My version is that it shows that life is not going to be turning out the way we want it to work out and that is ok because life is not always bad.
My version is that it shows that life is not going to be turning out the way we want it to work out and that is ok because life is not always bad.

I agree with ARCX that the song might actually be about masturbation, and giving into vices under severe mental pressure. "You grab for it (your penis) and then, the whole thing (ejaculate) slips right through your fingers". "Once or twice is good for your soul" is a justification used by the speaking character.
I agree with ARCX that the song might actually be about masturbation, and giving into vices under severe mental pressure. "You grab for it (your penis) and then, the whole thing (ejaculate) slips right through your fingers". "Once or twice is good for your soul" is a justification used by the speaking character.

I think it means that he wants to know how forever feels with a woman when he feels he found the one and wants to marry her and wants to love her forever. and i am a huge kenny chesney fan if your not your not a real one 3>>>!!!
I think it means that he wants to know how forever feels with a woman when he feels he found the one and wants to marry her and wants to love her forever. and i am a huge kenny chesney fan if your not your not a real one 3>>>!!!

Touching and beautiful lyrics and a catchy melody. "I'd sing along with the birds, if I only knew the words"
Touching and beautiful lyrics and a catchy melody. "I'd sing along with the birds, if I only knew the words"

Wall to fall = wrong.
Wall to fall = wrong.
Waterfall = right.
Waterfall = right.

Without getting into the deeper meaning of the song, which Gaga herself has explained, I've read a few comments from journalists and so on refer to the chorus as basically nonsense, albeit in a non-derogatory way. But this isn't entirely true; "amor" is a reference to the Italian word for love, "morta" is Italian/Latin for dead ("mort" is Latin for death), as in the subsequent line, "In her tongue she said, 'death or love tonight'". In other words the first 3 lines of the chorus are the "lady in red"'s peculiar language for saying this dichotomy....
Without getting into the deeper meaning of the song, which Gaga herself has explained, I've read a few comments from journalists and so on refer to the chorus as basically nonsense, albeit in a non-derogatory way. But this isn't entirely true; "amor" is a reference to the Italian word for love, "morta" is Italian/Latin for dead ("mort" is Latin for death), as in the subsequent line, "In her tongue she said, 'death or love tonight'". In other words the first 3 lines of the chorus are the "lady in red"'s peculiar language for saying this dichotomy.

Still related to the Armenian genocide carried out by Ottoman Empire who are followers of Islam, the lyrics of this song are a criticism of Islam:
Still related to the Armenian genocide carried out by Ottoman Empire who are followers of Islam, the lyrics of this song are a criticism of Islam:
“I had an out of body experience The other day her name was Jesus” …This sentence is about Muhammad who experienced a revelation about Jesus who was very different from the Jesus ever known in Christianity, namely Isa.
“I had an out of body experience The other day her name was Jesus” …This sentence is about Muhammad who experienced a revelation about Jesus who was very different from the Jesus ever known in Christianity, namely Isa.
“And for her everyone cried Everyone cried, everyone cried” ...This Muhammad continued to tell the story based on his knowledge of that revelation, everyone crying was for Jesus.
“And for her everyone cried Everyone cried, everyone cried” ...This Muhammad continued to tell the story based on his knowledge of that revelation, everyone crying was for Jesus.
Try her philosophy, try her philosophy Try her philosophy,...
Try her philosophy, try her philosophy Try her philosophy, try! You die for her philosophy, die for her philosophy Die her philosophy, die ...then this Muhammad recommended trying Isa's philosophy, advocating to die for Isa's philosophy.
Crossed and terrored ravages of architecture Led me thy blades ...This Muhammad also rejected the history of the crucifixion and considered that the teaching about the cross was a corruption of previous straight teachings. And taught the teachings of the sword.
We're crossed and terrored ravages of architecture Hoist around the spade ...This Muhammad thinks that he and the people around him were lied to about the wrong teaching, namely the crucifixion. He considers that the correct teaching is that Jesus was lifted up into the sky before he could die or be buried.
Try her philosophy, try her philosophy Try her philosophy, try! You die for her philosophy, die for her philosophy Die her philosophy, die …same as the previous one: This Muhammad recommends trying Isa's philosophy, recommends dying for Isa's philosophy.
Die! Die! Die! Why?! ... here this Muhammad begins to order jihad, namely death for the sake of philosophy. then explain "why".
Lie naked on the floor and Let the messiah go through our souls Lie naked on the floor and Let the messiah go all through our souls …which is a sexual paradise, filled with naked people on the floor. This Muhammad tried to lure the followers of the messiah with such a paradise.
Die (like a mother fucker) Die (like a mother fucker) Die (like a mother fucker) Why? (Like a mother fucker) ...the same as before: ...here this Muhammad begins to order jihad, namely death for the sake of philosophy. then explain "why".
I want to fuck my way to the garden 'Cause everyone needs a mother fucker ... here this Muhammad wants to lead and precede his followers to the paradise of his imagination, a sexual paradise containing nudity, namely "Jannah" in Arabic which means "garden" in English. Because he considers himself needed by everyone.
The following of a Christ The following of a Christ The following of a Christ The following of a Christ The falling of Christ The falling of Christ The falling of Christ The falling of Christ ...Muhammad claims that his teachings follow Christ, even though at the same time he attacks and overthrows Christ's teachings.
This is the possible meaning of the System of a Down song entitled "Suite Pee", and this is possibly why the guitarist of Armenian descent named Daron Malakian shouted "Allahu Akbar", in the middle of this song, during a live concert in Rio in 2011. Thank you.

Life can drift away. I can ''...not...'' stay awake.
Life can drift away. I can ''...not...'' stay awake.

The song has an immature, moralistic, and jealous mindset. PoprocksCk has the meaning correct. And it's a common, bitter trope that's sexist, maybe misogynistic.
The song has an immature, moralistic, and jealous mindset. PoprocksCk has the meaning correct. And it's a common, bitter trope that's sexist, maybe misogynistic.
He loves the girl from afar. He's waited for her. She is going out with someone else though. His jealousy is triggered by their physical relationship, and he can only perceive it as him manipulating her, taking advantage. He can't accept that she might legitimately like him, or make her own decisions about her body
He loves the girl from afar. He's waited for her. She is going out with someone else though. His jealousy is triggered by their physical relationship, and he can only perceive it as him manipulating her, taking advantage. He can't accept that she might legitimately like him, or make her own decisions about her body
The other guy might be a player, and in the mind of the narrator that's all he...
The other guy might be a player, and in the mind of the narrator that's all he is. But he clearly has something the narrator doesn't have. Most likely it's confidence, because he doesn't just stand around and wait. It might even be that he appreciates the girl for who she is, and doesn't view her as an exalted princess on a pedestal.
So the narrator is fantasizing that the guy has hurt her and dumped her, and started going out with other girls - running wild. She will then obviously come to realize that the narrator was the one with true love. And eventually the guy will get his heart broken, revenge served cold.
But let's be forgiving of our poor narrator because this song came out in 1965, before the Sexual Revolution really got going. And it's easy to forgive when the song is truly a great one. Those rich Beach Boys harmonies, with Brian Wilson's beautiful high falsetto leading the way. This song is as thrilling and beautiful as the Beach Boys get.
The cathartic release of playing, and singing music. Let it be sung, so we can carry on. For me it's about utilizing song, music, and the art it creates to process emotion, release us from what keeps us stuck, and carry on forward. Beautiful song. you gotta touch the bottom before you can come back up...
The cathartic release of playing, and singing music. Let it be sung, so we can carry on. For me it's about utilizing song, music, and the art it creates to process emotion, release us from what keeps us stuck, and carry on forward. Beautiful song. you gotta touch the bottom before you can come back up...