Lyric discussion by VerySmolCheese 

Cover art for The Haunting Presence lyrics by Giles Corey

This song's meaning can be found by using the Giles Corey booklet, which comes with most of it's physical releases. It tells the story of a man who sits in front of a piano and puts on the Voor's Head Device, which is a bag-like facial covering that muffles your hearing, blocks your sense of smell, covers your eyes, and makes it difficult to breathe. The purpose of this device is to make your mind more clear so you can make connections with the otherworldy. The track is supposed to be an experiment conducted by the man (He records himself). He wears the device and sits in front of a piano. He blacks out, and something else starts to influence his mind. While under the influence of whatever is trying to contact him, he starts playing the piano. Then, he starts singing, somewhat revealing what he's seeing underneath the mask. He is seeing the trials of Giles Corey, a man executed during the Salem Witch Trials.

Song Meaning
Salem Witch Trials
Otherealm Connection