Lyric discussion by BellaObscura 

Cover art for Photograph lyrics by Verve Pipe, The

The video to this song would suggest this is about a girl hanging herself. I believe the first verse is about her contemplating how she will be remembered after death. The person viewing the picture can interpret the picture and the person in it as anything they want. The words “ a frame is quite confining, hang me up...hang me up” is a metaphor for the world and life itself being confining. “Hang me up” can be taken as the person wants to be remembered after death, perhaps in a Photograph where they look happy and well and not filled with turmoil. However, it can also be interpreted literally as the person having a desire to hang themself. The next verse, “ when i'm alone and the world is a fist, i am weightless a universe, gravitate, orchestrate, i am fearless and spin, the sky surrounding free from all the picture perfect and spin the sky surrounding, larger than life, meanwhile” captures the romanticized feelings the person has about hanging themself. That somehow they will be weightless hanging there, with the sky spinning around them. they will finally be free of the confines of the world and the need to be “picture perfect”. They are now larger than life after they die, yet the world can still view them in a simple photograph. Maybe a photograph from better times?