This song is more than just the "song alyssa sings in the bar in Chasing Amy" Without this song the movie would lose so much of its power and significance. Some people who listen to this song think its just another sappy love song. It so much more. In the couple of verses this song has it explains all the anguish, hate, pain and depression envolved in being alone, being in love or lust as the case may be, having dreams, being different and being homosexual/bi-sexual. Its a beautiful song from a very beautiful movie. I congratualte Joey Lauren Adams on this song and for making Chasing Amy such a good movie. And thank you for making me "feel alive".
This song is more than just the "song alyssa sings in the bar in Chasing Amy" Without this song the movie would lose so much of its power and significance. Some people who listen to this song think its just another sappy love song. It so much more. In the couple of verses this song has it explains all the anguish, hate, pain and depression envolved in being alone, being in love or lust as the case may be, having dreams, being different and being homosexual/bi-sexual. Its a beautiful song from a very beautiful movie. I congratualte Joey Lauren Adams on this song and for making Chasing Amy such a good movie. And thank you for making me "feel alive".