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Metallica – Sweet Amber Lyrics 13 years ago
Yes the alcohol theory is 95% possible (I don't see why he would say get in bed with your own kind to a bottle of beer though). But I think Islander nailed it. This line was dedicated to radio/promo. Apparently he had enough trouble with them to write a song about it

But I always thought this song was about a girl I didn't quite like at highschool that was chasing after me. She would hold my hand and I would lie to get a smile... Fuck no she never held my hand thank God. I always got away from her, "Live your life and don't see mine".
The Sweet Amber I thought was the sweet sensation of sexual desire even though I didn't like that girl. Amber is the same color as a flame burning inside because of a libido that my intellect rejected. "Using what I want" (sexual desire) "to get what you want" (my proximity with her).

"She rolls me over till I'm sick" -> She would do anything to come speak to me, and it pissed me off

Anyways, that's how I personnally interpreted the song

Metallica – Ain't My Bitch Lyrics 13 years ago
I always thought this song was simply about being chased by a girl that you didn't like, so you gently tell her to fuck off with this song

Ashes Divide – Sword Lyrics 13 years ago
Also, in the end, I think he says something like "... enemy, not blind anymore". I'm not sure, but it's definitely not "of all your fear love anymore"

Ashes Divide – Sword Lyrics 13 years ago
To me this song is about 2 enemies. Each one wants the other one to act as he acts, each one wants to save the other one (irony), but they can't swallow their pride. So they keep arguing and fighting verbally and maybe physically. Each one sees the other as a waste. But eventually one of them reaches out and tries to humanise the other one and accept him as he is. He sees that their pride will come before their fall. He wishes the other one could see in him something more than the things he is condemned to be (example, a black person is condemned to be a black person, he wishes his enemy sees beyond skin color)...

It's an awesome song and a great lesson of tolerance between religions, races, sexes, anything that comes to separate people. Tool's "Right in two" is about the way people separate each other, this one may be an answer. Billy Howerdel is an great person, great musician, and great human being, blessed with reason and thinking. He's actually one of my personal heroes.

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