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Men at Work – Down Under Lyrics 13 years ago
couldn't agree more

System of a Down – Spiders Lyrics 15 years ago
pacino your possibly the dumbest cunt out if you are serious
why would they put such melencholy sound and lyrics to the song then. think for yourself and listen to no one... actually i take it back we cant have stupid fucks thinking for themselves

anyway i think this song may have something to do with mind contro- particularly via government agencies n shit- as it has been suggested on a few other sources that it is closely linked to 'mind' lyrically

but who knows exactly it is very vague but thats what i lpove about it... it could be 21 meanings in 21 lines fuck knows

Marilyn Manson – Dope Hat Lyrics 16 years ago
i think you'd be kidding yourself to find out a lot about this song without taking recreational hallucinogenics haha.
this song seems to reflect a drug-induced experience.

Queens of the Stone Age – 3's & 7's Lyrics 16 years ago
furthermore, who the fuck writes about a poker game?
even if he made huge winnings and it was a fantastic result- hes a millionaire so like it would impact his life at all!

Queens of the Stone Age – 3's & 7's Lyrics 16 years ago
its kinda hypocritical if its about lies and deceit because didnt josh sleep with tim armstrongs wife?

Queens of the Stone Age – Regular John Lyrics 16 years ago
the music gives away soo much about this song
depression and anger could be huge in influence for this song

i think its about a prostitute... i mean come on its called REGULAR john

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