emotion and a whole lot of gimmick.

like indecision to call you
and hear your voice of treason

Whenever I hear those two lines I just know that Blink 182 wants to become Good Charlotte for more record sales. Their singers have the worst voices on the face of the planet as well. As irritating and aggrivating as they are nutless.

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