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A Perfect Circle – Eat the Elephant Lyrics 6 years ago
Eat the elephant that's in the room with you/yourself when you're all alone. Kinda the same message in Disillusioned. The part about "Without you to remind me" I'd guess is a parent/teacher that's gone now. And they used to push him along/teach/encourage when they were here. The elephant in the room might be letting that person go. "This task at hand... ...Crippling undertaking, I'm frozen"

Conquer your fears. Take the step. Take the swing. Take the bite. Just go all in.

Johnny Cash – God's Gonna Cut You Down Lyrics 13 years ago
I don't think it's ironic at all. There's wrong, and there's right. You know it, he knew it. I know it. God knows it. This song is about retribution, not irony. Maybe it was a message to himself, sure. The one thing I know, I can HEAR the regret in his voice.

Kings of Leon – Crawl Lyrics 13 years ago
We're all someone's bitch at some point.

Them Crooked Vultures – Elephants Lyrics 13 years ago
Just corrected it as I heard it. Correct me!

We're painted as monsters,
borracho, cansado.
Do you know what the people say?
I'm Plucked from the garden
of wretched beliefs,
I offer a rose
& smile with harmless teeth.

Then slick back my hair,
Alone in the garden.
Like lumbering giants
in a shameful parade,
we came to ruin all &
make a rotten trade.

To make you roll over
So roll over...
yeah over

Scattered on the shore,
surely washed away.
Feeling somewhat deserving
of what will be someday.
No I can never stay MELANCHOLY,
I've the memory of your face.
No I can never stay melancholy for long...

Before I move on.

We're unwanted strangers,
exploitive & dangerous,
unable to hide or even dream of it.
the Como estas,
parting the seas,
we're lepers who stroll,
why you afraid sweety?

I slick back my hair,
you know the devil's in there?
So keep one eye open baby.
We're so easy to spot,
lepers riding atop.
Pachyderms of germs,
elephants broken & screaming &...

Roll ahh (over)
Are we coming over

surely washed away.
away away
Feeling somewhat deserving
of what will be someday.
No I can never stay melancholy,
I've the memory of your face.
All alone in the garden
of long lost hopeful plans.
No I can never stay anything.....
for long.

So come on
Roll Over
Are we coming over

Pearl Jam – The Fixer Lyrics 13 years ago
With 23,000+ nuclear warheads in service currently around the globe... I can only hope we can (fight to!) get it back to ZERO again. It used to be more than 60,000 between the US and Russia.. ZERO is the number we need to strive for. However.. that's just unrealistic. But even 80% reduction of current piles would be amazing! One must understand physics... the more there are, the higher the probability. Every event that can happen, WILL happen. This is why we MUST disarm.

Thom Yorke – The Eraser Lyrics 13 years ago
Reminds me of Pearl Jam's Nothingman for the subject content. "One just's left inside the well..." More of a tune about causality.. and pointing out one's a flame, the other a moth.

Dashboard Confessional – Vindicated Lyrics 13 years ago
For me this song is about hopelessness... "it" refers to the ring. All the adjectives (mesmerized, hypnotized, captivated, overwhelmed, isolated, motivated) are referring to this same object that represents his (my) hopelessness. (in short, the woman he loves married someone else)

You snooze you lose. If you have a good woman, man up. That's the lesson of this song imo. A tiger doesn't know he's the king of the jungle.. he simply is the king of the jungle. Basically you have to be a raging ego maniac to hold onto a woman. And the bible thumpers think evolution is a fallacy...

Pearl Jam – Given to Fly Lyrics 13 years ago
"And he still gets his love he just gives it away.
The love he receives is the love that is saved."

Wow I never realized Vedder is a Jesus freak! Seriously, this is a big tell. "The love he receives is the love that is saved" How could it be any more blatant?

Anyway, wonderful song. Even though personally I am an agnostic theist. Jesus's character is awesome to say the least though!

Radiohead – Pyramid Song Lyrics 13 years ago
Siddhartha was the Buddha..

Muse – Map of the Problematique Lyrics 13 years ago
Sounds like a song to a girl to me..

Muse – Map of the Problematique Lyrics 13 years ago
Radiomuse, you're a fucking tool. :) Seriously though, how can praise Muse and dislike Tool? You dislike Tool because so many other people like them. When everyone loves Muse, what will you do then?!

System of a Down – Lost In Hollywood Lyrics 13 years ago
He's saying that people do anything for money for their so called dream. To the actual definition of things, people that do this are satanists (worship of self). They're nihilistic at best. Anyway, Hollywood is in us all. You should never (have) trust(ed) Hollywood. Like in The Eagles song Desperado. "Don't draw the queen of diamonds boy, she'll bleed ya if she's able. The queen of hearts is always your best bet" !

He's not attacking homosexuality, he's attacking the maggots that suck off the homosexuals for cash for the dream of idolatry..

Them Crooked Vultures – Elephants Lyrics 13 years ago
I can see where you are coming from. Take the name for instance: Elephants. Intelligence is a threat to society currently. As it has always been. Look at my head: YOU KNOW THE DEVIL's IN THERE?

Chevelle – The Clincher Lyrics 13 years ago
"This body's left the soul" !

Muse – Undisclosed Desires Lyrics 13 years ago
Pretty straight forward.. A little more popish than usual.. but hey just another branch of this amazing bands' talent.

Candlebox – Far Behind Lyrics 13 years ago
Reminds me of a girl I used to know..

Three Dog Night – Never Been To Spain Lyrics 13 years ago
I live in Tulsa too, hear this all the time. Great music!

Rammstein – Amerika (English) Lyrics 14 years ago
Interesting song. Was just sitting here listening to it, and it went off and I heard my (cheap) wireless phone make its little doo-doo-dee-dee chirp noise.. It's the analog listening device installed inside of it, it sounds off when they listen in. The Patriot Act... the death of our Constitution.

The songmeaning is pretty clear to me. And it's been stated plenty in here. American Imperialism.. Empire Earth. I wonder how long it will be before learning Chinese will be a must.. You know the "Red-Shield" family resides in China.. (Rothschild) I hope hell exists, just because people like them need to burn so bad..

System of a Down – Forest Lyrics 14 years ago
Without reading any other interpretation - and just the lyrics. This song is obviously about men / earth being ONE. Hence the name.. Forest. Also, from other SOAD songs there is faith abundantly clear.. Tell everyone in the world that I'm you. Believe in the lord, and praise him..

John Lennon – God Lyrics 14 years ago
"The dream is over" = All the bullshit I've believed in my whole life , the fantastic garbage.. I realize is just that. Fantasy, and garbage. He's letting go of his misconceptions, and allowing "life and life alone". This man never killed anyone, yet I saw someone say he got what he deserved... the person that said it I'm sure thinks themselves a "good Christian". John wanted to shed the bullshit that is forced fed onto all of us. I applaud him.

Radiohead – Pyramid Song Lyrics 14 years ago
Great song, minus the occult type theme.. Hence the name!

Linkin Park – The Catalyst Lyrics 14 years ago
He's speaking of Kingdom come. Whether it be through our means.. or Yeshau's. (Yeshau is Jesus' real name.. btw)

Deftones – Diamond Eyes Lyrics 14 years ago
Sounds like some cultist shit tbh.

Nickelback – If Today Was Your Last Day? Lyrics 14 years ago
I really dislike nickelback but I really like the lyrics of this song. They couldn't be more true..

Collective Soul – How Do You Love Lyrics 14 years ago
I can see this as a past relationship possibly. He knows she still loves him, he still loves her. Yet they are not together. Cuz they're all Material Girls homie..

Collective Soul – Heavy Lyrics 14 years ago
Sounds like a message to the Religious system to me. One could even see this as direct blasphemy, but I beg to differ. He is speaking of men that crucify other men in the name of God and make "true believers" such as himself look bad in the process. Hence "brings him down". Kick ass song, kick ass band!

Collective Soul – Run Lyrics 14 years ago
He ran away from his spiritual understanding and is a material person.. he thinks he has a long way to run to get back to understanding his spirit. imo..

Collective Soul – Shine Lyrics 14 years ago
Yes, "Heaven" please shine down.. You know the biblical word for heaven translates into sky.. nothing else? Anyway.. to me he is asking god to bring forth judgement, he welcomes it and is begging for it. The world is wicked and out of his control, he wants God to correct it..

Collective Soul – The World I Know Lyrics 14 years ago
He's sitting in a bar alone drinking and is really depressed. He's debating in his mind whether or not the journey is worth it. He wants to believe in God but he is facing up the fact that he just doesn't *really* know. He goes to the ledge and laughs as he cries.. knowing he loves life just as much as he hates it. And that he just doesn't know.. he doesn't have answers.

Candlebox – You Lyrics 14 years ago
Drugs / Nationalism / Patriotism / Conformity against reason.

Avenged Sevenfold – Nightmare Lyrics 14 years ago
This translates into literal for me. He's stating that our reality is our fucking nightmare. That god severed himself from us and now they have dominion over our souls. They have infiltrated every level of society and thinking. He's just pointing out the obvious.. Satan is real..

Collective Soul – December Lyrics 14 years ago
Sounds to me he is saying to praise God. Aka "Spit me out"

Silversun Pickups – Substitution Lyrics 14 years ago
I can relate to this song very well through a relationship. All the material things matter to her, and never have to me. Ultimately it is lust for lust and greed that split us up. She's a great girl, but mislead by all that glitters. She substituted lust for love willingly. Anyway.. my story is told a million times over. All hail "feminism".. another false idol. peace

Eagles – Learn To Be Still Lyrics 14 years ago
The lord is your shepherd, not men - not yourself. Focus on spirituality..

Hoobastank – Crawling In The Dark Lyrics 14 years ago
Or a cry out to God.. asking for affirmation for faith.

Blink-182 – Feeling This Lyrics 14 years ago
This place was never same again, after you came and went
How could you say you meant anything different to anyone standing alone on the street with a cigarette on the first night we met..
Look to the past and remember and smile, and maybe tonight I can breathe for awhile..
I'm not in the scene, I think I'm falling asleep, but then all that it means is I'll always be dreaming of you...

Wow.. that nails me! It sucks missing someone so damn much.

Skillet – Earth Invasion Lyrics 14 years ago
I don't think it is threatening at all. The thing I have observed, as I too was ignorant to the word.. is that people don't actually READ the scripture.. and just fall in line condemning it. I say this to all whom deny it to at least read and comprehend what you are denying. Anyway.. good song!

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