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Jets to Brazil – Lemon Yellow Black Lyrics 21 years ago
"the appropriate responses are wrong for once in your life"

aah, dont we all know how that feels...

Green Day – She Lyrics 21 years ago
this song was such a turning point in my life... the girl in this song WAS me... every word of the song completely describes how i was... the first time i heard it, i knew i had finally been saved. yes, i know how corny it is, but it's true. just listening to billie joe saying "scream at me, until my ears bleed, i'm taking heed JUST FOR YOU" it was the first time i ever felt like someone out there understood what i was feeling... haha im so pathetic... but i owe every ounce of the confidence i have in myself today, to green day. dookie saved my life. (yeah it sounds deep and emotional but dont worry i dont take them too seriously... i took their "fuck you" attitude to heart and that has made all the difference :) ) i'm happy again, thank you green day!

Silverchair – Tuna In The Brine Lyrics 22 years ago
thanx for that great explanation skwidkid, it actually helped me understand the song a little better :) this is probably my favorite track off diorama... i was really freaked out the first time i listened to it... but i love it more every time, it's so delicate yet powerful, which is a priceless combination... yet again, thank you daniel for this wonderful music! puts a smile in my heart everyday

Filter – Take A Picture Lyrics 22 years ago
whenever i hear this song i think of the movie Memento...

*could you wanna take my picture, cuz i wont remember...*

Jawbreaker – Chemistry Lyrics 22 years ago
wow i cant believe there are so few comments on this song, it's one of my favorites. their whole "dear you" cd completely rocks... they have such great lyrics... i can totally relate to this song, it reminds me of my hellish middle school experience a lot. the last few lines

Sit and stare, it's all we do.
All my friends are broken, too.
We're just waiting. Waiting to begin.

are so completely excellent... those words perfectly express the frustrations of having to go to school and dealing with the stupid authorities there and everything...

Silverchair – Acid Rain Lyrics 22 years ago
haha yeah i know what you mean rubberduckie... daniels voice even sounds different somehow. this song is like something off the soundtrack of a sci-fi flick, dont you think?

Silverchair – Punk Song #2 Lyrics 22 years ago
hey im surprised that not many people have commented this song, it's one of my favorites. i can relate to every line. i love how daniel sings it in such an obnoxious punk rock voice... tee hee... 'tis cute.

Something Corporate – Konstantine Lyrics 22 years ago
i know this website is supposed to be about lyrics, but i have to mention that (while the lyrics in this song are amazing) the music does just as much to create the mood and invoke all those emotions people are posting about. andrew is an amazing songwriter, because i dont think anyone else would be able to pull off playing a repetitive piano riff for ten minutes and not get boring. the notes create such a solid, smooth flow, it's a perfect background for the way he pours his words out in the lyrics, so that even if you dont pay attention to what he's saying just listening to the music is thereputic.... it helps me clean my brain out and relax when i'm feeling crappy.... you can just drift away while listening to this song

Silverchair – Spawn Again Lyrics 22 years ago
hmm... i respect your opinion of course, but i have to question how you can really draw the line between which animals it's ok to eat, and which animals are "too evolved" to be used for food. in some countries, cows are considered sacred beings and dogs are used as meat. so are they "wrong"?! anyway, i love this song, daniel's lyrics are so great and silverchair kicks ass!!!!!

Green Day – Basket Case Lyrics 22 years ago
i think its really pathetic that everyone seems to care so much whether green day is punk. as if there is a strict definition of punk, and it has to sound a certain way. i thought the punk attitude was about breaking rules... so therefore if green day really is breaking the punk code of conduct doesnt that make them even more punk? ehh never mind

Eve 6 – Inside Out Lyrics 22 years ago
i love this song so much i'm thinking of writing the lyrics on a t-shirt. no joke people, it's really that great in my opinion. also, did you know that max collins (the singer/bass player/lyric writer of eve 6) wrote this song in study hall while he was still in high school? pretty impressive, huh.

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