I think the song is about the feeling of dancing on a tightrope, stretched high under the circus dome. It’s a symbol of trying to find your balance in a world that never gave you a guide on how to survive as a strange human being. And yeah, it’s also about drugs :D Btw, I can’t understand why people criticise Head Music—for god’s sake, there are Can’t Get Enough, Everything Will Flow, and She’s in Fashion on this album!
I think the song is about the feeling of dancing on a tightrope, stretched high under the circus dome. It’s a symbol of trying to find your balance in a world that never gave you a guide on how to survive as a strange human being. And yeah, it’s also about drugs :D Btw, I can’t understand why people criticise Head Music—for god’s sake, there are Can’t Get Enough, Everything Will Flow, and She’s in Fashion on this album!
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