Lyric discussion by Madcappunk 

Cover art for Missing The Innocence lyrics by Autopilot Off

This song is my favorite AO song. It is all about growing up and losing the innocence we all once had. And I don't think that you lose your innocence when you lose your virginity, I think it is different than that. I think you really lose your innocence when you change who you are, and become just another gear in society. I think that a lot of punk music is about holding onto the innocence as long as you can, staying true to yourself and your beliefs. When you give up on your dreams, you lose your innocence. I rhink another cause for losing your innocence is losing your first love, cause if you really feel like you love somebody, like REALLY love, and it doesn't work out, it is like, everything changes, and you can never get that innocence back. This song is pretty sad I think, cause I think everybody misses the innocence sometimes. "I miss the innocence today" awesomely poetic/deep. I love this song.